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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Sorry guys, I wrote up the post while at the Hospital. My youngest grandson Carter whos 14 months has been really sic. We are all Vaccinated and have done out so very best to not gather while this virus still rages across our country. We did allow though my youngest to come down for a few weeks because she was willing to get the shots, half my kids wont do it period!! NO FUNNY but we were then worried as he has a horrible cough, heavily congested, etc. Worrisome, Scaring me big time. Looks like there keeping them overnight and my wife just took over for me. I was there 6 hours. Negative Covid 19, but he has a severe chest infection so looks like he's in good hands and was feeling better a few hours ago after 24 hours of just screaming and coughing. It's real tough to know just when it time to go the ER route with the virus out there everywhere. Glad we did.... Very sorry about the post and no pics though guys, I'm so bad at uploading pics to somewhere and then knowing how to link them out to better describe my rants...lol Enjoy man, it isn't over but the 2 biggest purchases are either paid for and home already like the bad ass SVS Ultra speaker system, and the coming very soon LGC1 83" wall mounted Oled. Blessed.....
  2. The pictures of the project at this point: moderators: PLZ help me do these pictures. I have the requested pics showing the system, the marked wall outlined with tape to show where the new 83" will be in from of my Samsung nu8000 65". The last one truly shows just how much larger the new tv will be, and thus wall mounted. also pics of the new blinds in the living room and pics of all the boxes before I opened them and started to make my cables. I'm asking to plz look these over and see if I have at all left myself venerable by sharing these pics. I'm including a pic of the receipt for the TV and the Work order with the Item being installed, the date, and my name and address. I'm not good at linking to pictures and I only know of one way and that's to link to the entire "home theater" folder on google drive. I'd appreciate it you could spot security issues as in being able to then see all my photos on my account, etc. This I would greatly appreciate. I'm linking to a whole folder, here it is.... Home theater - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM
  3. I'll add pics when I get home. I'm in the hospital with my grandson. Hes really sick. All I have are the speakers up and the tape on the wall marking out where the 83" will be. My nu 8000 samsung 65" is there now.
  4. OH MAN ARE WE Excited to say the least! I recently went ahead and decided to upgrade our new homes Theater room and main Livingroom. I decided that I needed the complete SVS treatment after hearing them at a friends house.\Now when I started I didn't want cheap, but I didn't want to break bank so to speak either. We set aside a starting budget of 15,000 and speakers were first. I decided I wanted a 7.2.4 Dolby Atmos system and knowing that all new amps with HDMI 2.1 have issues with the 48ghz bandwidth. Either promising a latter firmware update for things like VRR, Dolby Vision, etc. So I knew I was going to have some time to get that piece. Also, my current Onkyo is only 7.2. I'm also buying an AMP 7ch possible that sweet OUTLAW 7ch amp that's 200 watts all channels driven for just 1000 bucks, but no need right now! Been watch the Denon 6700 but it's not there yet. Anyway we just bought SVS Ultra towers {L/R Front}, SVS Ultra Surrounds {L/R SS}, SVS Ultra Center and SVS Prime Pinnacles {L/R Rear} and 4 SVS Prime Elevation for the Atmos up on the Celine, and 2x SVS 2000pro Subs making it a 7.2.4 Dolby Atmos. Also 2 of their wireless Dongle thingy for wireless SUB Placement convince. A DREAM! Very expensive at just over 7231.99k. I have looked now and the same set up right now is $2300 more because of the whole shortages and I bought mine at the perfect time. All SVS Speakers come with unconditional replacement plan covering 10yrs! I've had these speakers up and running now for 4 months and they are now fully paid for!! and like I said the 4 Prime Elevation aren't up yet as I don't have a Receiver yet capable of powering 11 speakers. So I've been watching the LGC1 very closely for price drops as we are set on getting the LGC1 83" if it dropped below $5000 and it did just that here in Best Buy Oregon. 4999.99 still a bit overwhelming to actually pull the trigger on, but that's what we did. It's being installed on Nov. 27th 9am. I have the best Sanus full motion wall mount you can get, very heave duty. They took 100 off the already expensive mount making it 249.99. Free install, and a wall hiding kit for the wires. So Frikk'n excited. Still about 3500-4k in the budget for the new receiver and the Amp and I'm gonna have a very high-end home theater system anyone would be proud. Plus just the future proofing that TV is makes me know I've made a good choice. I bit the bullet a ways back on the 65 inch LGCX that I have in my man cave / game room. These TV's are like meant for each other when it comes to todays newest tech. Now I just need a PS5 man. Thought's on the overall system, your likes and dislikes. recommendations on a receiver that's all HDMI 2.1 out of the box, with at least 11 channels processed, and any really good amps out there capable or pushing 200 watts through 7 channels all driven anywhere around 1000-2000 bucks too would be nice! I will need a good in wall optical cable and 3 10-12 FT' HDMI 2.1 Certified cables too. Thanks guys.....
