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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Well SHIT....lol Honestly don't know why I even have a PS+ sub it's just something I have always just done, I need to rethink a lot of shit I spend money on though. Not re'upping this after April when it expires, maybe I'll see a value when ever I buy a PS5!
  2. WHAT???? This is one thing I always defended Sony for over MS being that PS+ games were yours when you added them to the library. If there locked now this is the first I have heard of this? Starting when, are the games I thought were mine back then locked too or are they doing this moving forward? This is bullshit! I haven't turned my PS4 Pro on for at least 2 months but I'm now going to check this out and update the system while I'm at it, this is quite disappointing to me...I'd be fine with it if that was standard but this was a feature used in many arguments in MS vs Sony, Games with Gold / PS+, Etc! Man not cool, not cool. I'm going to let my PS+ sub expire this time, not because of this but it's just not needed now, I'm so buried in games already, but I have held a PS+ sub since the beginning until now and I do realize they have to compete with the Game Pass juggernaut, but putting included features now behind a pay wall is bad news at least to me. I need to try and find a ps5 again, I spend about 2 minutes a week looking, starting to think this might not be the best way to score one f these consoles now...
  3. Yadda yadda . . . Of course they have to respond to Gamepass but this doesn't sound very good to me. I do admit I don't know about PS now, I do have a PS+ sub I think is up in may but I forget to even look at the free games on that already. Maybe if I ever get a PS5 I'll see an advantage but I'm good with MS & GP for the near future!
  4. hope so, I know that purchased material is still available but new game purchases I thought were going to cease? The Vita is still a favorite of mine for trips, very small and a great console to play games on from a comfort stance. I love the 3ds but man is is not fun to hold for games other than Mario etc, side scrollers mostly. The switch is a bit bulky compared to these too. the 3 make up some fun times though for sure. There are at least 10 games I'd love to own on the Vita.. Thing is for me, I owned large collections for games in physical form for all 3 but the fire happened. Replace them has been a challenge and obviously isn't affordable either at least by me. I don't own a single game on cartridge for the vita now and only 4 for the 3ds. I think 5 for the switch, I have now seen the value of digital library collections over physicals. Oh well lessons learned I guess...
  5. April 21st 2022: I know here very soon we are to lose the ps2 and psp / vita sore fronts. I hurried up and grabbed the game that I had bought but lost in the fire and a few others all digital, I actually don't own a single game for the PS Vita on cartridge, fuck that damn fire! Anyways back on topic. Don't you think it would be in Sony's best interest to reveal and a date and have a super flash sale for these unsupported consoles? It's easy money right? Why would they close down the plays store and not reap all the rewards they can first? Makes every bit of sense to me, fingers crossed that they do something like this RIGHT? I would buy a lot for my collection at a steep discount but right now prices are still pretty high. No NINTENDO high but high enough. THOUGHTS?
  6. I'm just about to start this game! Excited and a bit worried too. I have a hard time understanding all the weird things you can find and just how they should be used. I know basic shit like heavy means less rolling and swinging, etc but it's all the little stuff that's in these games that makes me pause. I'm going in completely blind, I have not read a wiki, or other than watching IGN's 10/10 review I have seen no media coverage. I do need some beginner 101 stuff before heading plz. Like stuff you know now but with the game would tell you stuff. I don't need spoilers, just help going in and I would appreciate it alot. I'm gonna be pissed if this game doesn't grab me from the start and and just wow me. I'm not worried about the difficulty, that's fine it's just how read intense is it to understand the important nuances of the game. Starting Thursday morning, i'm excited. I just played Grim Dawn a made a character an managed to beat {Well Almost} Ultimate difficulty. I'm a lvl 83 Pyromancer and boy is this game just fantastic. I clicks every box on a game I would like. I love hack'n'slash loot games like Diablo 2 and this have taken all my gaming time now for the last 5 weeks! I even bought D2: Resurrection and didn't touch it...lol Anyway, Elden Ring here I come!
