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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Again, you spent more time constructing the emphasized portion of your post than most people who saw Infinity War thought about it. You think most people sat in the theater long enough to see "Thanos will return"? I saw Infinity War on opening night, the place was sold out. 10 people stayed in the theater long enough to see the post credits scene. If someone doesn't care to sit through 10 minutes of credits to see the stinger, they're going home and googling it?
  2. As ever, it seems as though people discussing movies on the internet believe they live on the same figurative planet as the rest of the movie viewing public. They do not. Most people aren't sitting through 10 minutes of credit reel to see the extra scenes, fewer people than that know who the hell Captain Marvel is, fewer people than that know how many movies Chadwick's deal was for, etc. A buddy of mine watched Man of Steel for the first time the other day (pray for him) and despite being a dude on the internet who enjoys superhero movies... he didn't know it wasn't a sequel to Superman Returns. He's not an idiot. He just likes movies enough to watch them and go to the theater and aside from that spends exactly zero time or energy thinking about them. This is how most people watch movies. So to say... A decent number of motherfuckers who go to EVERY ONE of these movies couldn't tell you why Superman and Spider-Man won't cross over. Marvel Studios and WB are as about as familiar to them as Paramount and Universal... they're logos people see before movies that mean, essentially, nothing. So... yes. Impossible as it may seem here, some people finished Infinity War thinking that was the "last one" or at the very least that everyone that died is gone forever.
  3. In hindsight having his hookers killed and buried would probably have been more cost effective.
  4. Shenmue has always been bad. There are a few old, classic games that seem pretty mean from a requirements perspective, in hindsight. If you don’t know where warp whistles are (and most normal human beings wouldn’t ever find one), finishing Super Mario Bros. 3 in one sitting is asking a lot of someone. A bunch of the old Sierra games relied too much on randomness and fucked you over hard if you didn’t catch something early.
  5. Millennials are just like hipsters. It means people I dislike.
  6. This thread made me want to jump into a wood chipper.
  7. Fewer people voted Democrat in 2016 compared to 2012 but drawing a line backwards from that to Obama not jocking Midwest OWS protests is weird.
  8. How is this anything other than speculative correlation without causation? 60K fewer people voted Democrat in 2016 compared to 2012, and 2M more people voted Republican, assuming I’m remembering things right. Where is the causal relationship between Obama not making an appearance in Rust Belt OWS protests and the 2016 Presedential election?
  9. I don’t know that anyone is “the best” since “open world” is such a broad cetagory. R* makes really detailed, visually interesting worlds, and then generally populates them with very little of interest to do. Their characters are largely forgettable, as are their stories. Ubisoft gets a lot of crap for their checklist approach, but R* does the same stuff, even if the execution is different. I also think they have some issues with giving the player the freedom to derp all over the world but have the story and characters completely ignore that. Seems like RDR2 might be an attempt to change that, so I’m cautiously optimistic in that regard. Bethesda gives you the most shit to actually do, but most of their games are just enormous piles of jank that the community has to fix. And have they gotten worse at telling stories? Fallout 4 sure makes me think they have. A modded Bethesda game is still a delight, but what you get out of the box feels like it gets a little less focused and special each time, which is disappointing. CDPR probably has the best implementation between player action and story outcome in Wild Hunt of any of the open world games. Your actions with Ciri matter in interesting ways, much more so than other games with a narrative focus. But it probably also has the least “variety” in this class which is good and bad. You know most of what you’re going to find is monsters and loot, which gets repetitive, but you also know it’s going to be of higher quality than most other open world games. Some of the big quests in Wild Hunt are more interesting and better written than every one of R*’s individual games. Avalanche makes the best sandboxes with Just Cause. Volition just cranks everything up to 11 and makes some really amusing, stupid shit. They’re much more overtly “fun” than most of the other games in this category. Sucker Punch flirts with greatness from time to time, and their open world games have moments but they’re not consistently great. And as other people have said... Nintendo warrants being included here just for Breath of the Wild alone. It’s one of the best open world games ever, and if they can make a couple quality of life improvements for the sequel... man.
  10. Shut your shit gobbling pie hole and watch Legends of Tomorrow.
  11. Blame the lesbians and the Jews. Classic because it works.
  12. Roman Polanski got kicked out of the Academy 3 months ago for raping a girl in 1977, and last year he was picked to chair the committee (possibly the wrong terms, whatever) for the French equivalent of the Oscars, so I don’t know that we’re quite at the point where the industry itself agrees that people should be contemporaneously held accountable for their actions. Or again, we’ve got network executives responding to interview questions about Louis CK talking about how they’re missed. So “we” might agree, but people in positions of power clearly do not.
  13. Maybe it should be. @SFLUFAN should we come up with a membership structure, referral program, and dues?
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