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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. I dunno. Mr. Glass refers to superheroes an awful lot in Unbreakable. In fact Mr. Glass / Elijah is pretty much obsessed with them and even has a comic book art gallery / shop thing. The whole purpose of the movie is to establish that he's a bad guy and that Bruce Willis was his exact opposite, arch enemy.
  2. Clickbait headline that doesn't follow up in the article. ?‍♀️
  3. Yes both of them got married to women, but maybe it's just a hoax and they married each other.
  4. I use the free one and things seem to be going well for me.
  5. But it is more synonymous with movies, more specifically the Oscars. If someone says The Red Carpet they immediately think The Oscars. If someone says The Red Carpet I don't think "Metallica Concert!"
  6. The swimming pool thing is addressed in this brief video.
  7. The problem is it is a total overreaction. If time is an issue maybe they should have gone over his social media accounts back in 2012 when they brought him on, by then it was less than a year old. At the very most they could have said oh hey could you delete that tweet and you / we can make a statement. It's not like his is an advocate for pedophilia or does it himself. This is not a Jared from Subway issue. But now because of a guy who will see no repercussion from what he says ever, another guy loses his job over a relatively benign comment.
  8. But Shazam going for Black Panther vibe because of that Kendrick.
  9. How does this article confirm that you're not the only one who hates it when this article doesn't judge the console's looks just questions whether it's real based on low image quality and a colon?
  10. They will all fight each other but all you will see of them fighting will be their feet for a screen time of 5 minutes and the rest is a bunch of humans trying to move a nuke across town and trying to save a dumb kid to give to her mom.
  11. Things like "The Red Carpet" and "The Oscar Goes To" narrowly name the board down to a movie specific thing when the board is not movie specific.
  12. It's true a bad joke was made? Yeah I guess. ?‍♀️ A dude saying worse things just to get people fired, who cares!
  13. Speaking of old tweets coming back to bite someone in the ass Tweets that are actually homophobic! ( @Greatoneshere)
  14. I did something like that at the beginning of the game. Don't remember the danger level but I went to the east instead of south and went into some cave and got wiped in one hit. ? So I figured I'd go the other way and found out what a danger level was.
  15. I think Dirt Rally is the one to get. From what I understand Dirty Rally has the better physics and Dirt 4 has more content. Probably can't go wrong with either one. Dirt 4 is the newer one.
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