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Everything posted by JPDunks4

  1. While I personally have very little interest in playing this, just too many other games to play, I am really curious to hear impressions and see some Live gameplay.
  2. Not sure if there are newer threads for this game, but finally big Ashlands update dropping. I'm probably gonna start a new playthrough after skipping all previous updates.
  3. Ultimately, its all bout ROI for anything in business. One could argue that Xbox has been trying to do everything right for a while in the gaming space. They offer tremendous value with Game Pass and Play Everywhere. They really pushed Back Compatibility and upgraded the experience free of charge. They offered a cheaper next gen console for those that wanted to play next gen only games on a budget. They released their games Day and Date on PC for player choice. At the end of the day, none of that mattered, and ended up hurting them more than helping. Day and Date on PC as a hardware manufacturer no doubt cannibalized your hardware business. Add in that Play Anywhere doesn't seem like it's helped move any sales of any games, then you see PlayStation double dipping by releasing on PC a year or two later and getting additional sales revenue. Game Pass itself flatlined at close to 30 million, which seems to be roughly the active install base of Xbox. I honestly believe that even during the 360 Golden era, the actual active install base of Xbox users probably wasn't much higher than 30 million, if that. In 2010 I think Xbox Live users were around 20 million, and that was during the glory days of Halo 3, Gears, and CoD really blowing up. I always though Game Pass could work with scale, but I felt it'd need to be closer to 50 million subs to keep things healthy. They clearly haven't seen any adoption with the Cloud Gaming they were hoping for, and while they said they've grown huge % in PC, % don't mean much when your starting from next to nothing. I don't have issue with them acquiring Bethesda. At the time, Sony were actively making deals to block Xbox versions of games with timed exclusivity. Imagine if when Starfield did release, if it was only on Playstation 5 and not Xbox for another year or two. It'd be even more devastating for Xbox. Xbox needed something to try to give them more relevance to start the generation. I started moving pretty heavily to PC gaming a while ago, but it definitely sucks to see Xbox basically dying. Since basically giving up on having console exclusives, and their hardware sales continue to really struggle, its hard to see a future where they make huge investments in hardware. Especially if MS is riding them this hard only 6 months after closing the ABK deal. I really think the reason for a lot of this, is Starfield didn't do what they needed it to do. It sold decently, but I don't think it moved Game Pass subscribers at all. While I enjoyed the game myself, it clearly didn't hit he same way one would expect a Bethesda RPG like Fallout or Elder Scrolls would. Those can feel like a must have title, and Starfield ultimately didn't live up to that hype. I think that's when Nadella started saying, you promised me Starfield was going to return this in subs/sales, and it fell woefully short of that And that made MS start to scrutinize the rest of the business much more closely. Maybe with the success of the Fallout show, the money men at MS are like, how long til the next Fallout, and the answer is like "10 years". And they are like, lets kill some of the passion projects that didn't move the needle at all last year and get a team working on that right away.
  4. The Arrowhead CEO said they had no control over anything sales related. Publisher decides where when and for what price the game gets sold at.
  5. I saw Germany is also like that, so I'm assuming other EU countries probably are similar. That is a step too far for many in order to create online accounts. And the UK and Germany are probably some of the biggest EU markets. I definitely feel for Arrowhead Games. They made an amazing game, did just about everything right, and are no watching their baby just get destroyed thanks to no fault of their own really. And it seems Steam is just issuing refunds for most that are asking. Can see that getting out of hand as I'm sure a lot of people have naturally stopped playing. Many and get a refund and buy it again when its on sale soon.
  6. Biggest issue with Starfield was the Proc Gen was some of the worst I've ever seen. If you are going to rely on proc gen for a game creating thousands of planets, you have really got to flesh out your systems to be as robust and unique as possible. The fact they reused the same exact structure layouts, with the same exact enemy placements, item placements, ect was just beyond inexcusable. I remember finding a magazine in one of the POIs on a random planet. And every time I found that same structure on any planet, that magazine was in the same spot in each and every one of them. Surrounded by the same stim paks on the same dead body in the same shower ect ect. Going into Starfield, and seeing what an indie studio like Hello Games did with No Mans Sky, i really expected Bethesda's proc gen in Starfield to be next level, and make really interesting and believable worlds. But after visiting a dozen or so, you see the same like half a dozen fauna designs. Creatures can sometimes be wild looking, but the vast majority were all similar. I also noticed immediately after I landed on any remote planet, within seconds I'd see another random ship landing just a little ways off from where I landed. I really think if they did a better job with those systems, the game would have worked a lot more in capturing the fun of exploration.
