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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I read it. It was solid as always, though I disagree with the notion that Jets fans celebrate when we get within 10 of the Pats.
  2. I don’t think he’s fake, I think he suffers from delusions and absolutely believes everything he says.
  3. Who the fuck are the jobless and surely unemployed goons who have had the time to say N E S and Super N E S their whole lives? NESS and SNESS you plebs. In the amount of time I have saved by not pronouncing each letter individually I have fucked countless women.
  4. Armada's play area is 3'x6'. That said I suspect they'll have special movement rules for this as they do for huge ships in X-Wing.
  5. The formula is simple. Man vs. machine > man + machine vs. machine
  6. As someone who plays a lot of FFG’s Star Wars games (Imperial Assault, Legion, Destiny, X-Wing, Armada), it was a rather large surprise to see how much of the community loves Clone Wars / Prequel era stuff. The more you know.
  7. It goes to John Connor’s house and role plays his foster mom. Bored.
  8. The shrimp hitting the floor gets me every time.
  9. You rang? Here's a huge dump ( @Jason ) of previously posted pics. And here's the latest work. I tried to give the blue pants some nice contrast on the places most exposed to light. The belt buckle does a decent enough job at standing out at playing distance too, which is nice. I like the sculpt overall, even if it got a little heat from some players. The sporting blaster is... enormous, but maybe she's holding it out there with one arm by using the force. Tried to give the hair a lot of tone depth since it's such an iconic part of Leia. Gave her vest / pant stripe the same color as the screen accurate Fleet Trooper squad I did for consistency, as well as just liking that color in general. Wonder twins! Luke is my first attempt at object source lighting, tried to give his right side some blue tint due to its proximity to the lightsaber. The effect is more subtle IRL than my photo would suggest and I really like how it came out for my first attempt, I was worried he'd be a half Smurf and I effectively avoided that, I think. The gradient on the lightsaber looks a little better IRL too, though I wish I leaned into it more and made it lighter near the hilt. Maybe I'll mess with it later. Also, the first time I played with my filly painted Luke, a guy playing at an adjacent table based his Luke with "floating rocks" using some cork bits and thin, clear wire, and I've never been more jealous of someone else's base.
  10. But there are tho. Some / all of that might be Mac Gargan and not Eddie Brock though, who can keep track of this shit.
  11. Gigantic piece of shit is indeed hyperbolic but I would never go so far as to say that the movie is fine any way other than superficially. It’s superficially VERY fine, of course, but there’s little of value beneath the veneer.
  12. You mean a bunch of basic dudes on the internet have basic ideas about gender identity? NOWAI That said this is a Terminator movie released after 1991 so the odds of it being good are slim.
  13. I’ve revised my opinion from ”gigantic piece of shit” to “formerly flaming / now smoldering and not altogether unpleasant turd.” It’s amazing what BvS and Justice League did to lower the basement of terribleness for DC movies, sweet Jesus in a bento box.
  14. There are women in the promo shot. There were women in Ghostbusters. That it literally all that it takes to trigger men.
  15. If Krypto showed up and started derping in MoS I’d shit on that, too.
  16. Personally I don't care about Superman killing Zod because of an attachment to comic Superman, I care because the whole first half of the movie sets up a Superman that the back half completely fails to deliver. Which would be FINE if the movie leaned into subverting our expectations of Superman in a way that was deeper that incredibly superficial. I just can't get on board with humanity thinking of Superman as a savior after the events of MoS. The movie wants to have its cake (it's a new take on Superman!) and eat it, too (everyone knows Superman is a savior... he's Superman and we know him well!). Also let's not forget that Superman ends the possibility of Kryptonians existing because he decides that "Krypton had its chance" after learning about and knowing what Krypton was for like... a week? Then he passes judgment on the entire species? Bleh. Pa dying to save the dog is astronomically idiotic. Everything about Pa in MoS other than Costner's delivery sucks. He brings legitimacy to the character that the writing does not earn. Superman doesn't dodge a fuel tanker and let it destroy a building behind him even if he's been Superman for 15 minutes. That is his fucking job. Superman doesn't smooch Lois Lane in the crater of the city he protects while there are burning buildings behind him, while characters we're meant to care about are crawling out of the rubble. Novice Superman makes mistakes? I get that, I'm fine with that. It's the KIND of mistakes he made. He should be making mistakes to put himself in harm's way, not literally doing the opposite. He's should either be above the fray, willing to sacrifice pawns in the interest of checkmating the villain (given the stakes, that's perhaps not even a terrible idea), or he's willing to get in the way. The movie tries to make him both of these things while counting on the audience's familiarity with the character to fill in the gaps. Snyder tried to channel Mark Waid and Frank Miller for the same character, in the same movie. It's fucking sloppy.
  17. A canniballistic anti hero in a setting where that isn’t part of the ante (something like iZombie, for example) has always been weird to me. Venom eats people. It’s fucking weird that more characters don’t seem really put out by that.
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