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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Now that I have beaten Mortal Shell Also jumping into this game this weekend. It being a ps+ game saved me another 60 bucks! I did play it to the first boss and stopped couple weeks ago, hoping this time I get my teeth into it.
  2. Definitely resident evil 2 on top Re2 Re2 remake Re1 remake Re 7 Re1 Re4 Re3 remake Re3 Re5 Hoping re8 lands in top 5!
  3. This is something I don't know the answer to, but it's a big deal if you lose access to games you've actually bought. I don't know how that's even an option.
  4. Yea way up for 2 months then there worthless though. Far as I know you can't put games on the cards any other way but via online through store. Never mind, they can be hacked to run homebrew and then maybe transferable over windows maybe I never hack, or unlock phones and stuff like that. There might be a way, but looks to me that Vita's will plummet in price in a few months, we shall see.
  5. well there gonna be stupid cheap if Sony closes the digital store as there will be no way to even be able to put games on a new card right? lots of vitas and cards on eBay gonna be e-waste here soon. Other than the physical versions of games, but there already being scalped. Just think I was looking to buy a new console of eBay before Vic20 helped me out. Now that I look at it though, unless you have lots of games in there cases, the consoles are worthless not second hand, along with the proprietary memory cards, right?
  6. Yea crazy, I didn't think they would do that at all really. I wish then though they would cut the cost of all titles to 4.99 or less. I mean what in the world is there to lose, right? I'd buy a bunch and I'd have to go find a second memory card too....lol I owned a lot of digital titles on the Vita. Way more than I even thought actually! I had to decide on what ones I was going to leave out, and wanted a few Physical games I owned but lost too, but decided to not double dip on any of those, games like Uncharted, etc. Luckily I only lost about 20 games in actual PS Vita cases. Why O' Why aren't they doing a massive Sony Digital sale on games for the PS3 and the PSP & PS Vita. It actually makes no sense to me. I feel there are a lot of people out there that actually still use the handheld, but I may be wrong. Fingers crossed that they announce something the month before they take it completely down...
  7. I wanted to first thank the Day One Patch members that did offer to help me with getting a replacement PS Vita thus me being able to recover the many digital games lost in that DAMN Forest fire! I know I'm a broken record on that subject, Sorry. A video game console in that light is meaningless when looking at the totality of course. Again though, I thank all you Guys / and Gals your very much appreciated! ............................................... Well as usual, and I mean this in the most humble and appreciative way, Our Mr.Vic20 offered and did subsequently hook us up by sending a black PS Vita Slim in perfect condition, WITH a 64Gig Memory card inside TOO!!! WE wanted to Publicly thank you, this one last time....Dude you rock man !
  8. So awesome, got my attention. Feels odd to end that video with the Xbox logo / sound. I mean this is PC all the way!
  9. fired up FF7 Remake thanks to PS+ and just buried myself even further with Gamepass with some sports games, NBA2k21, and Madden 21. Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire Ultimate Edition too because why not...lol
  10. Always wanted to be into the Monster hunter games, and I've bought a few. I struggle with the games controls and the meals needed to eat before that fight and the crafting system are always a but off at least for me. Just always find an excuse to not play them more than inner push to just get good....lol!
  11. I plan on buying a 77" LG CX in the very near future. Been saving for sometime, just waiting for them to come down just a little bit more. We have the money, but I was a second 65" in my game room too. Problem though then is I have a 65" Samsung Qled Q8fn {currently gaming on this one} and a NU8000 Samsung 65" all needing a new home or space to store them. I guess the q8fn could go in the guest room, but that seems like overkill. Never been in a bind quite like having 2 4k 65" near brand new TV that I don't want or need. That damned fire F&CK#D me in so many ways . .. . lol Really hoping that both TV's will come down to around 5k total. The 77" is hovering now at around $3300 and the 65" $2700'ish! They just haven't dropped in price very much. I'm so excited to build a new theater room around the LG 77" CX I can taste it. They have to drop another 10-15% when the new TV's, the LG C1's hit!
