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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Also HRC appealed to voters. Her issues as a candidate aside, it’s bizarre how someone who won the popular vote gets called out that way somewhat often.
  2. Broncos for $5,000 1. Broncos TD 2. Thomas 3. West 4. 50-99 5. Vikings, NO, Falcons 6. Dallas and NY Giants 7. 4 8. Barkley, Jones
  3. The notion of boring or exciting OS software is chronically bizarre to me. I will never understand it.
  4. Nightmare seems... not that hard. I pay the price if I try to Leroy Jenkins a large base, but if I get in and take out a decent amount of people before I derp, I can usually recover just fine. It’s still really fun to get into a base and merc up all the plebs before I get into open combat with the big bads. Taking out area leaders while they’re in public causes your wanted meter to spike HARD, and all of the sudden a bunch of Mercenaries run up on me and I die fast, which is great. Only exception to this is if it happens in an area with a cliff or at the top of a building, which case literally everyone gets kicked to their death. There’s something hilarious about 5+ dudes letting me cirlcle around them and drop kick them off a cliff. “Shit she got Rick, Steve, Tom, Harry, and Dan to put their back to this cliff and then punted the shit out of them. Surely that won’t happen to me, let me just try to circle around her... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS COMING? THE HUBRIS!” I’m around level 25. I’ve dumped almost all my upgrades into the Assassin tree, with one pip in Spartan Kick, Heal, and whatever shield steal move there is in the Warrior tree. I use arrows only to harass, so... nothing in the Hunter tree for now. The game is really quite good. There are number of side quests that are charming or funny. The world is gorgeous. And they smartly lean into shit that makes the game or world fun, like preposterous statues, people being 25% filled with helium when you kick them, and not being able to die when you jump from cliffs. Also playing as Kassandra turns this into something that resembles a pseudo Wonder Woman game, I have no clue why anyone would fuck with Alexios.
  5. My grandmother absolutely used to claim that I was 1/32 Cherokee and I would wager that there a fuckton of white people who have been told that too. I didn’t have much of a reason to think about it or even question it until I heard a suspicious amount of white people say they had some percentage of Cherokee descent specifically.
  6. Maybe he could sell a katana or three, just saying he’s 40 and probably doesn’t pass the stat check to crit with them anymore.
  7. Henry Cavill is a fucking idiot. I like him as an actor and everything, but... the dude is a dope. The Witcher books are better written than Twilight, but conceptually you are right on the money.
  8. What irony that the GOP confirmed Kavanaugh and now want to get rid of a bump.
  9. I dunno... for as much as I liked the books I find the series at large hard to recommend. The first third are really enjoyable, but I think stall and then the sprint to the end left me feeling unsatisfied.
  10. I think books 1 - 6 are pretty consistently enjoyable, but everything grinds to a halt for most of the rest of them, and somehow the last couple feel rushed... especially A Memory of Light. I really enjoyed WoT, but the pacing is just... fucking brutal. Some characters essentially stop developing 1/3 of the way into the series, one of whom barely MOVES for 1/3 of the whole saga. Power creep compromises a meaningful amount of world building established in the start of the series. Allegedly meaningful plot threads are either abandoned or fizzle out. A significant amount of what happens to establish the conflict happens because some of the principal characters ignore shit they shouldn't ignore based on their character and interest, and are oblivious to things they shouldn't be and are allegedly invested in. It's a fine series, it's just way, way, way, too fucking long for what it is, and the stuff that allegedly justifies its length, like world building and a well developed magic system, get tossed out as soon as it's convenient.
  11. May the ghosts of the soldiers he sent to their deaths based on lies forever haunt his dreams.
  12. Donnie must be rock hard knowing that Collins is treating this like an event.
  13. Saints for $3,0001. Saints FG2. 133. Davis4. Mahomes5. Green Bay, Baltimore, Denver6. New England7. Jets8. Gurley, Jones
  14. Planning the robot apocalypse. Upper class will be when he’s running the robot apocalypse.
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