  5. I just LOVE these games. Real, hell no and better for it. I have my I racing and Dirt 2.0 for that. These games are mindless fun and just a great time. One thing that has me over the moon excited for this years version is the Right hand drive lane! YES I know it seems silly, and well I can race in any lane I want but it's kinda a HUGE deal for me. I love knowing the cars coming around the bend will be in the left lane, where they should be. This is going to be a great title to hold me over for a long while I'm sure of it!
  6. As an American this is quite embarrassing to say the least. I'm sure other countries are laughing at us. over 5 million deaths WORLD WIDE mid you {5.1 million}, and WE HAVE 1/6 of the deaths {just under 750k} in a country of just over 320 million: That's out of 8billion PEOPLE!!!!! Idiotic. Freedom of speech, etc doesn't give the right to through everyone under the bus just because you can. I guess these people need to lose someone they love first before they'll believe this virus is real. It's pretty ironic when you see these anti-vacc people begging for there lives in the ICU when there are the problem right now. I tried, I really did not to reply DAMNIT!
  7. I own DD on 3 consoles, well switch, steam and ps4 and have never gotten into it. I want to be good at these games but there just very difficult for me! Bumbed. That said, I will not be buying this game. I HOPE!
  8. I have never ever bought anything extra in a sports game like Madden, NBA2k, etc but boy have I spent more than I like to admit on DLC for Mortal Kombat....lol
  9. Holy hell the difficulty has ramped up x10 fold lately. Only takes a few minutes before special forces are hunting me now, and tanks and multiple helis are involved. I was severely under armed too for these vehicles but have now unlocked far more special weapons and finally pulled the trigger on more advanced shuff from the shop keeper: Like a rocket launch, and 2 new special weapons like the sticky grenade launcher and the EMP type one that can neutralize a tank even though it's only for a few minutes. I played the first 12-15 hours now using the same lvl 1 shotgun, rifle, and sniper. I have had plenty on gun powder though, doing the air drop missions gives it always and it's really plentiful actually. I was in need of something to TAKE OUT AIR ENEMIES though badly. I'm just about to turn lvl 10 and really get swarmed now in a good way. It's still about headshots stealth until it all goes haywire and it's on!! Love it, I have way more vehicles at my disposal and I'm really liking the game so much. Running a fully beefed up lvl 4 sniper, and a M60 with bullets to take down road vehicles when needed. Note: I have not needed to use any of the special main weapons but it really helped to spend some uranium? on the sticky grenade launcher thingy and the EMP. I've also only ever used the same backpack weapon {forgot the name} thats first on the list because it takes out any helicopter at least so far, it's first in th list when you begin the game. Happy hunting gamers! Also Again it's still running wonderfully not a single crash yet, well 2 times it crashed kinda while exiting the game, but not in game. My temp are CPU MAX 77, and GPU MAX 73 and I have seen a few dips now under 70fps like 63-67, nothing ever below 60 though, so it's all great...
  10. I can most easily wait. I will not be buying any of these games coming out for the old consoles. I have plenty to play, games like the new Ratchet and Clank, and Halo, etc, etc won't be played unless I can play them on there Best hardware possible. Saving for our LGC1 83" home theater TV anyways, and this is helping with that too. They ain't cheap. I was blown away when my Wife actually compared the 77" and said why don't we go bigger...lol HELL YEA BABE! Going from 77" to the 83" though is at least another 2k. We are very slowly getting to where we were pre fire. I'm very grateful for what we have accomplished after such losses. I'm finally going to have the Home theater I always dreamt of! Even though I'll have the dedicated Gaming room, I'll be hooking up a ps5 to the Livingroom TV for sure when able....
