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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. 49ers for $6K 1. 49ers FG 2. 2 3. Rodgers 4. Browns 5. Rams, Texans, Chicago 6. Over 7. Tennessee 8. Gurley, Jones
  2. Yes, they now donate every leap year as opposed to when Halley's comet shows up, the cheap fucks. Let's look at the donation log Gold Bar - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur 3/4 of a ham sandwich - the entire rest of the gang Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur Gold shinies - Arthur Platinum shinies - Arthur
  3. You have to press different buttons to pick up a hat, an item, or a gun. That’s fucking ridiculous. Edit - then I realize I can buy a coffee percolator and rush to do that in camp immediately because that makes me rock hard. The game inspires strong feelings. Edit 2 - I’ve donated HUNDREDS of dollars of loot into the gang coffers. Dozens and dozens of pocket watches and belts. Then Dutch calls me out for not giving him cash?!?!? OH I’M SORRY MY LITERAL GOLD ISN’T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, YOU COCK Edit 3 - Given how the only aspect of Marston’s character from RDR I enjoyed was his voice acting, I’m really impressed with how much I like Arthur. He’s easily my favorite Rockstar character and the first one in any of their games that I actually care about.
  4. The game is great, there are a couple places where it bursts at the seams but that’s only obvious because the overall level of polish is so high. That said there are too many menus and sub menus, the controls absolutely have moments where control is ripped from you without letting you know, and they often do not behave the same way when you use the same input, with no explanation or context as to why. It’s fucking awesome but it has moments where interacting with it just straight up sucks. It’s not a matter of “understanding how to play” when fundamental gameplay basics aren’t explained in an hours long tutorial. I’m not talking about concepts that are unlocked later, leaving explanations until then is fine. It’s basic shit about combat and interacting with the world that’s not even mentioned until you’ve potentially been doing it for hours.
  5. He has cat eyes in the book and he’s also described as much paler than he was usually portrayed in the games.
  6. Mexicans being lazy was for sure a stereotype when I was a kid, and I’m in my late 30s. It’s a thing.
  7. They should also tenderly fellate you while baking you a pot pie if we dare to dream so large.
  8. White people cannot tell the difference. What are you going to do, stop us? That would be REAL oppression.
  9. This is, again, all true. I was pushing someone in our gang along in a cart we were using for cover. We get to the point where we need to move them to a horse to get out of town, but I want to kill all the lawmen in the area before I pick him up and run for my horse, I'm worried that he'll get shot to death while I'm carrying him. There's nobody behind me or that has line of sight to my buddy, just people off to the side, so I start lighting them up. FISSION MAILED, my buddy died, killed by a phantom bullet fired by nobody because I didn't advance the mission. Was I getting yelled at to hurry up? Yes. But how could I know that cleaning up baddies would cause THIS mission to fail? Every other mission where I looted or killed everyone before moving ahead, despite the protests of my friends or us getting shot at worked out just fine. I had another story mission that I'm... hopeful wasn't janky? During a robbery I had my mask up the whole time. Again we scrap with the law. Middle of the battle, WANTED: Arthur Morgan, wanted dead or alive. No idea how they knew it was me. Hopefully it gets explained later...
  10. There’s something just so... “Witcher” about the author favoring short term profit over long term potential and getting hosed out the best possible outcome of a long quest.
  11. I worked with a Pakistani dude LAST YEAR who regularly ended work conversations with “thank you, come again,” because enough people in an an office setting said it to him that he figured he’d just get it out of the way. ”But Homer is ALSO a stereotype,” misses the point by a country mile.
  12. Correct. I don’t think you’ll know what animal you’re tracking until you do a successful track / hunt though. Also... For a game where the developers very clearly set a deliberate pace, an unfortunately high number of the gold medal criteria boil down to “do this mission as fast as possible.” At least one mission I saw has two separate speed timers for different segments. One of them included some interesting dialogue I’d have missed if I’d mashed the gallop button. Ugh.
  13. That fucker at the end of the clip is every asshole at a grocery store who leaves their cart behind their car and pulls through on their way out. He should be shot.
  14. You have to do what he listed if you wanna feed your horse while you’re on it or pick a specific food so you can focus on stamina or health.
