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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Feature Game: Fins for 5K 1. Texan TD 2. no 3. loleli 4. Philly 5. Starbucks, Indy, San Fran 6. 8 7. Peterson 8. Gurley, Adams
  2. Marine pilot under investigation for tracing a penis shape in the sky When the CEB flies, you know who to hire.
  3. He IS kinda like that, instead of him dying, it's his career / studios.
  4. Season 1 is really anchored by its commitment to the shows that fed into it, and it suffers as a result. I don't think it's BAD, it's just pretty standard CW / DC hero stuff. Season 2 they leaned into the stuff that worked in season 1 and ditched the baggage. Season 3 they fully realized its potential as a time travelling superhero buddy comedy. That being said, you do need to be on board with a show really embracing how dumb its concept is and poking fun at those implications as like... the crux of the whole thing. If you find that kinda thing exhausting, just don't even bother. Honestly the "plot" of season 3 is kinda not the point, so if you wanna know if the show is gonna go someplace you'll like and you don't care about spoilers as to who ends up fucking who or who ends up on the team... just watch the first episode of season 4. If you fancy that, it's worth the ride, if you think it's the stupidest thing you've ever seen, don't watch seasons 2 and 3.
  5. I ran into Schilling years back at PAX East. We chatted for a minute or two, he was really nice. Weird how things turned out for him.
  6. Well... not by me. I honestly don't think not knowing the specifics of a movie or movies in general even if you love them makes you any more "stupid" than not knowing who produces the albums of bands you love, or the specifics of the studio sessions, even if someone really loves music. For me, for it to be stupidity, someone would have to be incapable of learning that stuff. I don't think people who don't know those things about movies / music / comics / whatever are stupid at all, it's just now how they engage in media.
  7. It was never about people being stupid. I love Blade. I've seen it... 10 times? I couldn't tell you the name of the female protagonist. I couldn't tell you the name of Stephen Dorff's sidekick. I had to think for a few minutes to remember the name of Dorff's character. I know that Frost wants to be the blood god, but I couldn't remember its name. Until I looked at wikipedia, I didn't remember that Frost was an outcast for not being born a vampire. How many people do you think noticed that how they talk about the blood god and what Frost ends up becoming are totally different things? They reshot that stuff because the effects in the original ending were cheesy, but they didn't alter the setup of what the blood god was. I don't think I'm stupid when it comes to movies, this is just how most people consume most media. So no, I don't think "most people" could give the basic plot of The Dark Knight other than that "that's the one with the Joker." I've seen that movie a ton too, and I had to think for a while to remember why Batman was in Asia, why Lucius had to go too, etc. I wouldn't bet my life on being able to correctly remember how the Joker ended up kidnapping Harvey.
  8. I would wager that most people who saw The Dark Knight couldn’t tell you the plot at all, other than that the Joker’s in there somewhere.
  9. I use it that way pretty often, I wonder where I got it from. I’ll have to see if other people use it like that, it hasn’t occurred to me that it might be atypical and now I’m curious.
  10. There have been so many Supermen and Spider-Men and Batmen and Punishers and so on and et cetera that the notion that fans will not tolerate a second Drax is chronically bizarre to me.
  11. Ralph’s voice is probably just in my head. And yeah, holy shit, Iris actually had something to fucking do. I almost thought I was watching the wrong show for a moment. Again, the writers woke up and remembered that Candace Patton is a pretty good actor and if you give her actual emotions to show and things to do... she’ll deliver! She was more interesting in that one episode than she was in all of season 4.
  12. I just don’t give a shit anymore. The other launchers are competent and I only fire up any of them when I’m about to boot a game. Valve sucks at this shit and will forever, the honeymoon is over and it is what it is.
  13. I’d like to send a fruit basket to the writers for finally deciding that Barry should only keep a secret for about 15 minutes. Also did Ralph’s voice change between seasons? He sounds different to me but it’s possible that I’m just an idiot.
  14. I have a simple formula for when I buy a lottery ticket: 1) Is the payout after taxes > $100M? 2) Have I realized #1 is happening? If yes, then I buy. I've spent maybe $50 on tickets since I was 18 and it seems like money well spent, honestly. It's not as though I'd need $100M in my life, something stupid high keeps me from buying tickets all the goddamned time, since it's not like I'd kick $1M out of bed.
  15. You can only claim the lottery anonymously in 7 states. Some others will let a trust claim it on your behalf. In most states you have to claim the money publicly.
  16. I don’t know that’s true even though it’s likely but it also isn’t the point. HRC got almost the same turnout Obama did in 2012. The location of those missing votes was obviously crucial, 2012 Obama was an incumbent, etc., and I’m not saying she didn’t have problems as a candidate. I just don’t understand the retcon to the extent that the NYT opinion page is promoting comments that basically boil down to, “if you thought THAT smart woman had baggage wait until you see THIS one.”
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