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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Amazing offer, I haven't used anything other that Nvidia in 15 years. I'll be keeping tabs on you kind sir . . . lol Just looked up your card, looks to be far better than the 980Ti rig I was using until the fire. I do want something that will be future proof aka 4k gaming. That said, I have nothing right now, and that card could really speed up a build this year. I do not have cash to through at a Gaming rig probably even this year. Thank you so much. So many of you guys, great cummunity we have here for sure!
  2. Yea haven't watched any gameplay videos and there are many out there now. It's been hard, normally not so, but I can't wait. This will be the first game in a long time that I play strait through to the end, and then maybe again a few more times. I want it that badly, very excited!
  3. I was ever so close to building the "new gaming PC" before the Fire hit us in California! I'll never be able to do a card like the Titan V, but I was SOLD on the 2080Ti and still want one so badly. I know now I'll likely have to wait till Next year, yes another whole year before I can even start to part a new build. I'll be a Laptop gamer for and PC user for the near future. That said, wow reading about the power of some of these "BEAST" cards is fun stuff. Right now a 2080Ti is going for around 1200-1400 that just isn't me. Now 900 and I might just start pricing that 8700k and Ram right away . . .lol Good new is the 3080Ti should be around 1100'ish at launch if I jump on the preorders? there only say one year away too right?
  4. OH I KNOW I KNOW!! Single most anticipated game for me next year and that I can even think of for awhile!! After the events of the last few months, I have really forgotten about most games upcoming!! I'm kinda following Anthem but who knows. There is a new Trials game coming to I read but that's about it. Pretty humbling to start over from scratch and not feel so buried by that large backlog that way weighing me down . . .
  5. First Christmas in a long time I only got 2 games!! given the circumstances that's plenty too . . . Thanks to @SFLUFAN I got Battlefield V for PC {laptop} and a copy of Monopoly for Switch!
  6. Merry Christmas Everyone . . . . We are in our new house, we have a couch and a recliner and a 50 inch Samsung NU8000 and we are able to stream Netflix to that now., and Amazon Prime Video! All is good as we have our youngest Son here for Christmas but weren't able to see Donnie today. He was supposed to come up but that didn't happen. My youngest Daughter will be up for the day tomarrow all day, we will all get to see Donnie at the hospital during his treatment. So not a perfect day, but I'll take what I can. Of course my Oldest Daughter is AWOL in Washington state doing well enought we hope. I hope you all have an amazing day and new year, I really really do. From all of us here Merry Christmas &Happy Holidays. . . Glenn & Barbara and Juno PS: I went into our local Best Buy to pick up the TV and Xbox One X's were on sale for 399.99!! I was like holy shit, I had a 45 dollar Best Buy gift card that I had been carrying forever, plus 95 dollars in Reward Zone Points and I just could not pass it up. I bought a Battlefield V limited edition Xbox X for just a dad under 275.00 and it came with Battlefield V Ultimate Edition too. So I have the following downloaded. Battlefield V Mortal Kombat Forza Horizon 4 Black Ops 4 Red Dead Redemption That's been enough to keep the grand kids gaming oh and my oldest Grandson got Diablo 3 Ultimate Edition, so we will be playing that tonight. I haven't gotten a chance to play the console yet, but look forwards to running into some of you soon online!
  7. I did friend, sorry. I slept hard first time with the wife after I updated the thread. I was going to play Forza but I slept better than I have in over a month last night! I'll call mom and get that sorted out as she wanted to send the thing out soon. I haven't been following it, sounds weird buy it's not the first or second thing on my mind. Stressing with Donnie and the Insurance Company is taking a daily toll that's hard to explain. I really appreciate all the help and kind words and many of you need personal thanks and I want to get to it, I love being a part of this community and am grateful this site exists for me to get away here and there!
