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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Time to sign another shitty QB! They showed the list on TV all the proven losers they worked out before deciding on Sanchez
  2. Mark Sanchez time baby! (Adrian Peterson making him look good)
  3. Now AMD owners can enjoy the globs of goo in Borderlands 2!
  4. 4. Mack Brown getting a job at UNC is an early Christmas present. We no longer have to listen to him on ESPN!
  5. Getting familiar with the cards does help. I totally screwed myself when I played “At All Costs” it deals 6 damage to all units but didn’t realize that included your own units as well. So then I wiped all the units in the lane out but it just so happened the opponent had heroes to deploy in the next phase and I didn’t so I lost the game hard because I couldn’t recover from that.
  6. Probably better to jump in now when everyone is new than wait and get your ass handed to you when only dedicated players are playing.
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