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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Amazon: Series S & X expansion SSD $219 These things are pretty expensive but I've filled my Series X up already though most games I'll not get to and could easily uninstall for now. Didn't take much, Just 18 games! Some are quite big and there is absolutely no need to have all these installed, DAMN YOU GAMEPASS!!! I tend to go overboard thinking I need to get them all now, I'm way worse on PC GamePass. I have Samsung 970 Evo 1Tb NvME m.2 SSD I'm pretty sure will work in the PS5 when I eventually get one, but I was wondering whom if any have there new console HD filled and have or are thinking of purchasing one of these Expansions cards? How much cheaper do you think they can drop too? For reference My 18 Games; Installed: Forza 5, Mortal Kombat 11, Ori: The will of the Wisps, The Medium, Halo Infinite, Apex Legends, MLB The Show 2k21, Destiny 2, Myst, Star Wars: The Fallen Jedi, Doom Eternal, It takes Two, Sekiro, Unravel 1 & 2, PsychoNauts 2, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved
  2. Has this finished already? I wanted to help, saw this a little late though!! Hope you get a nice laptop, if it's still raising Laptop money I'll do $25. I would suggest you spend at least 500 to get a really decent one, but I understand if that just is not possible too...
  3. Yea I just said that to make myself feel better I know it'll most likely be late holiday 2022 or early 2023 for GPU, and consoles to iron the stock issues out. At least then I'll have the need for a 40 series Nvidia card that will be bought up buy scalpers yet again....lol
  4. Anyone gotten one from Playstation.com / Register yet? I just did it a couple of weeks ago so not holding my breath but I'm just wondering, ANYONE? For the life of me I can't see why Sony and Microsoft aren't just doing a cue themselves? I mean you can buy consoles from Microsoft.com store so this just makes since right? Why aren't they doing this? I believe they would rather the go to us the gamers maybe one per registered email address and Log in credentials, it baffles me it really does!!
  5. Could be at least 4-8 months before the ps5 / Series X is in stock like these are that may even be a pipe dream DAMNIT!
  6. The Series x marriage to a lgcx is a wonderful one
  7. I was just surprised, I had never seen them in stock anywhere in the wild or on BestBuy , Amazon.
  8. Great TV, I got my 65" for 1600 bucks, I would've gotten the 77" but it to big for the game room! I do now own a 83" LGC1 now in our home theater !!
  9. While I'm sure this has been posted already, I couldn't find it so.... Just a heads up these two items are indeed in stock at retail prices. Switch Nintendo Switch Oled led 349.99 and Xbox Series S for 299.99 I just wanted to help, as I haven't seen them in stock before. The PS5 and Xbox Series X I still have never seen in stock!
  10. Want it, Have it on ps4 pro but I want a better experience and with a ton of games to finish, start, and play as it is I'm waiting for a ps5. That could be a year as I'm the worst ps5 shopper there is. Wake up, check amazon, best buy, sold out try again tomarrow....lol
  11. I have it downloaded on the Series X, only gave it an hour or so the first time I tried it. Not that it wasn't good or anything, just shelved it for another day. Hoping to give it another go here soon!
  12. I dont feel like writing up a list like these threads require, that coming from me...whom can RAMBLE better than most..lol I bought the switch metroid but shelved it for farcry 6, shelved that for Ori and the Wisps. I'm really loving Ori, need to play the 1st now. Why oh why cant I get into Hades??? Everyone loves it so much??? I like Dead Cells but again havent come close to beating it damnit! So shout out for this year 1. RESIDENT EVIL 7 2. Ori wisps 3. Far cry 6 4. Metroid (I'll get to it soon!) 5. Cyberpunk 2077
  13. Havent been where I had nothing to play in over 25 years, that's even losing everything I owned in the 2018 camp fire....lol "Nothing?.....nothing to play" WOW, JUST WOW! What a feeling that must be like, no steam account? Not a pc gamer It seems? No steam summer / winter sale backlog to slow you down huh? What consoles do you own, play on?