  7. I'm really starting to second guess the need for this thing. I'm After 2nd Q2022 but still it's giving me to much time to think about it. 649.99 won't kill us, and the thought of selling it has now actually crossed my mind but I'd be a hypocrite so I'm really getting second thoughts. With the short supply on everything these days I'm keeping the pre-order but I do not think I'll use this very much. I don't know what to do, but seeing them seeing them for double easily is so very tempting. I could sell it and save the money toward a 40series GPU next year. 1500 would cover the cost of at least a 4080Ti at retail anyway right? WOW, options suck. I do love Fancy "NEW TECH" though, I'm really waffling every day on this thought. Mine is probably set for December 2022 anyways...lol
  8. Not dissing in any way, I'll be getting them and I haven't played any Mario kart other than the 64 version and M8 so they will be nice, I was just stating what I read! Didn't know about the sale but I waited and waited for a very long time to get in at a sale price {Mario Kart 8} but finally caved! I owned it once before but lost almost my entire library of switch games in the Camp Fire. I had almost all games in cartridge form, I have no rethought my whole idea of physical vs Digital trust me. I bought it for 49.99 and it's the game the kids and grand kids play the most. I only had Breath of the Wild in the switch and it was thrown in the truck was the only reason I had any AAA titles for the switch post FIRE . I bought the Booster pack because of the courses and the N64 emulations but after seeing what they offer the online pack was enough for me thus making me now have to buy the DLC because correct me plz if I'm wrong, don't you have to have the complete online sub plus booster to even play them? Kind of like games with gold, drop the sub lose the games unlike the PS+ games. I always liked that Sony let you keep them. Not that I'm dropping Game pass or PS+ anytime soon!
  9. Also excited to have more tracks for the grandkids to race on but, aren't the "NEW" tracks just old tracks being remade? I have the Online service +booster but I'm buying the tracks so that I can drop the +sub after this one expires!
  10. REMEMBER: you can always, ALWAYS respect you skill points and devotion points for almost nothing {Only while in Veteran / normal that is, in elite it costs much more}, as long as you hoard like I do and sell everything you'll always have plenty of cash. This can has no penalty for changing your mind other than bits but that's plentiful trust me, so experiment all the time, that's the fun. I honestly completely beat the game on Veteran without any help, not once. It wasn't even that hard. When I jumped to Elite though, I had to look. My guy was AWESOME in Veteran and couldn't even beat a mini boss to at all, it was depressing! Biggest tip: It's not all about DPS, it's about Resistances even more so on harder difficulties. Poison is a monster at the very beginning OMG! I never bought a piece of gear from vender either. I did not like how it seemed like I had to hold on to some pieces for so long never finding a better piece in 30 lvls or so, but's it a game of chance at its core! This game is as complicated as you want to make it. I suggest that you play on NORMAL but Veteran! It's a better challenge and you level up much quicker. The jump from Vet to elite is a huge slap kick in the face and bullet in the head, followed buy getting run over! Trust me II was shocked! I'm level 77, from 50 you will lvl muck slower, only 2 skill points per lvl up. Get the DLC if you like the game it's cheap and adds a ton to the game, I'm digging this game a lot. I also restarted 4 times settled on Demolitionist and Occultist and it's great. Elite lvl is all about Resistances, have them you live, don't you die it's that simple. I also have to admit that I read some guide help stuff on the reddit forum and OMG it helped. I didn't really understand what things did, and it was very help ful. I respected a few things and what a help. I did not module my character to someone's else's I just needed help on what exactly things do, they're not that understandable buy the definitions alone. lastly, my got the stuff the blacksmith can do is what has overwhelmed me so much, the things that you make with all the little seemingly worthless stuff you find is mindboggling to me. later on you'll be able to buy stuff from venders that is awesome to have on your gear. Running Normal/Veteran I only found 9 Unique / purples but in Elite there are many more, but you die oh so much more too...lol I love this game so much I haven't touched Elden Ring or Diablo II Resurrected at all! Figure stuff out by yourself is half the fun, but I have to admit once I looked up my class skills and how they work together I better understood a lot. ENJOY MAN, GOOD STUFF! Also on Steam: HardAct
