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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. I have a full 7.2.4 SVS Ultra Dolby Atmos set up now with an LGC1 83" center stage in our home theater now. It's a work in progress still as I'm still waiting for the perfect Receiver! Right now I'm pretty set on the new Onkyo RZ-50 but it's out of stock everywhere. I just added an outlaw 7000 7ch 145 watt per channel AMP for the 7 floor speakers and when I get it the Onkyo will only need to power the 4 SVS Prime Elevations Atmos Height speakers. The x2 SVS SB-1000 Subs are now dialed in an shake the room perfectly in tandem. I decided to wait out the 2020 receivers with all the HDMI 2.1 bugs and there shoddy workarounds etc. The new 2021/2022 ones now are just coming out are out of the box good to go for true 4k/120, VRR, dolby vision, low latency pass through 2,1 hdmi for 30 series graphics cards, VRR, Series X and PS5. The Onkyo Rz-50 is a 9channel receiver but processes 11 and I need the 11 channels now. I'm close, got to just get the new receiver and then get wire hiding baseboards to pimp it all in and I'm rocking my dream set up finally. I'm only using a 7.2 right now. Home theater pic #1 Pic #2 Still have to hand the 4 Height speakers too, they'll go up on the from wall about 7 ft above the towers slightly turned towards the listening area. The svs prime elevations are fantastic if your looking for Atmos heights still. The pictured Svs Ultra towers are absolute monsters as is the Svs Ultra Center, I have Svs Prime Pinnacle as my rear surrounds { Over kill but oh well....lol } and Svs Ultra surrounds as my Side surrounds. Adding the amp was such a HUGE improvement, I was blown away how much it helps speakers come alive, not volume really though it has that now in spades but just fidelity and increased separation and clarity. I'dlove to see your set up and know what receiver your going with, etc??
  2. Started Control: Ultimate Edition on PC. I started it on ps4 but only fought the first flying boss guy, about 2 hours in. It looks incredible @1440p with DLSS on and Rtx on medium. Just eye candy. Wish I had it on Series X so i could play it in the livingroom but the 65" LGCx is still sweet! Also bought Disc Elysium: The final Cut on Steam for 15 bucks after reading and hearing loads of praises on its story. Excited to see what all the hype is about. I have tons to play still. Have to beat Will of the Wisps still and will be putting in Forza 5 time in between all these games too! I also am
  3. Still neither nvidia or amd can add a pre-order add to cart on there "gaming cards" to help gamers get them, hinder the bots and scalping. That would be on purpose and easy to do, but nothing! Off topic, but it really blows me away that still Sony or Microsoft haven't implemented and add to cart with a time line for us that are still wanting these consoles, one per email address, or something. I can't figure out why they don't either. I know sony has a raffle or something, I'm in that but theres no time or reason to how you get selected really. Am I missing something? Is it to hard to announce from Nvidia or AMD that they are now selling there own cards, add to card put 50 bucks down and first come first serve and have a tracking system showing where you are in line with an estimated time line? I wouldn't care if I saw I was 132,165ft in line for a 3080, 6800Xt, or a Ps5 one per email and credit/debit card system maybe with a registered ps network ID too? AT least I know they want my business, and they don't have to watch scalpers bots make money. They have to want these consoles in our hands the gamers right? Sorry, this really baffles me, Sony, Microsoft, AMD, and Nvidia it really is a head scratcher....
  4. I just got the headset today along with the 20th anniversary see through and green controller & 1Tb SSD HD extension {Ouch}! I was wondering do you leave it on the default in settings or have you purchased the DTSx and / or Dolby Atmos ones? I haven't done anything with the headset but updating and charging / pairing. I will go into the EQ tonight? I think the Atmos sub is 14 bucks and the DTSx is 19.99? Does anyone have time with these at all and are they worth it?
