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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I don’t think that adding X-Men to the MCU would make the movies worse. But if the X-Men had been there all along, I DON’T think we’d have gotten films like the Guardians flicks, the Thors, Ant-Mans, etc. I also don’t know that it’s likely we’d have gotten stuff like Logan, either, if Wolverine had to exist within a greater continuity. I know, other than Logan or Guardians, those films tend not to be people’s MCU’s favorites. But I’d miss some of the minor characters getting their own stuff in favor of the bigger hitters. But this is all speculation, so... who knows.
  2. Keep the MCU and X-Men universes separate, please. The MCU is already bursting at the seams, and the X-Men movie hit rate is MUCH MUCH worse than the MCU’s.
  3. Honestly I never really “got” the appeal of awards shows other than to see a bunch of performers people like in one place, all dressed up. Doesn’t do much for me, but I understand why people get into it especially before social media gave us instant access to all of these people all of the time. But the awards themselves... I’ve never understood the public’s interest in them. And I know this is potentially a weird thing to say but given the extent to which the system can be gamed by and pander to someone like Weinstein... the whole thing has gone from a curiosity to me to an exhibition of grotesquery. I just don’t give a shit about what movie or actor can contort themselves to most closely resemble what they anticipate the Academy will find most palatable.
  4. Been replaying RE4, this time on the PC. So, so good. MANY action games should take a pacing lesson from RE4.
  5. I really like GoW a lot. That said. RE4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GoW
  6. LBR Flash is the CW show that is closest to current porn trends, the protagonist regularly fucks his sister.
  7. I guess we know how he rated her rack.
  8. The only thing even a little upsetting about this is that in a perfect world... we’d have an 8 bit Simon Belmont as a character. But I will absolutely take this and love it.
  9. To say nothing of the fact that the initial marketing for Arrow seemed to basically be, “yo check out this guy’s abs.”
  10. Nothing will come close to topping the premier of Season 2. This was pretty good tho. I forgot that season 6 just kind of... ended.
  11. It's also possible that this is why the last two movies barely make any fucking sense, but... I am too entertained to care.
  12. I maintain that Chad Pennington is underrated by Jets fans. It’s possoble that’s just the Stockholm syndrome talking.
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