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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Very interesting indeed. I have a feeling I'll have vr unit from a tech angel in my mail sometime between now and the end of 2022! 😁🤗
  2. Oh man thank you so very much for the offer. That's very kind also, I did take Mr.Vic20 up on his offer, and wow, very cool of these boards to hook us up like this. Appreciated
  3. I loved all that tech shit. The fact that it played movies and took mini game discs was impressive. Haven't even begun thinking about replacing that thing. Mine was in perfect condition too. We all used the PSVita though, the screen on the original was an Oled I think, but I don't care about that. I'd think the PSP had to be quite expensive to make even, I don't know why the Vita wasn't very well received, I thought it was fantastic. Easier to carry than a Switch, it was pocket sized.
  4. FUCKING WOW, That's to generous man, com'on! I'd gladly accept that unit, and easily give you a reasonable price!! I finally just told myself that I'm not paying those prices I was seeing. What a great little console it always was for the younger kids and grandkids when the older ones always hogged the Xboxes and Playstations and every tv in my home, and my Gaming rig in the man cave {It used to be a Man Cave/ Theater room before the fire, now it's just a bedroom with a man cave sign } Thank you Mr.Vic sir, you as usual much to kind my friend. Thank you. Please let me know what if anything you'd like for it, man such a nice gesture, and I do have that M.2 drive brand new if you could use it. I thank you so much, so appreciated. I'll message you my Address and I can easily wait a few weeks for the snow to melt a bit. Pretty excited to not just lose all the digital games we bought over the years for those handhelds.
  5. As many know we lost everything on Nov8th 2018 to the California Camp Fire that took our home, our vehicles, our jobs, our community, and our entire town along with OVER 14,ooo homes. Easily the largest forest fire as in homes lost and just sucked in just about everyway you could imagine it would. As we have been rebuilding our lives as well as we can and starting to require some things that I owned before, I've began looking into getting another PSVita. I just need it to be an American version, and really it has to be in VERY good shape, like new really. Thing is, There a fortune on Ebay for a new one, even a slim as we all know there discontinued. I had hundreds of Games bought for the thing though and it would be a waist to just never be able to play them ever again, as there mostly digital and could be redownloaded and enjoyed by the kids and grand kids, etc. I loved that little handheld really. So, Do any of you have one, maybe a second one that you'd want to sell maybe, trade, would have to have all the cords and stuff. Just a thought, I just wanted to put it out there and see what the community thought of the old PSVita? I do have a brand new never opened !TB 970 Evo NvME M.2. that's a thought for a trade, but cash is fine to. Shoot me a number and a few pics and maybe we can do something abought rehashing my extensive Digital Vita Library that is just out in never never land right now....lol
  6. Seems your ready better than most as its GPUs that are the mother fuckers to get. Sorry about that motherboard issue didn't know it was a thing. I using a Asus z390A motherboard, I7 9700k, H100i corsair AIO, with 32 gig DDR4 3200 Samsung vengeance memory and Zotec 2080Ti Extreme Amp Edition GPU. I love it, it's silent, and now as of yesterday I have my second 1TB 970 Evo M.2 as my dedicated Game drive, a 500Gig 970 Evo m.2 as Boot drive and a 500 gig 869 ssd as playing together nicely. Enjoy your build when you get the parts, awesome stuff man...
  7. I really recommend the NZXT H700, it's just so nice to look st, a pleasure to build in, I use the 700 non 700i dont need the fan hub. Its bold with clean edges, one of my altime favorites by far. Yea it's over 100 bucks butbits worth it and will last through many upgrades to come....
  8. Crazy crazy ass shit. Although I'm grearful for the boards tech experts to help my shave a bit over to pay for my Zotec 2080ti extreme amp edition. It was 1199.00 and has been a fantastic card, but kinda worthless these days at the same time. Hurts a bit, but gaming wise it's still my beast and does my bidding!
  9. Finally Bought the 1Tb 970 Evo as a dedicated gaming only drive It finally got here and for once I waisted no time installing it! Everything went perfectly and benching the drive came out to be almost exactly what the top numbers were for the 500 gig version of same drive! Amazon also decided to give me a handout sort of...lol. I bought the drive and am a Prime member so it shipped with a window of 3 days, after the 3rd day I tracked the drive and it just stopped short of the out for delivery part. I called amazon and they said to give it another 2 days, but it might be lost in the mail. So the next day I called back pitched a fit asking where the package was, it doesn't show it's even being delivered, and the gave me the option to either refund or replace and that I was no longer liable for the first drive, the new drive would be there in 2 days! OK THEN! The new drive arrived on time, with the first 1TB 970 Evo coming in the following day. So thanks Amazon for once, the 139.99 dollar extra M.2 is a nice compensation for the many packages not arriving on time! So far it has just Flight Simulator installed, many more to come.....
  10. Mortal Shell this week, pure hell awaits my gaming skills and pride... Beat Cyber Punk 2077, then finished Resident Evil 3 Remake my kid dropped by and so I then went and bought Mortal Shell for PC from CDkeys. 18.98 pretty good price I though! I just do not know why I do this to myseld over and over again. I wanna be in the Souls club, but just can't frikk'n do it. This game is starting out brutally hard for me, like all the other ones like it before it. I have owned them all, Nioh, DS 1-3, Blood Borne, Sekiro, etc. Only one I have ever beaten is Demon Souls on the Xbox, or was it PS3? I don't know, but I want to be good. I gall myself a gamer, these games kick my ass every which way and it's frustrating. I refuse to give up, and I'll admit I know nothing about the game as I haven't had anything spoiled for me, etc. The parry system is just ridiculously for me to time too. I'm not quitting, I'm tired. Tomorrow's another day, I'll give it my best shot, and maybe look up a beginners guide to Mortal Souls. Couldn't hurt me anymore than my pride gets hurt with these games every time ....lol
  11. Makes my cry (all-b-it inside...lol) everytime I think or see these cards (on paper...lol) and their costs! Although I LOVE MY Zotec 2080Ti and haven't been hurt by the performance this beast of a card delivers...it was frikk'in 1199.99! Those 3080s are drool worthy. Honestly for the performance the 3090 really shockingly doesn't interest me. What a sweet bunch of cards these are. I'm sure the xbox series x and ps5 are nice, not that I can ever catch them online either though...
