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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Weird, now almost 2 weeks with our 83" lgc1 I can not see what you mean on mine. It's just spectacular and I'm known to send tvs back for having even the slight issue. This tv is amazing sitting in front of course, but also from anywhere in the livingroom and even far off to right in out family room it fantastic at a pretty good angle. Sorry man, I really am. Glad I have the warrenty through the total tech program, I'm just gonna use it how I want and see what happens....
  2. Simply because I'm backlogged from hell and back like always. Just getting the Series X didn't help and that's a fun thing. I was really content with my PC lately, grateful to have built it when I did and glad I spent a good amount matching the i7 9700k / 2080Ti. Knowing this PC holds it's own and will continue to do so in these crazy times is humbling too. I have the XSX hooked up in the Home Theater plugged into my LGC1 and it's just jaw dropping gorgeous along with just the bad ass sound system we already have in there and are only going to make better once the TV is paid off. I don't need to buy Death Stranding anytime soon, must finish this small amount of games I have committed some serious time too or I'll end up never finishing them and I'm getting tired of doing this. Especially to some fantastic games like Ghosts, and Far Cry 6, even Metroid on the Switch that is also hooked up to the LGC1. Got tired of all you guys drooling over that new Oled switch I thought I'd one up you and see what it's like on the 83" lol. Thank good ness I finished God of War, what a fantastic game even though that took over 3 years. I know we seem to always feel the grass is always greener yadda, yadda but I really did want the PS5 this generation. My PC like you said was doing me just fine, but I'm grateful to have the XSX I / we know the difficulties in getting one for some. I did sign up for the "CHANCE TO GET ONE FROM" playstation.com I guess we'll see if that goes anywhere. Man I just wish I could just pay 600 for a disc version and be done with it, but I have so much, I really should slow down and smell the roses a bit for awhile. Not saying I will, or that I can, I just know that I should.....
  3. Man I would just love a remake of Devil Dice on the ps1. My wife and I really enjoyed that one, like you I miss these type games. Lumines is just great period!
  4. One game I'm waiting on for a ps5 and haven't had any part of it spoiled for me. This and Ratchet and Clank I'm just waiting till I'm with console, same with the spiderman games, havent played or watched any story content or spoilers other than trailers. Only good thing about the scarcity of the ps5 is the games out early will be dirt cheap. Demon souls, R&C, Ghosts (upgrading that one if possible), etc. Gotta find the positives where you can I guess.....
  5. This shit is horrid if true / untrue, if true then see ya so long, good by, rot in HELL, etc, etc. If untrue though, fuck this world is just so hard to stick up for.
  6. Easily the easiest decision in gaming for me in awhile. Thank you Nintendo, no that's a nope from me, not in the slightest interested! If my wife still played Animal Crossing I'd see a possibility but I tried I cant get her interested in gaming for the life of me. Yes she played Animal Crossing and seemed to like it, but shes far more content with match 3 games and merge dragons type stuff. I dont see the point, but I'm not judging. I bought her a brand new Samsung galaxy S7 + 12 inch Oled tablet. It's the best you can buy right now has a drop dead gorgeous screen on it "WOW" and shes really likening that playing her games on that and not on her Samsung Note 8bso much. I have the best stuff, I like knowing she does too.... MOTHER FUC$@ER I CAN RAMBLE........😫
  7. 20211130_142552.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM 20211130_142502.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM 20211130_142334.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM 20211130_142327.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM 20211128_153833.jpg - Google Drive DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM
  8. It's just a venier cover over cheaper wood we got the set at Ashley's furniture after the fire took all our furnature. It's meant to all be together with a shelf across the top, I like the look of the towers separated and let me tell you there heavy as fuck, especially the main entertainment base, its easily 250lbs. I love the fact that I can now finally see behind the thing and not have to squeeze past the edge of the 65" Samsung nu8000 that was there. Just sold that tv for 700 so I'm happy about that
  9. Can be a good thing the 4 / 120 pass through chip set issues are still a thing. Theres a reason we arent seeing 2021 receivers and it's almost 2022. I'm waiting but I know theres a way to make sure you have the updated firmware and the newer chips that show it made past may. If you look it up its online. I'm not sold on the deno but it perfectly covers my needs. I'm going amp first and waiting to see the new line revievers to make a sound decision, this has to be perfect. My best buy has the denon in stock, I'm waiting