  12. I beat Mortal Shell last weekend, felt good to get a game like that actually finished too! I know its geguarded as and easier souls clone but to me, it's a big deal. So next is either.... 1. Final Fantasy 7: remake PS4Pro 2. GOD of WAR: PS4Pro With some Dirt 5 Sprinkled in!
  13. Well I can't say that I have dropped the unit itself so you have me there. Look at us getting along and everything...lol After reading your comment I did google Nintedo Switch loud fans and found plenty of people with the issue. Below is a quick link to a YouTube fix for fans and thermal paste, it looks really easy. Hopefully this can help you? Switch fan fix and thermal paste
  14. Man I just moved to Oregon!!! Guess I'll quit drinking and start smoking again lol
  15. This is an odd comment. I have never ever even heard my switch while it's on or off, docked or handheld. I have felt it reach warm while playing but is there really 2x fans in the unit itself?
  16. I have ascended upwards and beyond !! Pretty proud of myself for buying a game like Mortal Shell {30 Bucks PC} and actually beating the game. I'm so very aware of my skill level when it comes to Dark Souls, and ones that model themselves in that image! Out of all the Dark Souls games I haven't beaten a single one, I did beat Demon Souls on PS3, and now I have beaten Mortal Shell though I'm sure it's probably a lesser DS type game combat difficulty wise? I always know early on that I will need to grind and level up far past where most people just find a boss door and go in, I tend to turn around and go the other way...lol I easily maxed everything I could before tackling the bosses. Loaded up on Crossbow bolts, and so many boiled rats {Healing item in the game}, I had 99 of them when I went to fight the final Boss. I had heard it was a easier one. I died about 8 times. Actually I can tell that the power of my character was pretty much a tank if played smart. The fact that you can harden at anytime given you have the thing filled is really a super mechanic. I liked that it made the game easier for me. So now I have New Game + if I ever want to put myself through that again!
  17. Trekking through Mortal Souls right now. I have a few days on the couch { More like 30 DAYs !! } from 2 back surgeries on the 23rdd and the 25th , so I have some serious gaming days ahead. After Mortal Shell I'm deciding between God of War on the PS4Pro, The Medium on the Xbox1X or FFVII Remake also on the PS4Pro. I think I'm only about 2-5 more hours left in MS so I'll need to pick one ASAP!
  18. DMN Guys I've also waited this long thinking that inevitability I would Own a PS5 and would be playing the best version of this game, but Damn! I was so excited to see it as a PS+ title I downloaded it right then and there. All almost 90 gigs of it!
  19. FF7 Remake is available now along with Remnant from the ashes and Farpoint! Happily surprised, it's my Birthday today, this made my day! I loved what little I played of Remnant too! Bought it on Xbox at launch and stopped playing it for whatever reason. Pretty damned good couple months to be a Plus subscriber I'd say.... Also I did look and didnt see this anywhere in the topics, feel free to move, delete, lock, etc if it's a double topic!
  20. Thanks guys Even though I'm in a lot of pain as of now, it's much different than before. I'm so hoping that I'm done with that crap! It's affected my everyday life now for many years. This pain now is more from the front stomach muscles incision where they had to spread it apart to get to the actual discs as it's all blocked in the back by bone. second one was through the back 2 days later where 4 long screws were placed to make me stable while the bone grows and fill in all around the new spacers. I'm so excited to have had this done finally! fingers cross that it's all post surgery pains and we shall see!
  21. Sorry about the harshness of the title, I'm just really excited! I just got released Saturday afternoon from the hospital after 5 days in recovery for Spinal fusion surgery L4 and L5 discs replaced with spacers (both of which were completely gone) and fused together with screws and bone marrow to completely form new bone around the spacers over the next 3 months! This was two seperate procedures done with one full day in between! This was a procedure that was originally scheduled for early April 2020, but because of Covid-19 and the pandemic was canceled 3x !! The last time was literally the night before I was supposed to show up at 7:30am. I'm super optimistic and greatful and should be getting better day by day! Never thought I'd be do happy to be using a Walker, and needing my wife to dress me funny! Heed my advise people, take care of your BACK! SO, be prepared to have many long and babble like soliloquies in amongst your daily posts, etc! No dought these will be much to long, with very little to say as always. You all stay super safe and healthy, peace!!
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