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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. Just put a blanket over it to protect the screen and it should be fine. Congrats on the job!
  2. That's why you don't eat German sushi.
  3. Cucumber has a very light taste though. I fail to see that as a deterrent.
  4. Yeah once he gets to that panty quest I can see him saying, "nope." then droppin the nukes.
  5. Personally I didn't think it lived up to the hype of being super terrible. In fact a lot of it was intentional, the style it was going for. See worse movies. (Actually you have and you like them. )
  6. Bears aren’t winning the division anytime soon so they need all the experience they can get.
  7. I felt that Shadowfall was the most different of the series, it was more like half life than anything. For the brief period of time I played it I enjoyed it more than the other games.
  8. I played it and beat it, it wasn't anything special and the writing is atrocious. F bombs every other word.
  9. Getting your limbs crushed and whatnot would be a lot quicker. No way you could maintain consciousness from that kind of damage. On the other hand calculated cuts can last you a long period of time.
  10. Eddie Furlong is bad but I never disliked him in Terminator 2.
  11. But he can turn his body into sharp blades and poke out people's eyes. That's a lot scarier than getting brutally beaten.
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