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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Reminds me of when a co-worker reminded a guest who was smoking at the pool that there smoking was not permitted on property and he made a big stink about it.
  2. Supposedly the dishwasher at the restaurant had a seizure, or he said he did. He said he woke up on the floor with pots and pans around him. I thought maybe the stuff fell on his head. Oh well!
  3. I'd rather have that than the stuff they put in the american movies.
  4. I've been streaming a lot of videos off the Giant Bomb app. I've had a premium membership for a year and figured it was probably a good time to actually watch some of that content I'd been paying for. So far it's been a blast though. Going through Ranking of Fighters right now. Finished all of 13 deadly sims last week.
  5. Alf can inquire to people and score you the solution to a bunch of side quests that earn a lot of money.
  6. The biggest issue with these movies is that the humans have a story.
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