  5. I'm such a R&C fan and wish I could play this game. Gonna wait for the ps5 though no matter how long that takes, hell maybe by then it'll be a PS+ freebie...lol
  6. Just to illiterate, The 5 members that have come down with Covid aren't vacced. My oldest daughter and my son both aren't vacced and both have had covid. My daughter ended up in the hospital and her daughter both fought it for over a month. My son the mail man in Arizona caught it 3 months ago, still no taste and random nausea almost daily, still there are not vacced. his wife also caught it and she is doing the worse out of everyone. She's not hospitalized, no ventilator, but horrible lingering symptoms! LIKE I SAID, SCARY SHIT! these are older kids, my youngest and her husband are all vacced and me and my wife here are too. No one ever said being vacced make you immune to this virus, It severly limits your chances of hospitalization and the complication there within. Also recovery is much much faster with most cases, there are breakthrough cases, and people with underlying conditions are still very vulnerable if not vacced, but even if vacced. It's just TRUTH. Having 4 kids and 10 grandkids, it's scary shit and I hope you all fair well throughout this pandemic, non-believers alike, stay safe my fellow gamer, stay safe!
  7. Hope your ok, I've had 5 family members come down with Covid, scary shit man. Are you vacced? Not judging just asking, we are here and boosted I'm not taking any chances with this thing!
  8. Done, new PS5 here I come...where do I sign?
  9. Just beat MYST and really enjoyed it. It's like 30+ years old but looks fantastic on series X and I had always wanted to play it. Frustrated in that on of the puzzles I simply to not understand how a regular guy was to figure it out after even looking it up! Those that have played it, it's the Island with the flooded rooms and the telescope. So I beat it all on my own except for that one puzzle using the telescope. Now I really want to play The Witness. I've owned it for ever on PS4 but quit about half way through. I'm wanting to play it on the 83" C1 when I get a PS5 to play with the wife together. I'll do all the controller work and she and I can solve the hundreds of puzzles. If I remember right, it was raved about back in the day, like 10/10 & 5/5's across the board. Anyway that's another game I quit on but always want to go back and give it my full attention
  10. Ordered the 1Tb expansion at 10pm last night and BestBuy dropped it off at the door just now, I though that was pretty dang nice. Of course I wanted the 2Tb but 319.99 was hard to justify ATM. They said by 9pm today, also bought the 20th anniversary Series S/X controller with the green grips and see through shell. I can now install Battlefield 2042 that was gifted the other day, thanks again @Commissar SFLUFAN Sir!! I just love the controller so now I have no excuse to not try and play It takes two with the wife...lol. I think this is going to be a disaster but it's so well reviewed I just have to try it. Note: She's no gamer though, gets motion sick so easily, I also want to try Unravel 1 & 2 with her so we shall see. She only plays match 3 games usually!
  11. I'm going to get this after I eventually get a PS5 and I'm a go on the "NEXT" Quest too. I've waited long enough, but still not a must have item now. The Quest 2 is a really great VR headset from what I've read and seen though I still have never tried VR. The Tech is moving in a steady direction giving us more features etc. Still no timeline for the PS5 unit so there's time to score the console first...lol
  12. I did my daily intense extremely time consuming and mentally taxing hardcore hunt for the elusive PS5 again today! Woke up, turned on PC opened BestBuy typed PS5 and SOLD OUT, opened up Amazon typed PS5 and SOLD OUT!! This is impossible, maybe tomorrow . . . . . lol
  13. SUCKS but it is what it is. I didn't mind this time around not having the consoles day one as life and it's cruel ways managed to keep us on our toes for the last 3 years and keeps kicking our asses at a pretty steady rate too. Try very hard not to complain as we have so very much to be grateful for, but we are still along ways from where we were Pre 2018's California Camp fire. A whole year in though and I'm kind'a really starting to want one. Glad to have the Series X and I will not fuel the Scalpers wallets buy over paying for any of these items, I mean maybe a bundle option or something of that sort. Glad that 2021 is behind us but this Virus isn't going anywhere, this chip shortage isn't going anywhere, the demand for these Consoles & Graphics cards aren't going anywhere, etc, etc!! So those of you that seem to be telling us that it's easy to get a PS5 plz put your money where your mouths are and help us out. I'll throw in little somethin somethin, but not paying more than an extra 50bucks for a Brand new sealed PS5, what's another 365 days anyways....