  14. Really enjoying Ori and the will of the wisps but I have to admit I get frustratingly stuck a lot and have to shut it off and walk away often. It's the only game I have any time on Series X but the map is frustrating to understand or to keep track of areas. It's why a fear the new Metroid on switch, I get frustrated on games like this but there great, oh well taking a break isn't such a bad thing after an hour or so strait!
  15. Kinda blown away that Forza 5 is out, one of my most loved racing franchise EVER and I have 20 minutes on it!! That and Halo too, I just can't seem to get to most games anymore, I get hyped they come out, and they get shoved into the endless backlog! Maybe actually not being able to get a ps5 is a really really good thing....lol
  16. I'm sure the Black will sell like crazy followed by the pink as #2. Pink I'm not a fan of, but I can see it being popular non the less....
  17. I think Xbox and Ps5 would be the top seller easily if you could get them. Sadly though this isn't the case. I have many friends and friends of friends that can't get either console. I just managed to get one paying 832 bucks through best buy whatever pass thingy. These numbers are hard to justify when people can't get the console of choice. I highly doubt the switch would be #1 if there was zero shortage of anything tech. What do I know though. I have a switch and not interested in the Oled, and most people I know that want one have one. I crave norm so badly though god what a fucking 4 years we have had. Not just the pandemic for us, just a shit ton of grief period and I just need it to end, we all do though. Maybe be 2022 holiday season we can all buy what we want and not have demand fuel these ungodly situations, but never know this just might be the new norm.....
  18. Lol so....... 10am came and went, checked a few times then saw it was up, download only took 10 minutes, very surprised by that. I rarely get the 300mb download I'm rated at on xbox or ps4, pc usually does though. Poped Ori back on, got really into that, checked that Halo was installed correctly and then just played Geometry Wars the rest of the afternoon. I'm all messed up. I seemed genuinely excited to have a new Hslo to play, the day comes and its shelved like every other dambed game! I think I'm losing my interest, but still need to be included...lol how sad is that? Oh well, tomarrow Halo here I come.
  19. I have sadly missed these little gems that so many here really liked over the years, but while waiting for Haol Infinite to be downloadable I threw in Ori (the second one) and wow, just wow. This is the best I've seen my LGC1 do dolby vision it's incredibly punchy and a great addition to this game from my tv. I think I might just download infinite, but play Ori the rest of the day. Loving it, stunning use of hdr highlights in just a very positive way. I'm blown away, yes forza 5 is sweet, but Ori really makes to sit back and be inspired!
  20. No way I'm getting this game spoiled in any way. I'll just get it when I get a ps5 and knowing that could be 18 months from now is um.....ok, I guess. Not lol!
  21. Haven't even turned on a game yet on the 65" LGCX in the game room since I got the 83" LGC1 in the home theater....lol That and It has the Series X hooked to it!! I love the gaming menu that pops up when you have a game on, showing VRR, 120htz, etc love it so much but i eventually have to have this all in the game room, the wife will want her screen time too...lol
  22. Ouch!! I wanted this to be an amazing game for the BF enthusiast out there. I've never been good at these games but I usually ended up getting them at least 1year later. Take BF3 I really liked that one, and I was so bad at it....lol I'm not going to touch this game at all unless it's a free GP or EA play GP included game, I've read and seen enough. Man that Trailer is pretty epic, I didn't think any game in real time could playout like that, way to episodic and movie like. I do think it's the best game trailer ever put out there hands down. I also haven't played now or bought a CoD game in many years, I loved them, had some great times with them but there just not for me anymore either....
  23. We came close to getting the lgc1 77" for our home theater project, but even the wife said "go big of go home" on this one. We wanted that wow factor and the 83" lgc1 oled does not disappoint, go fir it if you can, it's an amazing size! Coming from a 65" nu8000 we know we made a wise choice on this purchase! PICTURES HERE
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