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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. We should name it "The Nokra_Soze Memorial Information Desk"
  2. That being said I kept it installed for this very moment. Didn't play it yesterday, guess I'll have the joy of uninstalling it. That being said I did warm up to the game after a while. Some changes I didn't like, like how to win you deplete the other person's life bars. (which I guess is the whole game) Graphic style left something to be desired. The gameplay was there but unfortunately gem blocks were linked to your special moves so if you had a big block it was meaningless unless you had a move that corresponded to it. I know these brief impressions make it sound like I didn't like it at all, but I did like it some. It certainly wasn't something that needed to have the plug pulled after less than a year.
  3. Buy it. It won’t be confusing and if you are you can always ask us ?
  4. I enjoyed it when I saw it in theaters, the only time I saw it.
  5. I was playing all the co op missions on PC with my friend. It's gonna need a lot more than HD textures to look better.
  6. As someone who uses a crossover monitor I give no fucks where they sell Panasonic TVs.
  7. So for those who downloaded it already (you can't download it anymore) enjoy your last few moments with the game.
  8. I think we're gonna need a "Mobile" tag @SFLUFAN
  9. I'm sure no one will sell any 3D printed guns. Everyone who makes them are angels.
  10. I think last year was the decline there was a vote and it got voted off for another Smash I think. It might be on a side stage somewhere though.
  11. The only esport event that this board seems to care about is back this weekend. Interesting to see that there are more entrants for DBZ than SFV (only 80 more but 2574 entrants is a lot) Streams below (I won't embed all 7 evo streams)
  12. He was just trying to address the rudeness. Give him a break!
  13. That kind of reminds me of what happened to my dad years ago. He came by to fix some things on the house and he said he turned the corner and a cop said, "show me your hands, show me your hands" or something like that. I guess someone called the cops on him, thought he was breaking in. It was kind of odd since most of my neighbors know who he is.
  14. You wash them separately beyond showering?
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