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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. fixed spelling so I don't get reeeeeeeeamed Do you recommend the warrenty? I know it's expensive and only my NU8000 is under warranty for 5 years, don't know why I did that one and not the other 3, but that's me! Weeeeeee how great it is to me! I'm not getting the Gx. The 77" C1 is though pulling me because cost is so much lower that the CX at launch. Knowing how much it's dropped as I watched every damned day, the new model will do the same and personally it's going to be such a great value later next year. I'm leaning though LG CX or Q90 about 2 months from now. I'll also get almost 300 back from best buy rewards and not living in California anymore and the 7.5% tax, I'm saving another 300 bucks here in Oregon! I've been saving, and saving and can afford it I just want these decisions to be done, so I can focus on the Hot tub and the other expensive long ass list we has set as our goals in the next 2 years!
  2. hell the 77" LG GX is the same price as the LG C1 now, it's the higher end model isn't it, brighter, etc? See what my head puts me through? I' was so surprised that my hand actually clicked confirm purchase yesterday after, and this is not a lie, hundreds of times doing so on many different sites. It's not healthy, it isn't I TELL YOU.
  3. Thanks man, I am so excited and grateful that I'm able to recoup at least half what I paid for the Q8fn. I've been impressed with myself not being to bothered that I don't own the new consoles. I've never ever not had a console at launch, well with in the last 25 years that is and meaning Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. Now I'm beginning to feel that pull. I even put PS5 in Google shopping and of course there were none anywhere, I then did Series X lol to no avail. I do not need these right now, really I don't but they would be nice. My PC has been a great deterrent lately with Game pass ultimate and me buried in games! That along with my backlog on Steam I'm good but........You know Any thoughts on the Q90 or LGCX in the living room? It's a bright room, but will eventually undergo a costly renovation adding dimmable pot lights in the ceiling and a mid range receiver with Dolby vision and 4k / 120 passthrough with Atmos being the end goal. Not to extreme but at least a few thousand plus the TV cost. So the TV needs to be the statement piece. The 77" being pretty cheap now it's tough, I want 85 inches though so I keep going back and forth over and over and over again! I can't spend 5k for 83' LGC1. Thing is the C1 launched this year at a pretty good price of 3499.99. The CX was much more expensive at launch and dropped so much in 14 months though. I know there will always be better around the corner but rebuilding from that dammed fire, I want to get this right this time and not look back. the 77" could be had right now for 3049.99 and a 5 year warranty for 2 hundred more than the C1 77" and the Q90. I kinda now, feel like I could enjoy the CX65", game the hell out of it, it's in the game room so it's much darker. Then just sit back and wait for the 77" C1 to drop a year at least. If it goes anything like the CX it'll be 2800 or less in 12 months! Thats crazy and seems like the best bet right now. I've just been waiting and waiting so long to get this new house halfway to Prefire comfortable to us. I'm the driver on this as my wife really could care less, but se did love our California audio system when watching a move. Mr.vic sir, do you own the CX? is it 65 or 77" ? Who here can ramble on like me? NO ONE that's FU%$&NG WHO LOL my go what gibberish! Thanks for the advise on the TV Very appreciative. What was meant by this "Regarding PC G-sync, yes you set G-sync in your Nvidia control panel by enabling the display as g-sync and then turning on g-sync at the system level via the graphics card level via the same control panel. Make sure to disable V-sync in each game menu" That's 3 places, I'm confused here. Enable G-sync in the control panel, then turn on at the SYSTEM LEVEL? Via the same control panel? Will this allow my GPU to then run freely and not cap it at 60 like V-sync does? I've forever always had V-sync on because of tearing. Will this be any different or does G-sync allow then VRR and higher FPS in games. I'm excited but I've always had V-sync on and know nothing else.....
