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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. I've been playing most games at 1440p / 120 max setting and getting great performance though the 2080ti. I will give 4k / 60 a try but anything could happen. Cyber punk ran just wonderfully with some ray tracing options on @1440p / 60, most maxed setting by a recommended set up on YouTube and that's where I left it and finished it. we shall see tonight. I'll be finishing up Dishonored 2 this afternoon, the RE* tonight, it's downloading now and wow it's under 30gigs! That seemed weird, in these days where large games get multiple patches that big, so cool I guess. I hope it's a 20 hour game. I'll be starting on the harder difficulty just one up from normal, and I tend you try and find everything there is so maybe a kind of long 4 days 5 hours each late at night with lights off and 7.1 headphones!!! Can't WAIT!
  2. Just waiting for steam to allow me to start the download! Bought the Deluxe edition from CDKeys and now it's a waiting game! It's under 60 bucks there at least, my fingers are crossed that it will run well. I'm stuck with my 2080Ti now for well into the future and I'm not buying either of the new consoles either till at least middle of 2022.
  3. Kind of blown away that it hasn't showed up on Game Pass as of yet. Maybe it did and I missed it too, that's highly possible too! There's so many damn games in that GPUltimate subscription I'm a happy gamer with far more money in my wallet to spend on other shit I don't need. It's been rather fucking nice <------Um, too much?
  4. About half way through the D2 campaign and like I always knew it would be I't great. I chose to play as the girl and am having a good time waiting for RE8 to be able to be downloaded already from steam! I going in as a woman on a revenge mission, seemed fitting, I'm killing everything even though i've tried to play as quiet as possible, shit seems to always go flying all over the place anyways....!
  5. Thank you for making this thread !! Like I said above I have always been sorry I never played through D2's campaign as D1 is one of my favorite games ever! It has always ran weirdly though so I just shelved it, even uninstalling it last year after giving it one last go! That said, I went to CDkey.com and bought Resident Evil 8: The Village deluxe for PC / Steam and Dishonored2 was on my mind as RE8 is a ways away. I looked and to my surprise and I do not know why, it's on GamePassUltimate. So I downloaded it on my xbox one x and I am now playing through one of those games I slighted but always wanted to playthrough! I'll comment here again when I finish, it seems to be running well on my 1X so here goes...... THANK YOU!
  6. God I loved that game back in the dsy!!! I do not have a ps5 and that's been shelved now yo mid next year! I really think that a new version on Twisted Metal would be amazing on this CV console. Or any other fir that matter! Thought? Thinking TM:Black was the last was saw right?
  7. I have tried to play this game a few times and like you LOVED Dishonored 1! It runs like crap, it's always got a floaty feeling to it and like Xbob42 said frame rate is all over the place. It's a shame, it's a game that is always nagging me in the back of the head to get a playthrough done. I only have it on Steam, maybe I'll try in Xbox 1x and see if that's any better? 32gigs ram @3200, i7 9700k, 2080ti this game just isn't optimized well for PC, well maybe my PC I'll just say that!
  8. Really! This is hands down the only game I care about this year and I'm torn. I'm not in possession of a PS5 or SeriesX and as time goes by i'm ok with that! Never thought I'd say that but I am. So......on PC is where I need this game and looks like that's a ways down the road? I'm sure the 280Ti could play the game like it's supposed to be played and no having shit spoiled accidently after launch becomes a maze. I do not know anything about this game right now, except it's main protagonists is a very tall woman and it has werewolves! well never mind, I spoke again before checking! I thought I heard awhile back that PC version was a ways away after launch, it's not! It's April8th.
  9. The Medium on GP and maybe fire up ASSETTO CORSA for the first time on Steam. I bought it last month for like 5.99, gonna see if it plays well with my G920 Wheel. If it does then I'll but the Newer game they released in 2018! Looks solid, but has to have wheel support..... I played just 2 hours or maybe a little bit longer on "The Medium" and it was quit fun. Had a good atmospheric vibe and tension at times ! I liked what I saw and I hope really grabs' me in as very few games lately these days do. I've played 100 games this last year and completely wiped them of the DH after 3hrs too! I will update after I reach the 15 hour mark. Seems Fair! I will not commit anymore to playing any game ever that I'm not enjoying!