  11. Bouncing around like I haven't done in a very long time thanks to an amazing launch of games along with some older titles that I'm trying hard to also complete at the same time. Games like God of War on PS4Pro {The game I was playing at the time of the camp fire} going back and loving it again after a hard to learn system at least for me in the first 6-8 hours or so. Also playing Switch's New Metroid Dread, and on PC it's been Farcry 6 and Back 4 Blood. God I'm finding B4B hard to figure out, it's a really hard game for me even on the default "easy" difficulty. So many games out there, it's a good thing that I don't have a PS5 or Seriex X yet actually. Loving FC6 a lot though only 10 hours in, and GoW is amazing. With Forza5 and Battlefield 2042 launching very soon, lots of fun stuff to get through. Now as for BF2042, I'm sitting the first 30-60 days out on this because I've never really been good at these games, Die almost immediately everytime and it's been a frustrating gaming experience but I live shooters even though my reflexes aren't even close to good enough..lol Gotta have BF2042 even if it's just a PC bench mark though too, that's shits still fun too you know!
  12. Oh man this topic has really changed the way I look at "US" as a whole. I'm incredible disappointed by the speed and effectiveness in which all the anti-vac'ers and misinformation spreaders, the conspiracy theorists etc have caused what very well could have been Americas crowning moment in a world wise pandemic to fail miserably! I have 5 children, and 10 grandchildren {Yes I know...lol} so i'm seeing all sides in my very family. Me, my wife and my youngest daughter couldn't wait to be vaccinated. Gladely and very appreciated for it. My oldest son 32 believes this is all political and that it's just like the flu! FUCK! we made the hardest decision because of this and as of a year ago told all kids we wouldn't do visitation of any kind until we all came together and got vaccinated. Needless to say 2 kids have, 2 are hell bent not to, and it seems won't unless forced and that's another story too. I'm saddened, and embarrassed, and am still in shock over how divided we actually are. not that it's related {I feel it actually is}, my oldest also fully believes that Trump won the election, and that it was stolen too. It's not funny, I didn't think we could believe suck nonsense but here it is, in my family too guys. My moms vaccinated, my youngest and her husband is too, I hope you all eventually will be. As a 50+ year old and completely anti social media person myself I'm still in hopes soon we can turn this around, but I do not think so. I have to say this too. My oldest sisters twins ones an ER nurse, and it's been devastating watching the toll on her. She caught Covid over 1 year ago befor the vaccines. At first it was fine, on the 4th day she really turned to bad and scary, no taste, etc, etc. She has recovered, but is still experiencing symptoms like hard to breath, etc. She's 38 very healthy, and of course is vaccinated now too. My oldest Daughter also caught Covid along with her 8 year old daughter. Both got very sick, mostly my kid though. For over a week she was very touch and go on needing hospitalization too. shes, anti vac too, but has recovered and thank goodness for that. Tired of people believing shit on facebook over CDC and fact check sited, fox news loving bullshit people, just please look around. These hospitals ARE NOT full of flu people, it isn't the same. This is serious, and and a very bad look for us as a world leading nation. Embarrassed to my core. I am proud of the hard work the scientists have done, getting this vaccine out to us in a very short time, we can rally around these brave men and women that are on the front lines, the amazing nurses and doctors that treat us no matter our beliefs but we have a long way to go still, I have to have hope that we can overcome these lies that have deeply imbedded a large group in our very country that are showing no signs of reality, and it's horrifying! PS: This was supposed to be a quick response, but I'm a rambler with a long history of evergoing soliloquies. I just do me. I also know there's a lot of spelling errors and other missuses sentence structure. I'm just gonna leave it, delete it if you want to. Not caring today!
  13. Supposid march 4th / 2022 release huh...lol That's my Birthday and I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't have scored a ps5 yet so yay for you all, looks good though, but it should right? Graphics in these game and the bar they raise is stunning enough already, forza 4 horizon on a pc is incredible. I haven't had the luxery to have played an current gen console but I'm in if I ever see one on a shelf one day.
  14. As @Stepee said, this game runs absolutely amazing and I appreciate the assurance that it would!!!!! Ended up just buying it outright and I'm just about 5-6 hours in. It's quite a bit deferent than 5 and I loved 5 so starting out I wasn't really liking it that much. That said, I'm really liking it now once it opens up and you get to the first real story cut screen. The chaos that happens in this game at any given moment can lead to some amazing and crazy happenings! I love it. To those on the fence on PC because of hardware I can assure you it's stunning @ 1440p / 120 with everything on Ultra with RAYTRACING ENABLED!! with the HD texture pack too. I never dip below 70fps. The cutscenes are kinda jaring because the seem to be a lower rez and it kinda takes you out of the experience when they happen. So...Steppe you were correct my underappreciated 2080Ti / i7 9700k is more than capable to run this in all it's glory. Now I'm kinda itching to see how Battlefield 2042 will run? I haven't even tried Farcry @4k. Really a great game so far with tons of shit to do, 8.5 / 10 and if your into these type games, a huge thumbs up!