  10. Home Theater Update PICTURES HERE! Well The 27th cam and went and along with it our 83" LGC1 was installed into our home theater! So damned exciting and what a stunner it is too! It just can not disappoint! The complete picture I had in my head is now coming to light. We knew it was going to be an expensive project and knew it could take awhile to get it all done but it's now about 75% done! The 2 most expensive components are in there spots. Speakers are paid for, they cost the most and it's on to the final 2.5 pieces. I made the decision to place the SVS ultra center on top of the entertainment center thus raising the TV higher than I first envisioned but it's so perfect! This is a really bright room too so we had all new blackout blinds put it {By Me} and it made a HUGE difference just leaving a large half circle window at the back of the room...lol This was extremely distracting when we first turned it on, it's all we saw but the tilt feature took care of that and my wife gets to keep her window and the plants that live there, happy wife, happy life! I have 4 Dolby Atmos height SVS prime elevations to install still 2 in Front L/R and 2 in the rear L/R up high, its a great room for it being raised Ceilings anyway and I don't have yet the needed AVR for that. In total I'll need 11 channels and 2 subs outs to complete the 7.2.4 Atmos set up. Going from a 7 ch to an 11 ch really ups the cost, so something like the Denon X6700H or something like that and I'll be adding an amp with at least 7 channels to power it like it should be, something like the Outlaw 7000 series 130 watts all channels driven. Leaving the Denon to only handle the 4 height channels and the subs!!! THIS HERE is my vision where it is now, more to come for those interested ...
  11. Ok I went into full get this done mode and was able to get in contact with Citizens bank and find my account number and all is good paying it off today and closing the line of credit if possible at same time. Wish I didn't get the pull on the credit like those have said, we have very excellent credit and try hard to keep it that way too. I didn't need credit to buy it but I'm glad to have it so it is what it is. looking forward to playing it this weekend.
  12. I'm kind of laughing but not really.... I did not get the email, I've looked and looked, ion spam, in trash, in everywhere for the thing. I have the Xbox so there's that, I just fucking want this thing [aid for right now!! Kind a frustrating but I'll figure it out soon enough. Seems like I should've gotten a secondary email buy now, I mean I owe 800+ dollars. I need this resolved, so much going on I'm stressed about it. Anyone have the link in the original email they can share and I can call them, I do not have a code to enter but I have the order number what ever. I just want it over so I can find a P{S5....lol
  13. The days of getting swarmed by employees in retail store like Circuit City are over my friend! Now you have to wander endlessly to find a person with that stores shirt on and stand by them while they help 5 other people circling them. I like that store but Commissioned employees has gone by the wayside. I'll say that my local BB is staffed with people that seem to like the job and are for the most part knowledgeable.
  14. Got mine and there were literally 35 people in the In Store Pick Up line. It went fast though and now I need to figure out just how I pay for this thing? I have no emails from Citi back, I know the BB credit card is Citi bank so I guess maybe I can link them? I haven't opened it yet maybe there's paperwork inside? Weird, boy were there looks when they walked up with the XSX!! at least 3 people asked right away where the Xboxs were and guy next to me was like WTF how did you get that! I explained and maybe he'll get one too. I saw there is a Pre-order for a limited edition XSX on the BestBuy website slated for March 31/22. The Pre-order is 89.99 and I'll link it here: It's called the Among Us Ejected Edition and it was in stock, meaning the Pre-order was good as of 20 minutes ago! Apparently comes with 24 months protection and will be available for pick up April 1st OUCH! Not sure whos is gonna bite just thought I would share this anyways. I do not know it the 90 bucks is extra either on top of the 499.99 but it's worth a look for those that have to wait but plan on getting one next year when they can right? What's 4 months, sorry guys... Says they will bill me, I want to just pay this thing off right now!! What really sucks is I have 3 Rewards Certificates totaling 280 bucks right now too! I grateful I got the XSX but the 2 years of GPU at full price when I had 18 months already was a bit overkill, but I'm ok with it. At least it goes to a service I use and love and not 300+ bucks to a scalper!
