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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Nevermind, The Chronic, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band / Rubber Soul, Homework... I dunno. “At the time of release” makes it interesting since I’d say it eliminates stuff that had a longer term effect, shit like Autobahn was hugely influential but not at the time. Hmm.
  2. Knowing his history, probably has to do with him being an enormous piece of shit. Let's google... Richie Incognito arrested for gun threats at funeral home Nailed it. EDIT -
  3. Interesting. I think Bad has a couple tracks that I think are straight up not good (Dirty Diana, Speed Demon) which is something that I don't think you can say about Off The Wall or Thriller. Tracks 3 - 6 on the record just... drag. And he somehow made a Stevie Wonder collaboration kinda boring with Just Good Friends. And Dangerous... man I feel like it doesn't even belong in the same discussion as OTW, Thriller, or Bad. It's a huge letdown after those three. I mean that's a murderer's row of albums so I don't think anyone could have kept that up and it's not like Dangerous is a bad album or anything, it's really good. I just think the previous three are all legitimately great.
  4. @SaysWho? Why the ? I don't think that's an especially spicy take. They're both rad albums. I'd say Thriller probably has better tracks but Off The Wall is a better album as a whole.
  5. I prefer chocolate chunks and I like a little bit of a salty kick in my cookies, which apparently is going to work out just fine.
  6. Rational actors would now be buying the Jergens they have had in their Amazon cart for some time, though they'd defer Prime 2 day shipping in favor of some credit. We've still got a SCOTUS nominee who believes a sitting President cannot be indicted and we haven't seen Trump's response, so actual pumping would still be premature at this point.
  7. Trolling Smash Bros fans is our new national pastime. I hope Stock battles are federally banned.
  8. It’s cute to see everyone busting to what they thought was going to be a deep throat video after she only took in 55%. Kidding aside, I’m looking forward to Mr. Tweet’s Wild Ride later on.
  9. It doesn’t require MUCH thought. A lot of people spare NONE.
  10. People think Born in the USA is a non-critical, straight up patriotic Springsteen song. It’s not about people being DUMB about movies, or music, or whatever. It’s just that for an awful lot of people, it’s a fun way to kill a few hours, or it’s background noise. I get off a rollercoaster without thinking about the engineering that went into it. Some people get out of a movie and that’s just... it. I don’t know why this is so hard to accept, some people spend $15 to turn their brain off for 2 hours and don’t think about it. Do a google search for, “is Rey in” and I’d bet that the predictive searches would be “Rogue One” and “Solo.” People just don’t think about this stuff. As a solipsist I find your anecdote unconvincing.
  11. Hey I don’t like that this is the way it is... but it is. Apparently a decent number of people show up to the movies not knowing what they’re going to see or when, which... BLOWS MY MIND. But if they don’t think about movies enough to plan what they’re going to see THIS AFTERRNOON they sure as shit aren’t thinking about what might come out next summer.
  12. 1) You’re continuing to make the assertion that most of the moviegoing public THINKS about movies after the movie ends. They don’t. Where’s the sequel to Inception? That also ended on a cliffhanger. And if you’re going to respond with, “well Marvel movies are obviously connected,” then you’ve already fallen into my trap because again people don’t think about this shit. 2) No I don’t think the majority of the modern move public FORGOT how movies work. The majority of the modern movie public NEVER KNEW TO BEGIN WITH AND WILL NEVER CARE TO LEARN. Again, this is @sblfilms ‘s every day life. I go to most MCU movies opening day or opening weekend. In 10 years I have never, not once, seen more than 25% of the audience stay through the credits. People have kids, people have to piss. They don’t stick around.
  13. When The Two Towers being promoted, McKellen was on Letterman (or some other late night show, maybe The Tonight Show) talking about Gandalf coming back. A bunch of people in the audience booed or reacted because he spoiled Gandalf’s return. So not only did people NOT KNOW the fate of one of the most popular fictional characters of the 20th century, people DIDN’T CONNECT Ian McKellen being on the show with the implication that Gandalf would come back.
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