  4. Went ahead and bought the LGCX 65" to celebrate my new game....lol Gonna wish I had a PS5 worse than ever I'm sure!
  5. So I have been watching this tv now for a very very long time it seems! I had already just bought my Samsung Q8fn and it has been very hard to justify the price. It wasn't cheap @$1600 but a lot cheaper than the LGCX was by 1000's of dollars. That said, with a 2080Ti gaming rig already and the fact that I will own both a Series X and a PS5 in due time, I've really been wanting this TV to future proof my Gaming hobby and to own one of the best TV's ever reviewed. I'm planning a completely NEW Gaming PC too at the end of 2022 or when the RTX40 {What ever it's going to be called} series is released or I can just walk in and buy / add to cart a 3080Ti without all the hassles we have now! So, Yesterday after 100's of times putting it in a cart, saving it for later waiting the price drop lower and lower and lower I just did it. Now I do not have it yet, scheduled for curb side pick up ay Best Buy here in Medford, Oregon on the June 4th. I got it for 1849.99! Pretty great price and I'm hoping to just be blown away. What really makes this sweet is my across the street Neighbor offered $700 for my Q8fn. I will finally have a set with G-sync & Free Sync premium, VRR, etc. I'm very excited. I will be really testing the features heavily for 2 weeks before I sell this TV, but I'm hoping to see big differences with a lot of the features. I only have the PC to really test but I will finally be able to uncheck that G-sync box in my games and let the PC do what I built it for. Having the 4k / 120htz option is a great future proofing option. Any thoughts on what things do for gaming on this set. How do I let the TV handle all G-sync? Do I enable it in control panel, as it recognizes the features on the TV? Things I need to know before, and things that are nice to know guys / gals? Lastly the whole plan has always been to get this TV and the 77" model too as it's very close to sub 3k right now @3049.99 for my Home Theater main movie and TV watching experience. I want a 85 inch and am still looking at the Q90 because it's close in price for a bigger screen and It's going in a pretty bright room. It will be replacing a Samsung NU8000 65" I've had for about 18 months. I have to say thing though, the Q8fn has been a great TV with a great picture and I'm hoping the differences will be quite large. Am I over expecting from this TV? Thoughts on the 77" LGCX vs Samsung Q90 85" for just Movies and TV, no gaming planed right now. Thanks guys in advance, I know there are quite a few of you with this TV and really want your opinions and anything that's important. Also I'm leaning on getting the 450 dollar 5 year warranty from BB covers Burn-in and no one else does, but for what I do, and the amount of time spent with any single image or game is not an issue. I was really close to just get the LGC1 as it's 2499.99 and same price as the LGCX with the 5 year warranty. Comes a time where you just got to go with it, as it's dropped so much in price.
  6. Got the $50 code man, Thank you sir your a kinde man! Sucks, Ghosts on CD Keys is 30.00 and on psn its 40.19, weird price but thankful either way. That's my new game!
  7. I'm not on or off the Mariners bandwagon, that said....The Mariners were my favorite team growing up. What a line up. RANDY Johnson pitching, Ken Griffey jr, Joey Corra, Frank thomas, Edgar martinas, and young Alex Rodgegas!!! Sorry about names and spelling, it's been over 30 years!
  8. Where do you buy game codes from there young man? I get my codes instantly, Amazon, cd key, etc. You shopping somewhere fishy son?.....lol
  9. I o ow I'm late to the party, but this game ran perfectly for me @ 1440p / 120 with everything on max! This is why I keep getting games on pc. I dont have a ps5 or series x do I'm good for awhile still! My next tv will be here soon to a 77 inch lgcx and I'll be even better ready for the future!
  10. That's fine and it's cheap and not on PC dang it so Ghosts plz. My Ps4 Pro really needs some attention. and another thing I hate about the PS4, I can't set the resolotion to 1440p / 120. I love how on Xbox I can just switch the depending on the game. Shark Eater, yea 4k / 60 please. Dishonored 2 ok 1440p / 120 thank you! Destimy 1440p / 120, The whiteness 4k / 60 and off I go. I like the PS4, I di it just is third place to my PC and then Xbox. Hey now back off, It's called an opinion. I don't judge you with you ps5 in your arms all snuggled up in bed as soul mates, it's all good man!
  11. Meant nothing but I would like to have that game! Always had My eye on it, but with these new consoles so hard to get, these game should be super cheap buy the time I get one. That's all. I don't care if it digital or disc, or cartridge! I think I would like Mario Golf if I had to buy a game right now, but it's a June 6th release. I could frikkin look, but wasn't sure if Nintendo did pre orders is all!
  12. If a close releasing preorder is ok then I would like Mario Golf for the switch. If not then I would love to own and play Ghost of Tsushima for my Ps4 Pro. Much thanks too, very kind sorry I didn't see the results earlier. Been one hell of a week!
  13. Oh come on man really? That's very nice I don't even have a game on my radar! LOL I just beat Resident evil 8 on my PC, and since I do not have a ps5 or series x I very slowly been checking off games out of my back log! I mean slowly as it took me almost 20 hours and 11 days to beat RE8...lol I don't wanna leave the offer hanging, so I'll do some quick research and get back to you! I really really really would be fine with you helping out a better deserved gamer here, I honestly was stating that this cummunity has been way helpful to me over the last 24 months. I really appreciate it though and sorry I just now saw this. I also just had spinal fusion surgery 9 weeks ago, after being postponed 3x because of Covid-19. 5 days in hospital, 2 surgeries and I'm a pretty fragile souls right now...lol 2 discs replace with 10 screws! I should be brand new in about.....6 months...lol thank you so very much, I'm shopping now.....If I had a PS5 I'd get Ratchet and clank: rift but I'm not going to let this go unappreciated sir. Again, Thanks so much! I'm kind of hurting a bit {I know Boohooo} but some days I don't even go online, Hope I didn't give anyone the feeling like I'm unappreciative !!
