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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Sometimes, usually on wagons specifically and not when I’m on Arthur’s horse, the mission waypoints bug out and the cinematic view auto drive sends me to nowhere. Most of the time it works, but it breaks often enough that I have to babysit it.
  2. Both. Start mission. Before I get on my horse I pick my loadout and load it with specific ammo. Arrive at destination and get off horse. Different weapons are equipped on Arthur with basic ammo. Does it do this consistently? Of course not. Sometimes my choices stick. Sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they change mid mission. Sometimes they change after dialogue or a cutscene.
  3. The game has told me about hair tonic no fewer than 5 times but did it tell me how to back up so I wouldn't fail a mission? LOLNO 5/5 GOTY
  4. Yuuuuuuuuuuup. This fucking game. The game will fail or just not advance a mission without ever popping up to remind you or having the prompt show up.
  5. I don't know how this is possible. I get off a horse with weapons different than the ones I JUST selected and the game puts basic bullets into weapons I previously loaded with better ammo. It does this ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
  6. Sometimes you have to hold the button to keep the horse going in cinematic mode, sometimes you don't. Because of course it's like that in this game.
  7. It’s annoying because in other situations, items or money are handed over automatically. The game is consistently inconsistent when it comes to this kind of minutia and controls.
  8. If you’re not drinking methanol you’re fucking weak and that’s the goddamn truth.
  9. I’m not alone! https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/1/18051994/red-dead-redemption-2-glitch-rhodes-road-fire-horse Save often near Rhodes if you don’t want to lose your horse to invisible fires!
  10. JK hope you’re both happy.
  11. I’ve designed more believable looking humans in Bethesda games, which is saying something.
  12. Thank god for manual saves. It was a dark night, and I saw a patch of earth that was glowing for some reason. I rode up on it and apparently it was a fire that the game didn’t bother to render, any my horse went up in flames almost immediately. I went up in flames after getting tossed and I couldn’t make it to Logan in time to rescue him. Normally I don’t save scum but invisible fire seems like a good reason!
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