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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Would really love to see Control ultimate edition come to GP Ultimate as I'm really wanting to use my pc and see all the bells and whistles turned on. Dought my 2080ti csn do 4k, but 1440p with all on ultimate should be fun...
  2. Yea sorry guys, I thought it was the Remake too, my bad. Plz forgive me. I was a bit to excited there. My point being, the last year or so Gamepass has blown me away and has completely changed my game buying routine. That and our circumstances of course. I now look at games that I managed to not just buy day one, and feel good at thinking it'll more than likely be out soon on GP. That is what I meant, sorry guys....
  3. Blown away by the value this service has given me at least!! In my opinion I do not see how this works for Microsoft, I mean yea 15$ (gamepass ultimate here) a month for 12 months isnt nothing, but everytime I go look at the new games there is a new game I would normally just have bought. Having a gaming pc too ultimate rocks too! Now this hasn't been normal times for me in over 2 1/2 years. Not just Covid19 have you, but the loss of our home, my son, job, Etc, etc has really made me watch my wallet like I cant remember. So along comes Gamepass. I normally would have bought FF7 remake day one, but watching our budget a bit and all be damned, look here it's on game pass! I look today and looky here again, SW: Fallen Order another game I would've forked 60 bucks for and not looked back. This it's on GP too now! I feel like if I just close my eyes and wish now the games I want will be there! Games like Control I've almost bought that multible times over the last 2 months, and Ghosts too, anyday now right...lol? In the long and short of it, it'll save me hundreds of bucks easily. I'm thinking easily the cost of the new Series X (that of course I do not have....lol) normally if in stock a ps5 and new Xbox SX would've been day ones too! I am getting older and though new games still give me that feeling, and I get hyped. Bundled along with a long string of new circumstances, my wallet stays shut more often than not. God in the back of my mind, I still Crave that new shiny console, that new Rtx3080, etc. With a whole trunk load of games in my backlog, shit ton of offerings from Microsoft from GP its seems like there reading my mind somedays. I'm humble for how we have rebounded from a just mother fucker of a 30 or so months, I feel like I'm actually under paying for a service that is GP. That's rare these days....
  4. I agree man!! I never beat Seiko and also never beat any of the Darksouls games. I hate saying that, but they just become unfun and I'm playing a game to be fun. Hell I like Bloodborne and didn't beat it either, sucks. As an older gamer I just don't enjoy getting my ass kicked ridiculously easy over and over again. I'm not an angry person, never throw shit break controllers and shit like that, but there not fun! That said, I did beat Demon souls, and that is why I keep trying to like all the games that came after it. I beat Ninja Gaiden Black too, so maybe I'm just to old...
  5. Sorry if I missed you guys last night, My mom was just diagnosed with covid-19 and I've been rather stressed about the whole thing! I live over 2000 miles from her and I'm quite worried. She's over 70 and has several underlying conditions. I'm so FUCKING tired of this damn virus. I'll be on tonight, maybe shooting some virtual bad guys in the face will make me feel better.
  6. ok good, most strikes I play the second the game drops us in the teammates jump on a bike and jet out down the map leaving every enemies alive as they go just to get the the end real fast and it's done. some jump puzzles are tricky i've found and if i go down no one ever come back to revive me. I just want to experience the whole thing for what it is. you no have fun, enjoy the scenery? Cool hope to se you on, are you in a clan? I don't even know how to add someone to a fire team but well figure it. I really want to experience the raids like I said but the don't have matchmaking, and you need a team of 6! They take about 2-35 minutes are are challenging, though I've never even got to do one ever. light never has to be 1240 to do the raids so that's a bit tricky. But I was able to get from 1050-1200 very fast just killing shit, running patrols, running lost sectors, looking for powerful champions and doing public actives!