  15. The missions have been good for me so far, but the controls are unquestionably worse than GTAV. It's not so much that the act of controlling the characters or the aiming is worse, it's that the game has much more going on for you to interact with, but the controls aren't up to the increased amount of interactivity. In GTAV the worst outcome for bungling a contextual control is a disconnecting a cellphone call that will repeat itself in a few seconds. In RDR2, the worst outcome is apparently trampling to death an NPC with dialog that you can interact with.
  16. Yup. I am glad I've been manually saving. I finished a perfect series of five finger filet while a buddy of mine watched. After I won, he left the bar, I followed him and I got on my horse. While I was turning my horse around, it jumped over a piece of the environment I couldn't see, landed on my buddy, which killed him. I was immediately gunned down by lawmen because "horse accident" apparently justifies the death penalty and is seen as murder. When I reloaded my save, I was NOT wanted, but I DID have the money from winning five finger filet. I hope Mickey isn't dead. I tried to shoot the chains off an escaped convict. As I aimed my stamina tanked even though the stamina core wasn't visible on the screen. Instead of his shackles, I shot his heart. When I reloaded the event didn't happen again, so... who knows what my save thinks actually happened there. Then you get into a scripted story event and everything is rad. Or you pop a waypoint, fire up the cinematic camera, and soak in the atmosphere, and it's incredible. Or the ambient music perfectly matches the setting, and the immersion is perfect. I know I've "bitched" about Naughty Dog games, but my issues there are with pacing, or a disconnect between character writing and gameplay freedom. But even if don't think any Naughty Dog has had GREAT gameplay, they've certainly almost always been good to very good, and they have NEVER had bad controls. Some of the controls in RDR2 are just straight up BAD. It's shocking.
  17. Trophies. I also don't think you can see what the objectives are mid-mission during the first time you play it unless I'm missing something. The controls in this game are borderline not good. You can physically move Arthur the way you want most of the time but that's the least we should expect for any game, let alone one with this pedigree / budget. Everything in your post is spot on. Sometimes mashing X makes my horse / wagon go faster. Other times it does nothing. There's no explanation as to why it's like this. The notion that I have to mash to sprint / gallop in a big budget game in 2018 in of itself is ridiculous. Sometimes the things you can do when focusing on people are clear, other times Arthur performs an action I would not have guessed he would do based on the word. It's like the "doubt" button in L.A. Noire, except sometimes you punch someone to death instead of verbally harassing them. The scenery is great, the sound is incredible, the world crafting is unparalleled. When you get into the first real town, it feels like a spaghetti Western in the best possible way. I don't even mind stuff like slow loot animations because the attention to detail in cabinets and drawers is ridiculous. Then you open up the menu and realize you've gotten bronze on a bunch of missions even though you didn't know what criteria you had to meet to get a better ranking since the game never told you what the criteria were or even that it was ranking them at all, then you want to sneak up on and lasso a bounty but the game won't let you because reasons, then you try to figure out Dead Eye because the tutorial doesn't really explain how it works, etc. In other words, after a couple hours, this is EASILY the most Rockstar game imaginable, with everything that implies.
  18. I guessed New Jersey solely based on the number of poop related “pranks” that happened while I was in high school. During games our athletes would regularly dump, not wipe, and then take the clothes of their opponents and wipe with those instead. One guy called his asshole “the hammer” and would wipe his ass with people’s deodorant, or grab their heads and shove their faces into his taint. I don’t know how it never escalated.
  19. I think “overrated” is a needlessly loaded term. There’s an awful lot of STUFF that’s just sort of tolerated in certain titles or genres when games are being reviewed. I love Bethesda games but I think it’s hard to claim they’re not overrated. The games release with bugs, glitched quests, and are poorly optimized, more or less always. This is all just... accepted. Even when it’s acknowledged it’s rarely reflected in review scores. With Rockstar games it’s a bit different. I don’t think anyone’s on their level when it comes to world building or evoking specific themes. But I also don’t think any of their games play all that great. Most of the action in their games is about shooting, and the shooting is just... fine. It’s not BAD but this is just kinda glossed over all the time too. And ALL of their games have the plot totally divorced from the gameplay. RDR2 seems like it might change that but we’ll see. Overrated doesn’t have to mean bad. I don’t think any of Rockstar’s games are bad at all, but I think they do get a pass on a bunch of stuff because the polish in general is so high. Do I think their games are overrated? A bit. I always enjoy them, but I could never consider RDR one of the best games of all time since so much of the experience of actually playing it is just fine.
  20. Making us all feel inadequate. Not even @stepee can compete with that dick. The bust clears half a lake for Christ's sake.
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