  12. After going round and round and round again almost daily on whether to get the 970 evo, or the 970 evo plus / 970 evo pro and on top of that the 1TB at 159.99 or the 2TB 300+ bucks! I just went with what I have in the system already as the boot drive all-be-it only 500G the 970Evo. I know I will be building a brand new system within 2 years and man did I want the 2TB badly but I just couldn't justify the purchase. So after making my FU#$ing head hurt for a month I did it, Monday I will have a new Gaming NvME M.2 1Tb Samsung 970 Evo and I can go on to much more important things like: Should I buy Super Mario Maker 2 and should it be Digital or not, see...Brain still hurting just as much LOL!
  13. I've been incredibly great this last few years in not watching gameplay from games that I know I will get even if it's awhile from now! That said wow, that was really awesome to watch [I did skip half of it] I knew it was in real time, but hadn't seen how it was implemented. I do want this game, but it being in chapters has me holding off for a complete edition, maybe even a collectors edition. FF7 not to be a fanboy was the first in the series I ever played, and was and still is on my top 5 games of all time. This just takes the game to a whole new level and yes...That sound track fucking rocks!
  14. I just thought I'd wait till it was all released and get the ultimate edition or what ever it's inevitability going to be called, but at this rate that's probably late summer 2025. I'm not going to buy a chapter at a time, even though I'm pretty sure they stand alone too.
  15. That's funny, The build I'm playing on now went wonderfully, and I even checked that it was plugged into the power strip. Hit the button with my wife and mother watching and ....nothing. franticly checked psu, was clicked on, it was. As the sweat started to build I finally saw the the power strip had its trip button off wheeeeew! All went well, with a post and the like. Can be stressful. So far only issue I have had was a motherboard Doa, and 1 out of 4 sticks ram once was bad out of 6 now builds! Its really just like legos following a build book.
  16. how do I shoot you a friend code? How do I shoot you a friend code. At the moment she has only played first night 1 1-2 hours, and last night for 2 1/2 hours. She freaked out when she got stung buy some wasps, and fucking hit me when she was bitten buy a spider....lol I read online that there are scorpions too! Geeezeee i'll catch hell for this one I think...
  17. Question: Do I need an Online sub for this? I don't care about the 20bucks, but you know....
  18. I'm totally fine with that. It's an amazing piece of tech and it deserves someone to love it. I miss by PSVita to with Hundreds of dollars lost [maybe honestly a thousand] in games but the cost to replace it is just to much now. I loved that console so much! Tonight will be the big TV reveal, where I show here how it docks with the TV and give here the ProController...lol
  19. yea, She started it like 9:30pm last night. Makes sense thanks.... I'm excited for this actually, I game all the time when I can and she's always just on her phone. I would love to see her enjoy more than just Facebook games and the like. Not going to show her the time jump thing as I think it's better to learn it as it opens up slowly =better I think here. Lastly: Spitfarer looks way beyond her gaming skills level. She HATES platforming even though that game looks very simple, she wouldn't get into that I don't think, thanks though anyway!
  20. Looking into both of these as we speak, Thank you. I may get this switch a new user yet! Thing for me & the switch is the controls and always has been. I can adapt if I'm into a game like Zelda over days but moving back 'n forth I struggle with the "A" button being the action button and "B" being the back button. Every time I finally pick it up I run into frustration and end up moving back to Steam on PC of my PS4 & Xbox1x. To long between play sessions I thiink, but those games especially Harvest Moon look extremely promising to. Wish Switch games were cheaper, I would love to rebuy some of the loved games I lost ala Mario Kart 8, etc. Fuck that FIRE!
  21. She only played for an hour or so but I think it will grow on her. By the time it downloaded it was past her normal bed time but stayed up like I said at least an hour! She did walk up to me and ask why can't I pick up these weeds in the very beginning, I tried also with all the buttons and concluded that she had to do something first but that she should learn it for her self. I was worried after I said that, Might have just waisted 59.99, but sell yelled a few minutes after "I had to put my tent down first, I got it!" lol Like I said, My fingers are crossed. Frustration will kill any game for her. After showing her how to put the console to sleep, she thank me. Funny, I had to look online how to save the damned game lol. I tried every button and gave in to failure. I know now it's the - button. Another win is that the console has just sat there unplayed forever and I felt guilty. I'm hoping it will get 100's of hours of play with her at the helm. Thanks again guys for the advise as always, I appreciate it! I also didn't buy Mario Maker 2 like I set out to do in the first place when I stumbled into this game....lol Bummed that the new Little Big Planet won't have a Creator mode, fuck I loved making those levels back in the day! Thought SMM2 would fill that gap?
  22. lol ooops......lol, and shes not, but very funny!
  23. Ok, bought it just now and downloaded it. It's in her hands now!!! Thanks guy, so appreciated.
  24. I really think I might have found a game that she would love! Thanks guys so much. I'm buying it tomarrow along with Super Mario Maker 2 (for me of course). I lost a huge collection of Switch games in the 2018 camp fire as you all know. So I'm digital only now with a new switch. I have just one cartridge that's Zelda BotW. Thank guys....
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