  14. I guess I'm going down tomorrow and buying the 1tb expansion card thanks to @Commissar SFLUFAN and gifting me Battlefield2042 on Series X I'm in serious need of HD space. another 219.99 OUCHY, Much appreciated for the game Man, your awesome!!
  15. I have ZERO chance of scoring a PS5 unless I can just go in a store and buy one. I can't do the notification, open 8 tabs, be logged in, check every few minutes, have my phone right next to me, etc.
  16. Battlefield 2042 on Series X if that's ok? Thanks again, man making room for this game is going to suck but I feel on it would be better than on PC right now
  17. I'm blown away often with The 83" LGC1 Oled, and the 65" LGCX. It's so smooth gaming, and Dolby vision is amazing when implemented right, that and HDR plus, wow just wow! I knew it was a purtty tv, but in person its stunning. Paired with and amazing home theater system, I find it hard to turn it off.....lol If I still had a desk where I pc game, I wouldn't think twice and buy a 48" lgc1 fir the monitor. They are great paired to a good gaming pc. Just all around great tvs, and prices are very reasonable too!
  18. would like to know this to as I would fair much better that you. My grandson got a guest 2 for Christmas and I'm living through his eyes, as he's pretty far from us at the moment!
  19. I actually had to look it up for myself as I had never heard it, and after I can see why. I fixed the link...lol
  20. HaHaHaHa!!!! Prot·es·tant /ˈprädəstənt/ noun a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches. adjective relating to or belonging to any of the Protestant Churches. "the Protestant religion" Choose languageAfrikaansAlbanianAmharicArabicArmenianAzerbaijaniBanglaBasqueBelarusianBosnianBulgarianBurmeseCatalanCebuanoChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CorsicanCroatianCzechDanishDutchEsperantoEstonianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGalicianGeorgianGermanGreekGujaratiHaitian CreoleHausaHawaiianHebrewHindiHmongHungarianIcelandicIgboIndonesianIrishItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKazakhKhmerKinyarwandaKoreanKurdishKyrgyzLaoLatinLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMacedonianMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseMāoriMarathiMongolianNepaliNorwegianNyanjaOdiaPashtoPersianPolishPortuguesePunjabiRomanianRussianSamoanScottish GaelicSerbianShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovakSlovenianSomaliSouthern SothoSpanishSundaneseSwahiliSwedishTajikTamilTatarTeluguThaiTurkishTurkmenUkrainianUrduUyghurUzbekVietnameseWelshWestern FrisianXhosaYiddishYorubaZulu Merry Christmas all, and man 2022 has got to be a better year, it just has to be!! Oh and a "Protestant" I most certainly am not...lol The chance to just buy a PS5 for 499.99 is what I want! Definitions from Oxford Languages
  21. I can't believe I still have never even tried a VR unit before. I want one, I will have one some day, I just want like the best of the best and didn't want to have to set up sensors all around my house, and was wanting a really good resolution too, decent Htz. I really want to play half life Alex, but I've spent my allowance for the year....lol I guess I'll jump on the Quest 3 when that comes out and get the cable for PC gaming! I'm interested in your experiences with it though, post impressions when you have the time plz...
  22. Really really like the Dirt series, but this title though very pretty hasn't impressed me it all. I was excited to have this and Forza 5 to have with my Series X at no cost to me! We all know by now GP is a great service all around. It's just way to arcade feeling for my liking. I tried turning off assists and uping difficulty and it just doesn't give a feeling like I'm racing sadly. I gave it a few hours and uninstalled it. Now I can't say enough about how great the "Dirt" series, Dirt on and Dirt 2.0 the rally game. It's incredible and if you happen to love realism and own a wheel, WOW!! It's so fun. Looking forward to Dirt 3.0, untill -- then we have Forza 5 and soon Gran Turismo should be around the corner, probably a very long corner though... The other 2 games in the PS+ service I know nothing about, and not really interested in. They might be fantastic, but to me they look very average...
  23. How can you have 2? You swap them? I know it excepts external storage too, I was referring to the Seagate preparatory one that fits in the back slot. Is that what your both talking about? You bought a 1TB and a 2TB? I'm gonna do it too just because I like having stuff...lol I'm gonna hold off a bit to for awhile.
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