  7. I'll be on around 8-9pm PDT, we need another team member too for strikes! I'm really needing team mates that play a bit more casually and don't have to be the very first one through a door so that maybe we can get revived if need be? Also clans? I need to join one that helps with xp boosts, thoughts? anyway, I'll be running lost sectors and opening regency chests until I see one of you. HardAct on Xbox one x
  8. Well now thats one, thanks man. When do you play most? I'm good for some nights pacific time zone say 9-11pm
  9. I'm popping on here in a few minutes, I noticed that all 3 characters were bumped to 1050 when Beyond Light installed. My main guy the warlock was at 1060 but the others were at 750 and bungie wanted 10 bucks to power them to 1050 before this launched, lol thanks bungie!! I'm just looking for some folks that play to enjoy the strikes and kill everything not just rush ahead leaving us all to fend for themselves. You know maybe stay together?? I really really want to play these Raids though most and they take 6 people and there's no matcmaking... I'm off to get through the story to claim my pre-order exotic pulse rifle and it's catalyst. This time I vow to get to 100 on the seasons too to claim all that great loot! I only got to 65 last season and that was the first season I really played in. I barely understand how to get weapons better, etc. The end game stuff is beyond me. I love the game for what it is a FPS but much I just don't enjoy. I hate Crucible, and yes I suck, still hate it... Noone seems to have the time to actually show fellow gamers how things are done, etc these days. It's "this strike can be don in 11 minutes" so lets do it 1050 times before lunch...lol
  10. Destiny2: Beyond Light Fire Team Draft is now in effect... Need casual gamers to form a by weekly Destiny 2: Beyond Light team with. I'm loving the game since shadow keep was free on Game pass and I was able to move my very old PS4 game save over without issues. I'm about done with Shadow keep and I' all in on Beyond Light. Anyone super into D@ and looking to run with a few who don't know every damn cliff, canyon, jump platform, etc. and just want to team these actives and leave NO MAN behind? I need this, I desperately want to beat these raid with a fun laughing for or at fire team. If you have to take off at warm speed just to be there first and can kill everything on your own, your probably looking for a different kind of group no insult intended. We will need to teach each other, learn weapon perks etc., and stay and watch to make it sure we all make it to that glorious end we crave? LETS DO THIs GUY, I'M excited... 1. HardAct 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8,
  11. well guy I'm HardAct on Steam, Xbox, Playstation, and on switch. I'd love to do this with a band of D1Pbrothers {and sisters, no judgement here!} I'm on most night s now at around 9pm-11pm pacific day light time. Cool shit man, lets shred some crap and die a fucking whole lot... Thanks guys, we need a few more if we want to make this a thing. I never even got to try Vault of Glass way back in the day. Guys just rush ahaead and i'd do a bad jump and never catch up. I want a more family like tight group where we leave no man behind. I'm told Strikes take on average of 10-15 minutes and Raids 20-30. Strikes are match made though through launch Raids are not...
  12. Gotta up that Chedda' my man . . . Those ones all rolled up don't excite the ladies like they did in the 80's, just say'n. Bank roll 5's next time and feel the enthusiasm...
  13. A very, very long Reply to a simple question, sorry guys. I apologies up FRONT! It's just this struck a nerve and I want to put in words. Maybe better help me and my depression issues have, along with some uplifting consequences of one of Life after such a devastating event. This Event happened early on Nov. 8th 2018 5:35 am. Our tight nit family's life was turned upside down taking everything we had every acquired % drop'n us on our cold hard concrete driveway, leaving us on a difficult path to unknown places that lasted quite some time. Yes we were safe, but it's been now 2 year and it feels like just yesterday. Thanks for you time this fine day, and either way {stay and read, or go} I appreciate it greatly . . . And to this Community! I place where I can come read and or write my way through the damn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey fellow d1Patchers my friends: This is a good topic and one in not that near a past was a great fun problem I was in every year! I had a large collection of consoles from very old to just out and everything that goes with them in way. A Gaming collection spanning now 30+ yrs. I was never a hoarder, I kept not a single thing that was broken ever, and always took so very care of the stuff. That & coupled with having a very good job for such a long time along with my wife having an equally amazing job too for almost 30 yrs! This allowed gaming & Electronic tech [Phones, and fancy digital clocks, all PC tech, etc] to be enjoyable hobbies that really we.....so!! I have 10 grand kids so I think when I'm tasked with needing to find an old consoles a new resting home much like me. Shit they all just salivate at the electronics ol'PaPa has 'or should I say had in his collection. Were all gamers in this family and I love it. Really sucks when the Camp Fire happened in Paradise Calif. November 7th. Yea it took our home, both of our cars, both our jobs, our entire Town, and my friends homes and there community. Very rough, but we were safe in the end. Just under 15000 home Gone in 2 hours. But to my Kids, PaPa {ME} was the man!! I had large TV's a home theater that most dream of, and all the current gaming shit out there. We'd play for so many hours, I have literally 1000's of Xbox and Playstation games, plus Nintendo switch and Wii, and Dreamcasts. I huge collection old consoles I grew up on. aka; The Jaguar, N64, super NES, the NES, a PS Vita, Atari 2600, and a Commodore 64. Those kids though me a god of sorts. I always sent them home with each a game and sometimes a handheld for the year, All lost, it happens, but it's a hard pill either way. Stuff is stuff but it hurts. They still cant wait every year to come stay with my wife and I around June usually for 2weeks or more and we just have a blast! No-a-days I have very little of those past gadgets and it's fine. I love far more important things like my job of 24 years, and my wife's job of over 27 years. Every-other year we would build Me...lol {Us} a brand new gaming PC. All kids had to help. I miss this the most because it taught them something maybe down the road. This last June we all built my Now Gaming Rig: my only one too, I used to donate my older PC's to the kids as much as I could. They new when there turn was coming up Oldest to youngest and my oldest Grandsons PC was to be this year. He would've gotten the one the fire took. a i5 2500k, 16 gig memory, and a 980Ti GPU. He is so disappointed. Kids only live in the now, I now that. gonna be a while before he gets this i7 9800k 32gigs DDr 3200, Zotec RTX 2080Ti. But he asks to see it all the time wen we video chat. Gaming is the glue that has kept us so very close, all of us. My wife of 27 years, my 4 kids 2girls and 2 boys! And as you know now, my 10 {YES TEN!!} grand kids. 9months - just turned 14 yesterday. Sorry to those who took the time to read this fucking silique. I admit it did derail awhile back. To the question at hand, "what do I do to my old consoles" I just pass them down the family line with a huge smile on all our faces. Not just me from giving, or for that matter the one who's in line to receive this years gaming platform from my collection. It's also the kid just behind this years prize winner, the gleam in their eye that I'm next and it will be awesome...