  15. I've given up enen remotely getting a ps5 and I do want one. I'm just not a guy that can do all the shit required to up-to-date on instock alerts and shit like that. I've never been on twitter, or facebook and I just want to go in a buy one, and I'm ok with the fact that's not gonna happen any time soon. sucks but it is what it is. Given the chance I'd buy both consoles {series x and ps5} right now cash but i'm ok either way. I have a capible pc to tied me over and I'm saving games in my head that will be really cheap when I do actually score one. Hell if it's christmas next year we might have a series x / ps5 pro buy then...lol
  16. so wanting this game!! Plus I can use my PC as a heater whil playing it cranked in the settings....lol
  17. I was able to pre order the 512 unit too the day they went live. Not sure I can even afford this but it's something new and shiny and I'm tired of not haveing a ps5 or a Series X...lol I liked the Linus Tech Tips hands on video and I'm going to be closely watching this as the months go by!
  18. wow I may just do that for 2 months! I have gamepass ultimate, netfix and hbo max and that's it for monthlys right now, had to really scale back for awhile. Thanks for that tip!
  19. .....and the fact that i'm known for just fucking rambling on...lol I'm never on facebook or anything like that, so this was really my only social media outlet that I frequented ever!
  20. yea got evacuated even here in oregon from the fire, just seems like the world is on fire. The drought has seemed to have followed us from california to here, just sad. all the lakes are drying up the Dixy fire is finally out almost 3/4 of a million acres, though in California really affected us here air quality wise. After losing everything from the camp fire I was really hoping to be done with forrest fires and evacuations!! I don't even live near the tree lines anymore but that dosen't stop these things these days! There was a huge fire in Talent Oregon, 6500 homes lost just a few miles from us here in Medford, had to leave for a few days, watched as another cummunity not even in the forrest get wiped out. Several family members have been ravaged by covid, my oldest sister a nurse was hospitalized and is pretty bad shape still even after recovering. My oldest daughter and her daughter caught it and it really smacked them too for awhile though thank god not hispital. My latest Back surgery hasn't helped much with pain like we had hoped now 6 months later, just life I guess. We are all Vacinated and at least I'm going to visit my youngest grandkid next week after not seeing him in over 6 months, he's almost 2! Not wanting attention I've just kinda stayed off my favorite media outlets like here as to not complain, looks like that just failed. I really do like this board and it's people. I really hope most of us are all ok, getting better, or are kicking ass. That's where i'm at, we will be ok.
  21. Haven't been on in awhile shit has really gone backwards for me and the family and covid yada yada. I hope you all are safe and am looking forwards to much better days ahead! Aren't we all.... Anyways not being able to plays these games on any of the new bells and whistles has really slowed me down on really playing anything new. I'm still rocking an aging 2080ti but 60fps is important to me on a game like this and i'm not sure that I can even hold that with this game and honestly this has been the only real game I have looked forward too lately. Can't afford it at launch but soon I hope, looks like a farcry game and that suits me just fine. I'm hoping for 1440p / 60 high presets obviously no RT and turning other stuff down as needed. Oh well I'm liking what I'm seeing from most review wise and hope to hop in really soon. Mostly this was just a hello reply in a thread where I can relate, stay safe fellow gamers it must get better soon, it has too....
  22. The LG CX is in the Garage as we have company tonight, but earlier today I fired up the game on my Peasant Samsung Q8fn 65" Qled...lol and I gotta say, this is an amazing looking game! WOW! One of the best on the ps4 pro anyways. I love how it had the performance setting for the PRO Thanks @best3444 I think we made the right choice this over Mario Golf, the fact that it's a end of month Release date too helped, THANKS MAN! Great game so far, and a treat & visual showcase for those of us holding on too last gen awhile longer......That and t he fact that after reading and watching all the 3080Ti reviews, I'm definitely not going to get a 30 series card. 5-10% more than a 3080 for 400 bucks more !! {1200.00....lol} Thanks for making this decision easier. Greedy bastards!!
  23. Ive been freeking out a bit going over how to set this all up as when I go into Nvidia control panel I don't have that option to set up G-sync! Now I'm thinking that you have to enable it first in the TV menu and then the option will be visible to the panel? I very hardly ever go into the Nvidia control panel. Is this correct? I have never had a TV, or monitor with the Gsync option before? Think this is why totday it's not even in the control panel options on my TV? I pick up the LGCX tomarrow!!
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