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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. God I just loved this game, and pretty sure that I put over 500 hours into it. God remember the spamming of the legendary SOJ {Stone of Jorden} as basically cash in the marketplace? This game Doom were my intro into PC gaming. The rest is history, I'm sure I need this game remade. I stands on it's own even today !
  2. I completely agree. This series is a strange one for me, I've played them all {ITHINK} but never really loved them. 2 is the best, and I have yet to finish the new one. I was playing the new on on the ps4pro when the fire it us in California and I have now re bought it, but haven't restarted it. I will say, I was struggling with the combat a bit on the new one, struggled early but it's a good game. I really Liked the ones though on the handhelds. as I like The uncharted one on the Vita way more then any of the others, I know weird. Lastly, no way I would tackle them back to back, there just not that great in where you just can't get enough. All in all there fun games, the new on is purdy!
  3. This and Just Cause I would agree. FC can be fun but does tend to be rather long and monotonous. I never beat FC4 or 5 but had a good time in 5 for the first 20 or so hours!
  4. OK, I got it! and to be fair I did see the "Infinite" quote, I wrote it off as irreverent. Geezee guys, not my proudest moment...lol
  5. I don't see Bio Shock, I see RE Village as the topic? Maybe losing my mind, not the first time a topic went right over my head.
  6. With so many developers opting to remake older classics whether we want them or not, I find myself wishing we could get some Dead Space love too. Man I loved Dead Space 1, the others are ok, well 2 is good, but 3 well not so much. DS had some very original gun play, creepy atmosphere and ran very well. Just food for though, anyone like me really like the original DS and wouldn't mind a remake of the game one day? Metacritic: Dead Space
  7. RE2 is just so good, and I highly recommend it to anyone that hasn't yet played it. It's in my top 5 {like anyone cares} all time!
  8. Resident Evil got me into consoles and after a loss of direction seems to back on track to stay in my life, I love this trailer! Loved RE7 and this looks to be pretty good also. I think they realize what the gamer's want from these games and I love them for it. Along with RE4 being remade, getting amazing RE'versions of RE2 and 3. I'm a happy fan. Now the wait isn't that long . . .
  9. This just reminded me that I have Watchdogs 2 still to look and and play. So many long games I have in my backlog. I have to just admit that it's an addiction and that I need help......Oh crap, Steams having a huge PC game sale, gotta run....lol
  10. Hell yea!!! This game is why I bought my PS3 solely. I don't watch baseball anymore on TV except the world series, I did play for many years through high school etc. I love this game it's easily the best baseball game ever. I admit I do not buy it every year anymore, or even every 3 years. I got MLB19 as part of the PSPlus and it's great. Good news, love to have it on PC!
  11. Oh my god I was just doing exactly this. I have a pretty massive backlog of Steam games and I know I'll never ever even start most of them, let alone beat them. I'm just not learning other than my day one full price buying has been greatly slowed. I've only bought Doom Eternal and I'm just about to buy the Last of Us II most likely Saturday. So that makes these large sales more dangerous as I feel I'm doing better cash wise, how about lets buy 200 20 dollar games to better compensate for my lack of newer games. . . .. So stupid! Well back to browsing the sale on Steam!
  12. My Opinion here, I mean no disrespect: Also have the Complete Edition too, not sure when and where the DLC starts or ends but I guess I have that too to look into . . . I'm sure of one thing, this game will look and play fantastic being able to unlock the 30fps its caped at even on the pro in 4k on a PC gaming rig. I have tried so damned hard to like this game. Everyone and everywhere I look i'm told this very thing! Sadly after beating it last night, I couldn't wait for it to be over! It's weapons aren't very useful other than just your bow and it's variety of arrows and the sling shot. The others take way to long to employ in a fight. If you ambushing one here and there yea the Tripcaster and the Ropecaster are useful, but in the big fights you'll not use them. Even the rattler is pretty useless! I was shocked as I upgraded my weapons very fast to there best versions pretty early too., I enjoyed unlocking the map for the first 30 or so hours, but really I just couldn't get into it, and yet forced myself to finish it anyway. I lost this game and the new God of War and said when I was able to replace my gaming PC and my consoles {Thanks to the California Wild Fires} I would rebuy and play them both. GoW was in my Ps4's disc drive and Horizon was on top in it's case. I'm just putting this game in highly Way Overhyped class to me. It's bold, and beautiful and is interesting but it just lost it's way with me half way in. It's a long game to, taking at least 40 hours for me. I hope I'm in the minority here and it's just a game changer to most of you, me i'm so glad i'm done. Now on to God of War
  13. I currently have everything hooked up to a Samsung 65" Q8fn Qled that's been great. Huge improvement over the 65" Samsung NU8000 series, but to be honest was a great gaming TV too. I have my 2080Ti / I7 9700k PC hooked up and play either @1440p / 120Hz or 4k / 60Hz, this along with my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X! This is a gr8 Mig range Qled and I highly recommend it to anyone! That said, I do plan on buying a 85" samsung Q70 around black friday. It's now around 2700'ish and I'm hoping for it to be lower than 2500 at the end of the year. I would love a LG C9 oled but I really want my next TV to be 85" for my main home theater, and the C9 tops out at 77" and is more money. The Q70 hits the sweet spot when shopping for a monster and still being budget friendly. I think and it's starting to be fazed out as it's a 2019 model!
