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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I’ll guess that Fury decides to form The Avengers in part because of Marvel / an alien threat, and will think she’s too powerful to have hanging around earth. That tracks with his line in Avengers that Thor / aliens is what caused Fury to really go all in on the initiative. As to why she doesn’t get paged until after the snap... who knows. Even if she explicitly warns him about Thanos dusting people, seems like a Hail Mary to ping her.
  2. I dunno how to feel about this episode yet. Part of it is because I subscribe to the show on iTunes and the episodes are uncensored. There was a lot more cartoon nudity than I was expecting.
  3. Shit I’m fucking broke. Just like real life. EDIT - I just mean when I’m gambling. Otherwise I’m doing well
  4. Yeah. I think the issue with the stealth generally is that unlike the combat and traversal, it really never upgrades meaningfully. Spidey can stealth from further away but that’s more or less it. Everything else gets more fun, stealth never really does. It’s never bad, but other than that one sequence in the spoiler tags, I don’t think it’s all that fun either.
  5. I bet OJ is kicking himself for not compiling a list of couples he knows that he didn’t murder.
  6. Those NEScons are the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my life and I need them immediately.
  7. Week 2 Feature Game New York Giants $1000 QUESTIONS 1) Giants TD 2) 2-3 3) 5 4) Nighest = Pats, Lowest = Bears 5) Green Bay, NY Jets, New England 6) Luck 7) Anthony Hopkins 8) Gurley, Thomas
  8. And more violent. Subtle racial commentary? You decide.
  9. Yeah if only there was some biological process that darkens skin when it’s exposed to the sun.
  10. That one is right up there for sure. The whole game is a series of “wow they went there” moments.
  11. Is that a World Cup trophy on his desk? What a socialist cuck. I hate this man with a passion that burns with the fire of a thousand suns.
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