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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Aww thank you. I just searched for “demod” and found the first one that looked like it would work with the image restrictions.
  2. I assume @CastlevaniaNut18 has seen pics of @The def star right? I believe he’s posted them before. She has also seen me IRL so I say let her voice be heard.
  3. It’s @The def star and it’s not even close. That said I will accept any sympathy votes but OLO if I get none at all.
  4. Ant-Man and The Wasp is rad because it's a more personal movie. Like Ragnarok or Black Panther (even though neither are on Black Panther's level), they succeed because they go deep into what makes those specific characters tick. Ragnarok doubles down on the glimpses of Thor's humor we largely saw in Avengers and Age of Ultron. Black Panther has more development of its protagonist in that movie than Iron Man has across all his combined appearances. Ant-Man and The Wasp bothers to talk about the shit that Scott did in Ant-Man and Civil War. Unlike Infinity War which almost literally said, "Sokovia Accords OLO," we get to see what that did to someone who wants to help but isn't a god like Thor, a billionaire like Iron Man, who can't run away to Wakanda like Cap. Cap busted his buddies out of The Raft and Scott ended up with an ankle bracelet and house arrest. With friends and a partner he fucked over while trying to do the right thing. A family he can't bail on. I appreciate that, especially post Infinity War, that it's possible that this movie might come off like it's a minor league game. But I'll take these "smaller" scale stories over stuff like that and Iron Man 2 any day, even though I like and enjoy those movies too.
  5. Personally I liked that there were no real villains in this, and that Ant-Man really isn’t even the main guy... he’s just helping out Hank and Hope. I get why that might feel weak, but honestly I’m just pleased that this isn’t the unpteenth MCU film that boils down to, “white man with beard and hubris sort of learns a lesson kind of but actually just doubles down on 19 in the second act, gets dealt a 2, pats himself on the back for it, calls it character development, and acts like he’s learned something we all know he’ll have forgotten by his next cinematic appearance.” Please refer to every Iron Man, every Avengers, Doctor Strange, Thor, Guardians, etc.
  6. Starbucks should charge an extra $1 a straw just so I can watch people lose their shit like when Dunkin’ Donuts decided to charge a quarter to people asking for a foam cup to go over their plastic iced coffee cup because god fucking forbid their precious epidermis touch a sweating beverage or they spend 3.99 on a koozie that will last them until ragnarok.
  7. This thread also known as, “Blue Balls 2: This Time It’s Personal”
  8. Been mainly playing the PC version about MGS V. Man that game is good. Also still playing PUBG and sweet lordy lord I am bad at online FPSs.
  9. Politicians troll the earth and set it up so that people cannot protest without getting harassed, cannot vote easily, cannot cross the border and legally request asylum without being separated from their kids and getting locked in cages, etc. But god forbid someone makes Mitch McConnell’s coq au vin mildly unpleasant. Also lol at fat sack dancing the only jig he knows, the “democrats would do it too lambada.”
  10. If I showered 2X per day on the regular, my skin would dry out like crazy/
  11. They should ask forgiveness of their sins... OH WAIT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  12. My pie in the sky list? Abolish handgun and semi-automatic rifle sales forever outside of the military and law enforcement. Incentivize the destruction of those weapons for current, private owners. Create a federal registry for gun ownership. Non-compliance with the federal registry results upon the permanent confiscation of all firearms upon discovery along with the permanent loss of permission to own or operate a firearm Automatic and compulsory voter registration when someone turns 18. Declare national election days as federal holidays Some kind of UBI Abortions are legal and accessible Marijuana is legalized Elimination of all for-profit prisons I’d need economists and actuaries to crunch the numbers, but I’d have an incredibly high tax rate over $X million dollars of income Make the possession of small amounts of most drugs misdemeanors and not felonies Reimagine and enforce campaign finance laws Some other stuff I can’t think of offhand.
  13. But being “created by the Force” is a much more crap origin than someone randomly being rad with the Force.
  14. Upon further reflection, you are correct. I concede.
  15. Heh. The only reason I kinda hope it happens is that at some point her character had to say, "I AM ISIS," to get her powers. It'd be funny to me if she said that and everyone not from the future looked at her cock-eyed. But you know... Isis jokes probably wouldn't land for just about everyone else.
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