  14. I love R&C so much and would easily be the first game I bought if I only had a PS5. I'm unsure if it's exclusive for the PS5 but i'm waiting till I get one either way! I also feel I should be disqualified from any game give away and the like. This community has been very kind to me in many instances and I just had a lot to be grateful for so I chimed in!
  15. Resident Evil is my all time favorite gaming series, though it's had a few derailments I remain a super fan and couldn't wait to dive into this one. I'm a bit taken back by it's length too. No spoilers, but I thought I beat the game when I beat {or thought I beat} the 20 foot vampire lady. Hell no, it's really dragged out some, in a good way. . I'm saying an 7.5'ish right now. I really miss the vibes of re1, 2, & 3. I loved the remakes too so much. The game keeps on keeping on though.....as I'm at the..... I should be done with this game by today, well late today because I see it's frikk'in 2:45am. Shit, good night my fellow patchers, goodnight!
  16. MY GOD I second this 1000x if I could! What a relief to say the least. Problem is, he's still brewing back in the shadows along with his vile cult enablers / followers whom literally scare me. This the backing of this guy and the lies he spewed daily was so laughable at first, but then we realized the scope and size of his packers willing to believe bullshit after bullshit and look us right in the eye doing so. opp.......Sorry this stuff gets me all messed up! Having 5 kids and 10 grandkids with people like that out there running our country isn't funny in the least! Ahhh hell, I meant no disrespect to any that like the guy, honestly I can't see how people adore him is all. I know I may have fucked my self out of the frre game give away, that what I usually do. Excuse me while I remove my hate filled shoe out my asss..lol
  17. Well as many here know the last 2 1/2 years have been just a Mother Fucker..... I'm very thank for a strong family bond that stick together when the SHIT really really really hits the FAN! Living through the loss of our home and everything that has ever belonged to us, our jobs and our community all in a 35 hours period due to the 2018 Camp Fire {}almost 14 thousand homes, 200 businesses, and the destruction of a small paradise town up in the hill from Chico California, ALL gone}, all the while dealing with our oldest Sons Brain cancer treatments. Living in our truck a week, then a Hotel for 7 months. Eventually losing our son all the while struggling to find a permanent place to call home again! eventually find a home but in a new state "Oregon". Then dealing with our sons Wife whom turned to drugs and lost custody to our 3 grand kids from our sons side. Then watching the system take over 2 years to finally get custody and now just now, getting close to them going to live with our youngest son who also has 4 kids of his own. These kids were in foster care for over 2 years, and the fucking Covid thing hit and was tangled in all of this making everything run at a snail case!. Dealing with unbelievable stress over money, grandkids, a place to call home, the depression of it all...... YEA I'M MOST THANKFULL TO MY WIFE AND OUR KIDS that faced really fucked up circumstances and though struggled.....made it though and are just now getting the resemblance of a normal life, etc!
  18. Yea it's just unbelievable really. I could score a 3080 or 3080Ti at retail { Of course I know that's the problem } and then sell my Zotec Extreme 2080Ti for a 2k profit. That's very hard to imagine. Most likely just a few hundred over what I paid for it, but still wow! Thing is, after seeing the all unfold I'm just gonna wait for the 40 series. I can't be hunting down graphics cards and next gen consoles it's just not me, but it is so crazy to see the prices some are actually getting for even 1080ti's !
  19. This totally backfired on me! I gave Dishonored 2 a third try and got into it to get me to my most anticipated game this year Resident Evil 8 and damn it. I forgot just how long games take me to beat........lol I have RE8 obviously installed already but I'm 20 hours in on D2 and I vowed to beat it if I liked it. I love it, but I just got to the last part ( I frikking hope so, just got a ride back to the Dreadful Wale to "confer with my allies" ) I take forever to play games like this, I hunt and read everything, try and just do everything, but I'm much slower at it. Didnt the OP say he just finished his second run in 10hrs? I'm gonna be here forever.....
  20. Yea, I remember being pretty much overwhelmed by that demo, even though I'm just rocking a 2080ti, I still might have to have this!
  21. Great first 3 chapters, just starting the 4th this afternoon. Gonna push to finish today or night as RE8 is downloading now on steam and I'm very excited about that!
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