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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. True! That’s kind of a horse of a different color, though. I’d play SNES Mario Kart any old time, but going back to an older Gran Turismo would be weird.
  2. Yeah that was a little weird, though I’d say the game did enough to establish that... My comment about the ending not letting the moment land was about (SERIOUS ENDGAME SPOILERS DO NOT CLICK UNLESS YOU WANT THE END RUINED)...
  3. Other than having my picture taken, I have literally never been told to smile by anyone.
  4. My scorching hot take on this is that other than what Ford said in therapy about what actually happened to her and her current take on the event itself, it’s noise. I don’t remember who I told about shit that happened to me that long ago and I wouldn’t expect anyone else to be able to do that accurately at all. As someone who did some research in memory and who knows someone who does that as their job... everyone’s understanding of how it works is fucking terrible, just the absolute worst. Speculation about whether or not she’d be aware of other people in school knowing about it strikes me as odd.
  5. A few thoughts on this. First... MGS is one of the games that holds up, so whatever. Secondly, the stuff that doesn’t hold up from that era aren’t BAD games, it’s just hard to imagine going back to a PSX era racing game when current stuff is meaningfully better in just about every way. It’s not like a JRPG or something that looks dated but is otherwise fine, and the main hook is the story. Lastly, I think the expectations are different depending on what genre we’re talking about. I’d be much more inclined to play an arcade accurate port of Missile Command than the original version of Resident Evil. Missile Command is just a straight up rad game, but it’s also compartmentalized and easy to consume in bite sized chunks. Resident Evil looks like shit, feels like everyone is moving underwater, and that series has (with a few notable exceptions) gotten meaningfully more interesting since then. And also a lot of this is just straight up nostalgia fueled, people feel about FFVII the way I feel about FFVI. They’re fucking wrong, of course, but whatever. ;p
  6. Week 3 Feature Game Tampa Bay Buccaneers - $1000 QUESTIONS 1) Steelers FG 2) Under 3) Brady 4) Buffalo 5) Call the winners: Green Bay Cincinatti Denver 6) Gould 7) Rams 8) Mixon / Thomas
  7. I’d be down for a Loki show. I wouldn’t be opposed to Scarlet Witch, I just don’t know that we’ve seen enough of her character for me to be interested from jump.
  8. Fucking millennials, back in my day we broke up over Scrabble disputes like god intended.
  9. With a few exceptions, I think the PSX / N64 era has aged terribly. $100 might be above my sweet spot for a dose of nostalgia. Also I had completely forgotten the original PSX controllers didn’t have analog sticks. Huh.
  10. I have a beagle, so I cannot abandoning ones beagle hard enough. That said, surely letting the dogs loose and giving them a chance is a better option than leaving them caged up. But who knows, maybe they didn’t have time for even that.
  11. Yeah I think it would be the latter too... but I don’t think I’d ever take that beeper off my belt if that was the case. Also I accept your beeper theory. The headcanon I have for the end of Infinity War is that Bucky’s arm survives the snap and Rocket carries it with him everywhere as a reminder of what it cost to get it.
  12. A few more thoughts. The combat “pacing” overall is really solid. I felt like I was unlocking enough stuff that had a meaningful impact on fighting for most of the game. Handling mobs before and after the bomb webs (or whatever they’re called) feels different, being able to toss people around after they’re webbed makes a big change in combat, etc. There are probably a couple trashy or less impactful abilities in the mix which is kind of inevitable given the sheer number of suits, gadgets, upgrades, etc., but that’s a problem of riches and not a bad one to have. One of the things that the game does best other than traversal is setting the right tone at the right moments. This is hard for Spidey especially since he’s a wise cracking guy partially just to keep himself sane, but they handled that really well. Honestly the only thing that I thought that they could have done better in this regard is the ending, since the events that happen didn’t really have enough time to land, but that’s a really small complaint for something that does an otherwise great job throughout the whole affair. For a game and brand that have so many familiar characters, they do really well building the tension to the final confrontation and establishing everyone’s motivations along the way. Pete and Otto specifically shine, but Li, MJ, Miles, and Norman get their licks in, too, and it’s a treat to see. Honestly this is a really good example of a game that’s better than the sum of its parts, almost all of which are still really good individually. There are a couple derps (combat objectives tell me to do X for the tokens, but they really mean Y which is thematically similar to X), and there’s almost nothing NEW in the game at all, it’s all really standard open world stuff. But it’s just presented in such a compelling package that it’s hard to care all that much, I’m too busy dive bombing off buildings to care.
  13. The 45 seconds Fury is aware of the snap before he grabs the beeper suggest that either he’s been warned that someone might do something like that or I guess that he figured that specifically was the only thing he could do on the off chance that he was gonna dust also. Both of those seem like a stretch, so who knows. It’s possible I’ve spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME wondering why the people who dust have EVERYTHING THEY ARE TOUCHING get dusted, clothes, weapons, etc. But that beeper DOESN’T dust. Maybe EVERTYHING about Captain Marvel is undustable. We need to go deeper.
  14. You’re thinking of Planescape Torment and Morte. Pretty big miss TBH. Yeah, this is gonna be really weird. I don’t know how it could be a movie main character we spent any meaningful time with unless they decide to get REALLY Heavy Rain about the whole thing, and... fuck that. Though maybe however the snap is undone will make that more clear.
  15. I live in Somerville, so that’s an emphatic yes. @NeoJoe
  16. I’m from New Jersey actually. Home of Gotham City... at some point. Which is the home of Arkham. Unless we’re talking about Lovecraft in which case Arkham is in Massachusetts. Which is where Boston is and where I am now. Like Denise Richards, it’s complicated.
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