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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Obviously his dick didn't dive deep enough.
  2. I kinda like it that way. Less pressure and you can archive your gameplay so to speak.
  3. Well he doesn't really look like himself in this series. They did a good job with the makeup. Plus, there are plenty of people who don't know who anyone is. I know, I work with a lady and I can mention anyone famous and she shrugs.
  4. Also I remember there was an issue when you uploaded images that you'd reach a limit and it was hard to delete your personal images. Personally I'd always do the URL way. Something doesn't feel right about hosting it and storing it on the website directly.
  5. No one ever talks about Bagels so I'm going with Pizza.
  6. Like I said you're like a month late. I think people are upset but all this info was revealed during E3.
  7. Yes we get it, you're special. Although if you were playing on PC and wanted to play a friend on the PS4 and a friend on a switch at the same time you'd be affected by it because you couldn't play them both at once.
  8. But I believe Fortnite is the only one that if you play with your PS4 you can't play another version crossplay. (well of course Rocket League doesn't have an account so it would be hard to limit )
  9. Wade loves triggering all you haters of the new board names.
  10. Basically the best part of the first movie.
  11. That's too bad because the embroidery isn't that great and could be done anywhere in the United States.
  12. They want to give everyone that true neogaf experience.
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