  14. Currently on a Samsung Q8fn 65" that's amazing. doesn't have g-sync and if I want 120hz I have to play @1440p so I trade off from 4k 60hz etc. It's a great tv for the price of 1299.99. I want a 77" c9 / c10 but dought it for awhile. I think my next Big expensive TV should go to our Home theater room. We lost an amazing room in the camp fire and it's taken 32 years just to get a decient tv and couch in our new home to build one. I really want a Samsung q90 85" but I'm wishing right now. My q8fn is hooked up to my Gaming Pc with a i7 9700k / 32gig dd4 3200 ram, and a RTX 2080ti. Consoles are of course an Xbox one x and a Ps4 pro...
  15. Well as of late I have been playing quite a bit of Destiny 2 on Xbox 1X. I only repicked this back up so I could play it on Xbox instead of the PS4 Pr0. It's been alot of fun again, and it's a great FPS. I never really got a lot out of it though, it all seemed a bit to complicated to me, the endgame stuff, best great, Exotics etc. That said after Shadowkeep was included in Game pass I switched consoles had a good time. Even reaching 1050 of the 1060 level cap!!! This as I never played Crucible or Gambit ever! I love playing the raids but everyone just flies through then not killing groups of enemies leaving guys like me far behind never to be revised either, so very frustrating! I'm not great, but I will always revive a downed gradian if possible. Ok so I like the game a lot, I'm very late to the raid party. Here's why though I just can't keep liking it, I've never once played in a Raid!!I have no experience but I'm a good team mate if folks could just play a bit more slowly and have fun, help a guy learn these amazing game areas {I suppose anyway} Why am I rambling on here? Well again I'm liking the game is why but I have no one to play with except matchmaking game types, and then I'm just left the second we drop in. I very much wanna experience the fun of a group of 6 that aren't just trying to finish said task in 5 minutes, but enjoy helping all end being helped, etc. Guys I need a fireteam to play with, interested. I promise I'll probable be under leveled but I'll be trying to get there as much as possible. I no longer have the online friends I once did after the camp fire took my whole community our homes and jobs, etc. I'm sure it difficult to get 6 guys at one time to play, but I'd be fine just to fly all over and do raids or adventures, or public events, whet ever, I just wanna experience all that this game offers. I preordered Beyond the light deluxe edition, and I'm excited to dive in alone and with some new team members, Interested?
  16. I so loved DS1 & 2 and with all these remakes being done, these are my most anticipated games to get the same treatment. They are/were so great back then...
  17. This and Cyberpunk 2077 is all i'll need for a very long time. Just loved the first two. Such fond memories, very excited to play but will easily wait for the Release date, don't want to play this before it's shipped...
  18. I hope they just push it back till it's perfect in there eyes. I'd love to play it on PC first or XSX, but I won't have the latter till middle next year. I want the best version, as I love 7 so much! Resident Evil is my favorite franchise by a large margin, that said I hated 6! I'm very much looking forward to getting RE8 and 4remake soon'ish.
  19. So...is the EA thing permanent? or a year thingy? I haven't heard either way, but it's pretty damn incredible anyway. Bethesda is my favorite game dev ever and I was already a Gamepass Ultimate sub'er! adding in EA and it's just some tasty gravy.
  20. Sorry guys, Your all very excited as you should be, but DAMN! I have just no patience for this crap. I would've pre-ordered a PS5 if I could've but these cards, I'm just gonna wait now that 3080's with 20Gigs V-ram have been all but confirmed {?}, it's much easier. I'll try here and there and if at all possible I'll gladely just sell the pre-order free of charge. I feel I need to help all us here on these boards that just want a badass GPU and aren't trying to make money off them. I'll try with you guys to counter the scalpers!! With a 3080 with a possible 20G ram and/or a possible 3080Ti still coming, I want one of those. I'm sure they'd fall in between the 3080 and the 3090's in price so, i'm more relaxed now...
  21. I think they both look like there designed to be stood up. I'm sure the heat they create is the main reasoning. I know they both can lay horizontally but having them vent strait up is probably the best. I'm sure there will be thermal testing on youtube by the hundreds...lol
  22. I've had a 4TB WD external drive also hooked up to my Xbox1X, it's only 1/3rd full and a WD 5TB Black hooked to my PS4pro that I love too
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