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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. IF THEY PROVE TO BE CORRECT, Yea don't know why but it shocked me as I've been actively pondering a 2TB m.2 now for a month! Those are the same cost as a 1TB xbox ones. This will hurt for sure, 1TB sucks but we knew that going in. Looks like I'm buying a drive for my PC and watching you guys for a few months hook up and enjoy your new consoles and graphics cards this year anyway. 200 for a good 2TB gaming PC drive is looking great to me now...lol Go figure!
  2. 1TB Series s & x Memory cards? I usually don't do this, but caught up in the ps5 preorder woes, but this did catch me off guard a bit! Really hope it's not this much, I've been wanting a M.2 gaming only card 2TB for my gaming PC and there well over 200 but wasn't really thinking about possible costs for the consoles, thoughts? These are 219.99 for 1TB is reliable!!
  3. Yea I had one in the cart but just couldn't really justify the extra cost and while in the cart I was booted out saying it had changed. Was exciting for a sec, but at least I was able to talk myself down of the ledge, not that it was a guarantee anyways!!
  4. Had no chance really but to be honest I tried for a few hours early this morning say 3am'ish. Sorry guys that really really wanted one, as I feel you. Personally I really wanted to wait but got caught up in the shiny new console thoughts too! Oh well the world will not end because of this anyway. This Virus and the state of the world these days on top of these amazing new machines and graphics cards releases that are always in the best situations very limited at launches anyway, so it is what it is. I'm prepared for a cluster fuck experiences on all of them. Sorry guys, i'll be waiting till I can just go get one here in my new state of Oregon. That said, out of all the launches, the PS5 is the one I want first as the newish gaming PC I have makes it way easier to hold off on my new Series X, and a bad ass graphics card for awhile. I felt the push to go get one though, felt the need to own one at launch, just not in the cards for now...
  5. NO WAY THAT's TRUE!! I think it's less then 50% better a 2080Ti. 2x would be absolutely insane!
  6. I WISH, as I don't feel suckered but a but like I should've waited a bit longer. Losing my Gaming rig and consoles in the fire, I had to build something! Many helped me piece this bad boy together, and where to save a few bucks to be able to get my 2080Ti, so I'm greatfull for what I have, but I want the best damnit!
  7. Yea, Don't think he leaked anything that wasn't shown in the add thingy, clearly chows the white lights. My PC is white with blue lights, I love the white Zotec/Gaming logo on my 2080Ti just wish it said....well 2080Ti!! lol
  8. Wanted a C9 so bad but I just can't do it. In reality I want a 85 inch display with 2.1, g-sync 4k {dont care about 8k obviously} and 120htz @4k. The C9 is expencive {understandably} and only max 77" LOL!!! I have a Samsung Q8fn 65" and it's so good for the price I paid! Not a LG C9, but you know. Like I have said, I will not be preordering these cards, I'm just 1 year on my 2080Ti / i7 9700k so i'm just excited is all. Having the time to watch and really see exactly what I want is nice and had it not been for the FUCKING CAMP fire in paradise Ca I'd be building and spending money like crazy. That isn't my life now, I love my rig and my Xbox one. I do want a PS5 but again, not jumping this year! I can only play @1440p if I want 120Htz refresh rate and having no other option but V-sync hurts a bit. So back-n-forth 4k/60htz or 1440/120htz is easy on PC anyways. Just love the time we are in and it's harder with Covid-19 as we are inside so much more. I appreciate you words and your right! like you, I'm good right now. Next year around this time I might be in the build a new amazing future proof pc but mean it this time. Not just 2 years, but 5yrs? It's really possible for the very first time if your wanting high standards and finally not have to upgrade so much! So I mentioned the 3090 as for the first time maybe that card can really provide the specs needed to build and just enjoy and not be held back. We know thw Zotec extreme amp 2080Ti I have now in all it's glory, isn't giving us 4k/ ultra settings every box checked. Near Future games will only require more possibly. So we were't there...Until now???
  9. Gonna be so jealous of you 3080/3090 guys out the gate. I'm so excited to see the Professionals get there little hands on these things and we see real world numbers, so exciting. I'm set to build a 4k/120 capable PC rig and just be happy for a long time. I'm hoping this is easy for the 3090 to do across the board, but we hall see. Then I can narrow in on my new TV to pair with it. must be 2.1 {of course} and be able to have a 120{+} refresh rate in 65" and have G-sync would be a great selling point Really interested to know how you guys feel about there being a Ti version of the 3080 / 3090? I mean wow, if there is still a higher end card there keeping under wraps?? There has been since the 900 series right? The cost though, ouch. Hoping to get 500-600 for my 2080Ti and go for in 12 months from now! Really am interested though to my "Ti" question, do you think NVIDIA is holding on to these too for a later announcement and the cost of course? No one is really talking about this, so maybe I'm just way off here? They said the 3090 was just re branding of their Titan cards, so that leaves the Ti cards to still be announced and really makes me excited to see just what a GPU with little limitations can really do where we are in graphics demands now. Great shit, love watch this stuff play out, as I can't be a Day 1'er this time around...
  10. nicely said, having lost so much in the past 2 years {wild fires, our home, the loss of my oldest son, both our jobs, our car, etc} I to am living a wonderfully thankful life. Sure I want things that I would normally just buy, but I have so much in the form of family, friends, etc. It's hard to complain, I really do try not to.
  11. because I suck at waiting for things that I really want {LOL} I'd take 600$ right now for my 2080Ti if I could score a pre-order on a 3090! That said, I really wanna hold off until the you tubers have there hands on these bad boy and we see real world numbers. It's gonna be crazy fun. I have to wait for the 3080Ti & 3090Ti specs also to be able to make a call either way. I'm thinking like some of you earlier that the 3080Ti will be the best bet to replace a 2080Ti with. If it's 800-900 then I'm gonna grab one of them when we start seeing the non founders editions and what they do to them visually, etc. I admit it, I love a good looking gaming PC!
