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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I stock up when they’re on sale and like to support Worcester industry.
  2. I think I can see the pocket early in the clip, but the reload for sure grew his beard
  3. Just got to the Blood Stained Sanctuary in Cave Story +. Lord.
  4. Or, you know, Dykstra decided not to pick a fight with someone married into a family worth tens of billions of dollars, most of which is tied up in media ventures.
  5. It really is a very good one of these movies, with all of the praise and baggage that implies.
  6. As everyone knows, I don't care about this shit in the least, but uh... are we allowing open character spoilers in thread titles for Episode IX?
  7. They didn’t need to address them at all, that’s my point. I adore Cheers, but a spin-off is a spin-off. For as much as I love that show and its characters, the notion of a new show based on one of its characters needing being beholden to “Cheers canon” is just completely nonsensical. Like... who cares? It’s preposterous that the “follow up” to frigging Cheers is set in the Pacific Northwest and is about an erudite dandy of a psychologist who doesn’t deign to drink beer or watch sports. But Frasier as a show works so again... who cares? Let’s just not act like the connective tissue really mattered to what about Frasier made Frasier great because it didn’t. And the same will hold true of any reboot.
  8. “Forced diversity” is shitheels insisting that the inclusion of people of color, or LGBTQ characters, or non-Christian characters, or god forbid some combo of the above is pandering in the interest of sales. You know, as if ALL decisions in mainstream comics from Marvel and DC aren’t based on what they think is going to move books.
  9. They really didn’t though, at least not in any way that made sense. I’ll give them the dad thing, but his personality is COMPLETELY different. I love both shows and I don’t care about the differences at all, but to say they addressed all the consistencies is only true in the most pedantic way possible.
  10. Frasier DID ignore previous events, but it wasn’t a reboot obviously. Frasier goes from drinking beer to hating it, he goes from having a dead father to Martin being alive, his personality gets a huge overhaul, etc. He’s barely the same guy from Cheers to Frasier.
  11. Dog you’re gonna give @sblfilms a run for his money with all the projection you do.
  12. I think that’s nuts, but the US Office is WAY too long in the tooth. Every episode of the British office seems relevant, the US one could lose a couple seasons worth of episodes and the show would be significantly better for the cuts.
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