  8. Hey All !! Just thought I would check in and do a much needed update for all those interested. Like I said we found a House. After feeling we weren't ever gonna find a nice place that would also take or 80Lb Shepard Juno, we finally did and it's a nice one. We are now 10 minutes from the Hospital where my son Donnie is being treated. I see him every day! They live 50 minutes in Yreka California and I live { Now } in Medford Oregon. He is treated here everyday with radiation and he also is taking high doses of Chemo and Steroids. You all know he has rapidly gotten worse and nothing there has changed. He is now 8 Days into an intense 6 weeks treatment schedule. It's looking like this will be the last Christmas we have with him. Wrapping my head / our head around such a grimm reality it quite hard, but we haven't given up hope that's for sure!!! We can hardly make out any words most days that he says, he's now blind in one eye, and almost deaf too. 40 Days ago he was riding his motorcycle complaining about how cold it was getting, it's just crazy how aggressive this tumor is. He can no longer feed himself either and can't walk but a few steps, if at all. So he's already wheelchair bound too. I'm not telling you this to make you feel sorry for us, or to shock you guys. I feel those that have jumped on board and ridden this ride with us deserve to know how it's going. So many of you guys have helped in many ways and we are grateful for the friendships! I know soon his wife will no longer be able to handle him, and my wife and I will attempt to take over his day to day. Ok, not everything is so horrible, like I said we have a house. I love my new laptop. It's a MSI GS65 with the gtx1070 and 16 gigs ram and man can it game. I'm typing this now on it and I'm grateful to have been able to buy it. I have now been in the house for 3 nights. I didn't have a place to sit until today at 11am when my wonderful couch and love seat combo arrived. So far we have dishes somewhat, the couch and love seat, and a queen bed and that is it. Having the treatment everyday kinda makes it tough to actually shop or think about our selves at all. After he's done we it's usually 4pm'ish and it's draining. This Sunday my other son will be here and his kids for the week. Everyone knows we aren't furnished and their all bringing mattresses and bedding etc to make the stay tolerable. This will be the first time he has seen his brother and it's going to be really hard on him. My youngest Daughter will also be up Christmas day so most of my kids will be around this holiday season. Funny, I don't even own a TV yet. I'm gonna go buy a cheap 50 inch TV and put it in the living room to stream things like Netflix and Amazon Prime to so we will have something. I also got INTERNET !!! It's Spectrum and it's 100mbps a far cry from the 3mbps the Hotel had. I have quite a few games to play now. I downloaded Forza 4 and all the dlc stuff I had on Xbox on the laptop and plan on playing a bit after I type this. I honestly don't really get into gaming more than an hour before I started losing concentration and thinking about my son again. I bought a nice entertainment center but it won't be here for another 12 days, and a nice dining room table also wont be here for 2 weeks. Wrong time of the year to be buying furniture and finding it also in stock...lol In a few weeks I'll have the place to put a PS4 Pro and Xbox One x again and some of you online. Thanks to you guys, my online family. Your appreciated as i have told you. I pop in to here and there to get away and appreciate the forum so much. I hope you all have an incredible Holiday season this year, an amazing Christmas and please hold your loved ones tight. Thanks s much Glenn & Barbara and Juno {The Dog}
  9. We got a new place! After a month of looking we found a place in Medford that will take our Juno. 3 bedroom 2 bath fully fenced house on a nice street. It's only a few miles from Rogue Valley Medical Center where Donnie is being treated every day for the next 5 more weeks. We finally got a break, and it came at a good time. A bit expencive but beggers cant be choosers! Tomarrow we start looking for all the stuff we all take for granted, a bed, dishes, blankets, towels, couches, everything and anything that makes up a home we need. Sounds fun, but it's a bit overwhelming to be honest. Blessed to have a place this close to Christmas to spend with the kids and grandkids. Happy Holidays fellow gamers, best of wishes!
  10. totally amazed how well this laptop runs games. I'm still drooling at the prospect of building a new 2080Ti based gaming rig, but for the most part that has been pushed back a ways! I have never had a Laptop for gaming and I am glad I pulled the trigger and spent the 1799.99 { was 1999.99 } but had 200.00 off Cyber Monday! This thing just doesn't stumble at all. I'm playing Battlefield V Ultra and rarely dips past 60fps. I just was not expecting that. So playing Doom everything maxed and it averages 100-160fps! Just a fun powerful\laptop worth a look if anyone is in for a new one. Cons: Boy can it get loud, but running graphics that high it is to be expected, other than that there is nothing I'm not liking at all . . .
  11. we already are starting this, it is a must and without it emotions fly allover the place. Thanks you, your word are very much appreciated! Fingers crossed guys, we need this house. Well know this afternoon! So many kind people we have come across in this looking to help in many different ways. Toughest part is when we are alone and back in the Hotel we seem to just look at each other, seeming to ask why or in what way we are responsible for this. As his parents, you can only wonder these things. So tough to deal with the silence at times . . .
  12. Update to whom have been following me . . . Things are looking up in the housing part of this shit storm. We after looking feverishly for 3 weeks have found a decent rental in the 1300.00 range that will take out Dog also. I find out today and if all is good we move in Friday. Gonna be crazy as we have absolutely nothing except our clothes this laptop and a few bathroom necessities! It's in Medford Oregon right next to the hospital where my son is currently going through radiation and chemo treatments! So yes we have money to start replacing stuff but finding a place was holding us back big time. Also this hotel has cost me 6k already! Our insurance is going to pay out Temporary accommodations through around 18 months or the policy limit which ever comes first! That is a good start to get jobs and also be there during this horrible time with our son. So glad that this worked out to where we will be living so much closer to him and the treatment center! It's a blessing. We don't have a single thing that makes up a household, but we do get a fresh restart, I'm gonna look at it that way! Our son though is ever worse and it the most heart breaking event we/I have ever had the chance to endure! Not the loos of our home and everything we owned, the potential { He is Terminal } loss of a loved one yet along one of your kids is unimaginable! Thanks again to those who have shared with us your kind words and support as always we greatly so much appreciate you all . . .