  14. So, Not biased towards either way but if bought for the PS4 don't we get the newer updated games for PS5 when it's released free? I thought I read that Series X was or is like that? Maybe it's just first party Microsofts games that get this treatment. I'm confused now . . . Either way i'm buying This and The Last of US II later this year. Would like to wait anyway for TLoU to be sub 30 bucks, and this game sup 20. I know I sound Cheap as F&^K but I can't purchase games day one anymore. After the fire gaming and it's impact on my wallet have been pushed to the far back burner. To hard to Justify it over say . . food! LOL Both games will send the PS4 off very well I feel.
  15. I have zero experience with the Lite but I think if you gonna use it quite a bit, I'd just get the docked version simply because you have options. The controllers can be replaced, you can play it on a TV even if this would be rare, there will be some times you might. There not that big of a difference in cost, so I'd just go with the non lite version!
  16. Exactly! I love my Xbox x but I'm ready right now to put my money down on a PS5 Preorder as I have 2080Ti gaming PC and there is no reason to buy one now or even in the near future. I'll buy a series x around Christmas next year and do the PC to PS5 to Switch gaming regiment . .
  17. No, but they mentioned the leak that had everyone up in arms about a plot twist or something like that. I haven't searched it out but know there is something about the plot that really pissed off some people that hadn't even played it yet. You know, Internet stuff . . .
  18. It's all good and usually i'm not one to push a game down someones throat just because I liked it and they didn't. I know that so many just LOVE the Uncharted games and to them they are the standard to which they judge action adventure games. Uncharted 4 was for the most part a lot of cut scene candy and very little game play that I enjoyed. I like the tomb raider games too, though there getting rather stale. Glad TLoU is clicking with you now, I'm looking forward to playing Part 2 but it'll be much later down the road I'm afraid. Luck I haven't had anything other than IGN's review spoiled for me, never clicked the internet blow up on the plot line and what not. What ever, i'll go in blind and hang on for a bumpy ride i'm sure .. .
  19. TLoU is a fantastic game and if you call yourself a gamer {no disrespect intended} then give it a chance. That said, I do understand your dislike for the Uncharted games as they are so greatly overhyped it's not even funny. They added nothing new and played out as a Male Tomb Raider. I played them all, beat them all and I can say I liked the PSVita one the most over all the ps4 ones. It added some cool elements like using the back touch pad to do charcoal rubbings of hieroglyphs. Play the last of us and see and feel what the hype was and is all about. Again just an opinion!
  20. As for Zero Dawn, I have not quit yet, but i'm just struggling with staying interested. I know, I'm trying here guys. I just got to where the birds first appear. Their perched up on a cliff with 3 big pissed off bull like creatures below in a red canyon. I knew I wasn't ready but I picked a fight with them, and actually killed 2 of the bulls, but the Birds man!!! They just aren't fair, died as it was inevitable. I like the look and the controls. I do find myself only using the bow and the slingshot right now, but I'm steadfast in getting this game under my belt and moving on to GoW! I bought Horizon: Zero Dawn and all the DLC form CDKeys.com for under 8 dollars, and bought GoW for 9.99. I love that site! I'll stick with it, it's a pretty game to look at, I will flesh out her story if it kills me ....lol
  21. I'm trying to get into Horizon Zero Dawn and after about 7 hours in I'm not feeling it. That said I really wanted this game and more so God of War! God of war was the game that was in my PS4Pro (white.....lol R.I.P.) when the Camp fire hit us in paradise. I was really loving it, and depending on what happens with Horizon, I'm starting that one back up from the start. Needless to say I repurchased them both digitally. I'm an all digital guy from here to my death now, as I lost a very impressive game collection, along with consoles dating back to the Atari and commodore 64!
  22. Yup, Like my old school gaming PC's....lol!! In winter I was loving it, in summer I could get away!! I like the look, It's white and I now am gonna need a white series X as my gaming PC is white, my game room entertainment center is tet again white, so i'll now have to wait for a special edition and grab it then. I knew going in that I had mt new 2080Ti PC so the series X could wait for a bit. I'm liking the digital;l look of the PS5. What a fun generation we headed in my fellow gamers!
  23. Same: Strange the op is having that many problems. I could never recommend the far to expensive monster cables, but I do recommend good ones. You can buy some really cheap ass cables in this world. This is something I do not skimp on and I have never replaced a cable because of failure. USB, yes many, but Hdmi. . .nope! Sorry man, I did have to replace a cable that got pinched and frayed once, totally my fault though! The same goes for power strips, and I will admit to paying a premium for really good quality strips, but again, never a failure or loss of anything to a power surge, etc. . .
  24. You sir are a glass half full sort of chap! ME:A was just a bad experience for the start for me, I can look the other way on some stuff but it was utter crap. TO ME, I'm saying, TO ME!! less than 10 hours in I abandoned all hope and erased it from memory, that is until I read you reply . . .
  25. I know, I downloaded wasteland 2 from PC Gamepass and was unable to read the text at all, was very frustrating. I'm also playing on my Couch on my 65 inch 4k Tv. Even on a monitor it would've been tough! Sucks as I always wanted to play these games and never have . . .
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