  7. I meant that if ur breaking the guy out of jail he realistically should just follow wherever you lead him. But in terms of that quest, yes you went the wrong way.
  8. That was the issue then. Not exactly a glitch, but he should just follow you whichever way you want to lead him out.
  9. I just hit Lvl 31. Maxed out Fighter mid 20's, now leveling up Warrior. Have just been exploring and knocking out side quests, avoiding pushing the main story forward in the main City. In the spoilers is all I have of the Map unlocked, which doesn't feel like much at all. I have 31 completed quests. It so easy to miss side quests and content because if you don't explore and aren't thorough, you'll never know what you're missing. I'm in no rush to speed through the game and miss out on so much of it. The fun of the game is exploring and discovering things, just like in BotW or Elden Ring. It's what sets the games apart from modern open world Ubi style games, where you just follow waypoints on a map. I got lost in those games and now im getting lost in this one. I have found it pretty easy so far. Just make sure you have a healer mage in your party and it feels like its pretty hard to die. Just tap left on the dpad as soon as you take damage and they'll top you off real quick. Otherwise most fights feel like your aided by random pawns and soldiers walking along as well. Only reason I really wanted to advance and move along was to get more of a challenge again. A little money making tip
  10. Curious, which way were you leading him. I had the same issue tryign to go back up the stairs the way I came but he just hung out downstairs in the prison waiting for me.
  11. Funny thing is, 200-250k of those people are sitting in the lobby watching a Server Capacity Message cycle.
  12. Didn't even bother really trying today. Hopefully whatever patch is tomorrow is a bit better.
  13. The dumb thing is it's not set up as a que, so it's not first come first serve. @ARZARZwas trying for like 2 hours and I got in after like 15 minutes. I joined a few higher level friends earlier today and did some Suicidal Difficulty Missions. I was lvl 16. It was a lot of fun, just non stop action and explosions everywhere.
  14. There are no clear items with better stats as well. All armors have positives and negatives. No gun is outright better at everything, all have strengths and weaknesses. So even if there are some armors you can spend real money on, they aren't "better" than any other armors, just different perks. And none of the perks are unique, you can earn that same gear quickly in game.
  15. Me and Skillz played like 6 missions, only saw rewards for 2. But then when I logged out and came back on later they were all there. I think the rewards are just so backed up, that it takes a few hours to actually get them. Also if you buy modules and upgrades, it may take some time to actually receive them.
  16. Actually kind of surprised Sony isnt' willing to let Insomniac work on original IP's that Sony would outright own, rather than making them a Marvel studio. But they have sold gangbusters so can't really blame them either.
  17. From Gunfire Games Twitter Seeing some confusion about the Gamepass version of Remnant II. Quick facts: - Cloud saves between Windows Store(Gamepass)/Xbox work. - Purchases between Xbox and Windows Store Version are shared, purchase DLC on one, works on both - Crossplay between Windows Store and Xbox works
  18. Well I've never bought either game on Windows PC and it says I own both. I saw some people on Twitter saying they had cross save between their xbox save and the new PC install. I can test it later.
  19. Both games supports Play Anywhere, so if you own it on Xbox, you own it on PC now too. Nice little addition, with cross saves as well.
  20. There were rumors at the time Bungie was in talks with Microsoft first, but MS walked away as they felt the price was too high. Jim Ryan did say he felt he'd get more value out of Bungie at 3.5 billion than MS will out of the 70 billion Activision deal. Still could be the case if Marathon is a hom run, and who knows if MS actually capitalizes on all the Activision IP they got.
  21. I don't really consider that because it was a little side project by Ninja Theory that they wanted to try. By all accounts it wasn't Microsoft forcing them to make a GaaS and putting the entire studio on it. From most reports at the time it was like a small team of 10 or so people working on that. Grounded could almost be seen in the same way, thought it has no MTX , and has been rather successful. A small side passion project for Obsidian that MS let them explore.
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