  12. That makes alot of sense! I've been playing more 1440p / 120 Htz on my Q8fn 65" TV. Especially shooters and racers. I thought the differences would be slim at best visually, but 4k is stunning in so many games now. Fore the most part though 4k / 60 is fine with me, but I can tell the differences to be fair. . .
  13. Why does the power cable have to always be infront? Our cases would be that much more neat if it plugged in the right side down at the bottom, just a thought!
  14. yea it does, it's a gr8 time to upgrade form the 10series! makes my card look like a chump. I knew this going in, but DAMN! I just bought this card {2080Ti} I need to just be happy to have what I have and move on, this is blowing my mind. Also, having lost everything in the world to the camp fire, at least going on from here I'll have a great GPU to throw in and test stuff, troubleshoot, etc.
  15. Exactly where my head is too. So is the 3080Ti still a possibility here? I love my Rig now, I knew the highend would be a monster, but this WOW! with there still being talk about a possible 3080Ti and a 3090Ti? Fuck ME! Wouldn't my complete rig bottleneck this beast? i7 9700k, 32gigs ddr4 3200mhz ? God this shit is exciting but the cost and the availability will be harsh. Next year for Christmas maybe I'll get a 3090 / 3080Ti and be good for the next 4 years no matter what.
  16. I love watching new PC tech hitting the market. This last gen was the first time I built a rig using the Top tier GPU on the market. I'm really getting the feeling though that a 3080Ti or 3090 {rumored} will be the absolute sweet spot for quite a long time. It should easily push 4k / 60 on everything for a few years at least. Even so, I'd have to do a complete rebuild to even use it as my I7 9700k would be a bottleneck now. I'm so impressed by the way this PC now runs games, next gen is gonna be awesome. I guess I could sell my Zotec extreme amp and get one of these later on, say November 2021? Oh and a new 9900k. My wallet will be watching, as we can't compete at these prices, I spent 1199 so I'll not be upgrading anytime soon
  17. I came so close to Blind buying this game yesterday! I have to admit out loud that I never beat any Dark Souls game and I own them all in some form or another. I did beat Demon souls, do not know if that counts though. Bloodborne either {i know, I know} I'm kinda hoping for a poor mans maybe easier version of those games. Thoughts on that? No Steam version makes it an easier wait to get game too.
  18. Ok, Ok!! I wasn't judging at all. After posting that and remember putting many hours into Diablo 2. Pretty sure it could've been in the 1000's but it just shocked me. I was more surprised by the time scale of the hours. I was under the impression it had been just released, so it seemed impossible really. I see now that it had been in open beta for a period of a couple years? maybe even 3-4 years? Release date was just the 16th...lol Always wanted to jump into Dota 2, you just made me realize.....I better not...lol
  19. I really want this game and Satisfactory! I have such a huge backlog, these look amazing but....check the fuck out these reviews on steam!! These hours can't be right, can they? Most hours I have ever put into a game is probably Civilization 2: A Test of Time at maybe 3-400 hours, these guys are showing 1 - 3k hours!! THESE GUYS
  20. Factorio Just happened on this game while booting up Steam. Anyone here playing it. Seems it recently left Beta and is now for sale. Looks fun, thoughts?
  21. FUCKING Finished TLoU ! I'm supposed to move on to GoW but can't seem to pick my next game. It took me 49 hours to beat this game, I looked everywhere, tried to find secrets and fun stuff, coins and Trading cards. I REALLY REALLY like the game. I'm blown away by how much I liked it actually. I had zero spoiled for me before so I went in blind and enjoyed it alot! I would not give it a 10 though, it's a 8.5-9 for me. So to answer the topic question: I'm playing the pick a new game to play game...
  22. It's redicous the time I need to finish a game. I'm slowely trucking through TLoU2 and while enjoying the game, I'm playing in just to small amounts of time to really get into the story. I think I'm in need of a reboot as I'm just not that into gaming as I once was and even think I still am. I mean I follow gaming news. Hot new releases, new console shit, etc. I ;love that stuff. I buy way to many games thinking I might really get around to playing let alone actually finish. Getting old isn't something I saw coming! So...finish TLoU2 and start God of War, then Control and Red Dead Redemption 2. That's easily the rest of the year for me. I did fire up RDR2 about 6 months ago and didn't even make it through the beginning snow storm very beginning. So restart is better said.
  23. and TicTok . . . to soon? lol Anyways, I do not see how GamePass makes money. It' really seems way to good to be true and that is so very rare these days. Maybe we just aren't used to getting what we pay for and being generously compensated. At full price it's a steal IMHO. I got mine through a link from here where someone said sign up for Gamepass and it counts the amount of Xbox Live you had at the time of subscribing as the start date for the monthly cost! Meaning I was just 1 month into my new 24 month 2year suscription when I subed for the 1 dollar for the first month thingy for GamePass Ultimate. Then I had / have 23 month before the first months payment will be collected. No way? I feel like I stole something. So I do plan on staying on for the long haul, but won't be sending anything til 2022 for pete-sakes!! Seriously, It's a great deal either for Ultimate for Pc guys too or on it's own, I wish we could put pre-orders down for the SeriesX. Shit, I forgot I promised I would not buy the Series X this tear as I have a 1 year old 2080Ti Gaming PC. I do want to know price and look forward to seeing the big 2 go at it full tilt. Love gaming and gaming news. Add in a hotly contested Console launch from Microsoft and Sony into the mix and it's just Yummy days for us.....
  24. Would've been a perfect console gen if we'd gotten a Nija Gaiden Black remake or a sequal !!
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