  13. Would love to but I'm along ways still from playing anything online with the wifi connection these hotels have. Soon I hope, soon!
  14. Cant tell if sarcasm or not, but man I want this game badly! I loved the prerendered backgrounds, the original game that is re2 remains one of my most memorable games I have ever played! Yes....I like it that much.
  15. Maybe I dosent matter, at this rate the xbox 2 and ps5 will be out.....lol
  16. I did forget to say again thanks to all of you for the extended support, lots of love. Appreciate you guys, I really do. For the most part I'm doing Ok, just every time I try and think about what is going to happen sooner than later, It starts to feel grim again like I said! I started looking at white Xbox one x's as I see there is a Bundle with the Fallout 76 game that comes with a glacier white Xbox, BUT! Damn it, as much as I always wanted one to finally be released, the Damned Limited edition White PS4 Pro I had that came with destiny 2 isn't anywhere to found now!! Pissing me off! I'm not in any position to buy these consoles yet, but I have my eye on what I want and now it figures, The Xbox is in stock, and the PS4 pro isn't anywhere for the 299.99, they are being scalped on eBay or being sold used! I see there is a White Xbox elite controller too to even better the collection. I'm hoping some new edition with launch a white ps4 pro but my luck doesn't seem to roll like that! . . . .
  17. Hello everyone! My son Donnie started Radiation yesturday and Chemo finally. Still the outcome is real grimm. 14 months was the first Doctor, these new guys are saying less. Just unable to put into words how hard this is, so I wont try. Hes changed so much in 30 days, it's just the most impossibly fucked up emotional storm imaginable and I'm not even talking about the home we lost. Still stuck in Anderson California! Cant find anything I mean anything in the medford are that will rent to us with Juno my 80ld sweet heart of a German Shephard at anywhere near the 1500.00 limit we have to work with! I'm so fucking frustrated I cant even put it into words. This hotel is just costing us way to much. I need something really soon. We did finally get to see our place. To do so we had to drive to chico. And then take highway 32 up and around through Butte Meadows all the way around the mountain still bumper to bumper traffic. Snowing icy roads, etc. This because the town of Paradise is still completely inaccessible and the town of Magalia where my home was is reached normally through it. So what normally takes 2 hours, took from 12 noon to almost 11pm when we got home. Nation Guard check points, etc. Its just apocalyptic what happened to our home and the 2 towns we frequented. We did get closure, we were unable to find a single thing to take back with us. Insurance is starting to come through, just cant seem to get a break either a new home wise or with my son. Everything we own still fits in 2 large blue walmart tubs in the back of my truck and one large biffle bag! Do still gonna be the easiest move ever if we can find a place to do it!
  18. havent watched any of the above videos or anything else online other than the first small clip that was relieved at e3 what 2 years ago? This game is that important to me!
  19. I can not wait for this game! Looks like they are doing a good job but my fingers are crossed it's as well done as Resident Evil 1 was. This will be mine day one for sure. Hope I have a house to play it in soon
  20. finished the first War Story in the campaign and I am impressed. I know that CoD4 didn't have a campaign this time and I bought it along with all DLC ahead of time, but Battlefield V's single player part has me really enjoying myself. Only an hour or so after the wife goes to sleep. But I'm loving the escape from what life has tested us with as of late. Fun stuff and a great looking game too!
  21. Some Battlefield V thanks to Mr. Stepee Itll be sometime before I can play online though so only campain for the near future . . .
  22. I had two in my closet damn it. One was absolutely brand new, only fired up a single time to make sure it worked. My launch console I gave to Madman Kevin! After reading a post/topic he posted in saying he always wanted one and was hunting for one along with some games he always wanted. Knowing he would get a good amount of fun out of it, I sent him mine along with 2 VMU's and a game! That's how this forum rolls. I loved the Dreamcast. I was blown away when I got to pop in Soul Calibur, just so fluid, amazing fighter for its time. It was also my introduction to the internet. I remember looking up the Baby Pandas in the San Diego Zoo with the wife. Along with some more discrete web sites of our choosing. Together we learned fast just how um.....evolutionary the internet was. I now am the proud owner of just my Dreamcast memories as most of you know we just lost our home in the Camp Fire in California. That and one of most every console released here in the states most brand new in their original boxes along with a shit ton of retro games for each. I'll not try and recreate the collection I had. And now looking back. It really wasnt doing anyone any good sitting in a closet. I'm so glad my man MadManKevin is in possession of one of my all time favorite ever consoles! Ahhhh....the memories!
  23. I got dibs on one of Vic's 2080Ti { probably have 2 in SLI right? } if there 18 months same as cash financing! Wasn't expecting them to announce this version that's for sure, WOW just WOW!
  24. I Got it, BAMM! THANKS Stepee sir, appreciate the kindness. I'm HardAct on xbox, ps4, steam, origin, ubisoft, nintendo, everywhere. Hope to see you on the battlefield soon bud! Its downloading right now.....
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