  15. Headed down right now to Best Buy to pick up my XSX sucks though because I only have a 65" LGCX to hook it up too! I have to wait till Nov. 27th to hook it to the 83" LGC1
  16. I'm with the OP on MKart8 as I've been wanting to replace that title now for 3 years. I've been stupidly waiting to see it on sale for 29.99 before I pick it up again, this is why I'm a Digital fan now after the fire and was Pro physical media before. The game needs to be in my collection because of the amount of Kids, grandkids we have it's the perfect game for everyone really, but I'm still gonna wait, stupidly like I said...
  17. I'm thinking I want this but I know better. I'm never any good at battlefield games. I'm usually always just frustrated at everything going on around me, 120 players just seems like that and much much much more! I will pick this up on sale, but I'm so looking for ward to Halo. I'll revisit this in a month and see if theres far less animosity!
  18. Seriously was amazed by the seemingly overpowered at first 3080, 3080ti and 3090! I mean I love TECH so much. I love building overpriced gaming PC's for my personal use! Like so many here have assured me, my 2080Ti is still a gaming monster and super glad I chose to buy it though it was 1100 BUCKS! I never gives me problems, heats up my room nicely in the winter....lol and will hopefully stay strong through this pandemic and chip shortage and it's logistics it's caused. That said, I do feel sorry for all you out there wanting these items. It's mind boggling that Sony, and Nvidia and AMD, etc haven't moved to product ques to get these to there customers. I don't see why they haven't tried different options either? WHY? They know there being bought up in bulk for resale and yet no one has made a difference but say maybe the All Access program for the Xboxes, but that's not the norm. Why? Wouldn't it benefit them in the long run? I must be missing something. If I see a PS5, or any GPU's in the 30series 3070 on up, I'm grabbing them and working something out with you all. Though only having a BestBuy near me, No microcenter or anything like that doesn't help I guess.
  19. I keep thinking I know a secret now and want my all access ps5 now....lol
  20. How to you post this as a PIC guys? I only know how to link to google drive? Any ways this is a Cool pic, Gonna be a fun week!!
  21. Well it's not in hand yet but ...Ya pretty easy. I think though the real prize is the PS5 right now. I also have a Nov 24th pick up date!!
  22. this is what I was thinking, there has to be some incentive somewhere. Can't just be the hoping financers miss payments...lol I haven't looked this hard for a PS5 ever, but I actually looked at all the main retail shops, and still nope. Literally just 4 websites but I looked. They way I do it, I'm not scoring one this year or anytime soon either...Would be glorious to have a New PS5, Series X, and the sound system all here with the LGC1 83" DREAMY
  23. Hoping it's just like that come the 24th for me. I plan to just pay it off 1st chance I get. Did it come with a 24 month GamePassUltimate card or code? Didnt want to pay that much as I'm subbed to GPU for at least 18 more months as it is, but oh well. I'm good with it. Also comes with 24 month warrenty with the ability to add 24 more after if you so desire?
  24. My god I'm trying like hell to finish Farcry 6, I want so bad to start putting in hours on Forza 5 and also just got free Control: Ultimate Edition and want to give that a real chance this time. Still again need to finish GoW on ps4 but honestly feel now I might as well wait for the ps5 I'll inevitably get. When ever that is. My PC is really been keeping me busy but I'm feeling the urge to get on board the generation somehow or another. I've been patient, and have hardly even really tried to score a Ps5 or XsX but I'm wanting them....lol I'm getting the Series X on the 24th through BestBuys total tech thingy. Honestly though it's the PS5 I really want!
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