  10. Sony to continue selling PS3 and Vita Games!!! Oh and If this has already been talked about I'm gonna explode....LOL I searched, I looked, I saw nothing on this topic, other than the closing of the stores. So....If by chance I broke the fragile rules of this fine establishment, I apologize again, and will subsequently revert to just replies. I just may not be " Breaking News" Topic worthy....lol
  11. yea I know, I was hopping back-n-forth between the MLB 21 The show thread and this one and got mixed up, I erased that sentence as it was meant for MLB The Show 21. I'm buying RE8 on PC as long as it isn't a bad port or something like that. Probably the Deluxe version
  12. I don't want to downgrade at all. This PC is making the lack of one or both of the new console very easy to live with. I have never ever not had new consoles day one, but this time with the pandemic / scalpers and life shit it's been rather nice to just sit back and watch for once. I play all games on PC if I get the chance first, and a new Future build gaming PC isn't slated for this family until the Nvidia 40 series is announced and launched. I'm happy with my PC, and my Xbox 1x / ps4 pro! I'll grab either one of the consoles when I just bump into one of them on a shelf while browsing a best buy or Walmart, etc. No hurry and it feel good. Hell if I wait long enough there will be a mid generation upgrade too lol! I will pony up the 70/80 bucks for the deluxe version of RE8 and I can not wait!
  13. Blew my mind that this was announced for Xbox in the first place! I literally bought a PS3 just for this game back then! I don't buy it yearly, but it's a fantastic game. The more I think about it though, if it's just for 4 months then at least you get a really good feel on weather you want it on xbox or sony or PC. These games I usually play throughout the year so it's probably still a purchase inevitability! Hope it's cross save... Ok so it is Cross platform progression even between Xbox and PlayStation so get it on Game Pass for a few months then make the decision on what platform you want to continue with etc?
  14. I'm so ready for this game, sucks I won't have a next gen console to play it on [ I I will have my LGCx77" by then ] but I'm sure my 2080Ti can do it justice, fingers crossed. This is the only game I'm ever really interested in right now. I know there's many more coming that I'll love but this is the one that I want most and it being just over a month away is awesome! I'm doing so well not having anything else ruined for me other that the very first trailer that was first dropped last year! My rig should be able to so 1440p / 120 with some ray tracing? I don't know. I promised my wife that with all the shit with the 30 series launch, I accidently said I'm not buying one period and will wait for the 40 series launch and build a brand new PC. Luckily I have a shit ton of much more important thing to spend money one right now {aka: LGCX 77"} but that's honestly put me possible Christmas 2022? I'll wait and watch and build when all the scalper paper launch crap is normalized. Thought even though it's early on if a I7 9700k, 2080Ti, 32gigs 3200 ddr4, 1Tb 970 Evo m.2 will give a better experience than these new consoles are giving us, I'm probably dreaming right???
  15. Please delete, I took my punishment! I'll search a bit harder next time before I jump in with a link to "NEW TO ME [apparently] NEWS...lol" Thank you
  16. Sorry then Really, I did search MLB The Show 21 and honestly didn't see the Game pass mentioned, it's no biggie delete it, or I will. I commented on one of them pretty sure that it was a day One Purchase for me too. So seeing it on Game pass excited me and it's all good. I DO NOT NEED THE LIMELIGHT. I would love to have this game on a Series X or PS5 but not until I just run into one or the other in a store just minding my business. I'm not hunting, or watching instock tickers! That shit just is not for me. I do want them but I'm good now with what I have now! Personally If I could Choose I'd Want it on PC, but for free it's a done deal!
  17. I saw it's on xbox but not on Game Pass. I've been known to be blind, but I did look first!
  18. Wow! I searched and didn't see anything on this here { Coming to Game Pass wise } }so I thought I'd start a topic. I was blown away to find out that my beloved baseball game MLB The Show was going multi platform in 2021. Great game and now Xbox only fans will get a great game that PlayStation fans have enjoyed for a very long time. Come to find out though, It's coming to Game Pass Day one April 20th! This is amazing and just blows me away how they continue to pack this service with current games at a very reasonable price. I'm a GP Ultimate subscriber and it has saved me hundreds of dollars, and it just saved me another 60-70 with this game! So happy to have this game basically free, enjoy guys it's a great game... IGN: MLB 21 The Show coming to Game Pass day one April 20th
  19. Mad props on the effort, presentation, layout and enthusiasm......Still, Ummmmmmmmm NOPE! And I like to type out lengthy soliloquies to get my meaningless opinions, and statements accross. That's one hell of a list, I wouldn't know where to start!
  20. I know what you mean! I have wanted Mario Kart so bad but refuse to pay full retail again for it. I know it's great but I bought it and lost in the fire and it's really hard to double dip like that with so much to play as it is. I just want it like 39.99 or lower. Only game I have on cartridge is BoTW. I 'look every once in awhile but to nothing ever seems to get cheaper!
  21. I'm a bit sadden to say I have never even heard of this game. I do own a tale of two brothers somewhere, but I'm gonna pick this up. Looks amazing.....
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