  11. We made it out, Paradise was the worst fire in California history, not in Acres but in homes and displacement. My wife and I along with all our friends and family there all survived. My wife and youngest daughter had the closest call to harm. We had no time to pack, just flee. over 14,000 homes lost, only 1300 have been rebuilt in 3 1/2 years. We ended up in Oregon starting over. I lost my job of 19+ years and my wife job of 26 years, that was the biggest hurdle. Netflix had a documentary on the Camp fire in paradise and Magalia California. Paradise was a complete and TOTAL loss and half of Magalia where we lived. Of course in that time we lost our son to Cancer {He was 30 at the time, with 3 kids}, and then of course Covid, the loss of my dad to a heart attack, and my wife's dad just last month, this is what I meant when I said we have been "KICKED IN THE TEETH" the last 3 1/2 - 4 years. I'm humbled still we have our lives and a new home and complete new start but income wise losing Jobs like of that long each, we lost a lot "Income wise" starting over in a new state, still I'm so very grateful, I TRUELY AM. we have learned to be a bit more conservative and not take to much for granted and take one day at a time. I thank you for your well wishes, I tend to rant like this at least once a year, you sparked the need to say it all again. Hoping I don't bother the boards with my story to much more in the near future, trust me they know it already!! I still thank the boards for just being here and there are some really compassionate and fine people in here there really are!
  12. I BuiId them "USUALLY" average every 3 years, usually all brand new nothing reused. I have given old ones to family, sold a few and parted a few over the last 20+ years. Only ever had one motherboard come DOA, and 1 GPU fail in less than that time. Been lucky so far. This one was different as we lost everything in the 2018 camp fire {Everything I mean everything, town, jobs, our vehicles, our home of 25 years and every possession we ever had!} and I had just built a 1080Ti rig 5 months before. The folks on the board were great on advise on some parts, they talked me into saving some on the power supply "Still a 700 watt gold corsair, because it was white " and only going 500gigs one operating system etc, instead of 1TB at the time. A few upgrades too, so tatal now is right at 3k I love it! MY NEW PC Bounce Back'n-forth really. If I want RTX then it's 1440p. Having the LGC series TV's with VRR is so sweet no more Vsync! 4k / 60+ - 1440p/120+ It really has outshined all my expectations by far. It's a modern beast, built buy me and 100% and I love it. It's silent almost all the time too. I have a h100i Cpu Cooler and the 2080Ti extreme amp edition Zotec 2080Ti is really so impressive. Custom fan curves for winter and summer 32 gig Corsair 3200 DDr4, 2x Samsung 970 Evo M.2 SSD's, 500gig for Operating system & 1Tb for gaming, also a 870 Evo 1Tb backup and gaming drive
  13. I planned a ground up build late 2022 anyway. This I79700k / 2080Ti has been a great PC and really holds up well and though it should. I love new tech and have enjoyed watching and reading all the hype around these cards but It was an easy pass as I have never upgraded from one year to the next. This PC was 3k and has given me a wonderful 2+ years. When we can just buy a 3080ti I'm on board and am excited to watch the shit show all over again...lol Theoretically a 4080Ti could as much as 65-75% faster that's humbling! I might even have to find a way to integrate the new pc into my Livingroom hooked p to the LGC1 83"! Seriously though, the LGcX has been a great gaming PC monitor too.
  14. Never even knew this was a thing, hope you get it sorted and done right!
  15. Grabbed this Switch and Luigi's Mansion 3 on a whim. Continuing my random over buying spell I've been under As-Of-Late it's pretty dang good. A lot like Dead Cells movement wise, that and guacamole. Thoughts" Also Hades, I've heard just nothing but amazing things about it but can't figure out really how to get better. I only put an 1.5 hours in but it not gabbed me so far. Any tips you wish you knew going in you know now? I'm not dissing the game just in really how to approach it. I'm not great at these Rogue type games but I really like them. Reminds me of difficult fast moving / paced games of my youth. My reflexes haven't aged well that's for sure!
  16. I have 4 kids so pretty much after their grown and out of the house, lol Um....NOT JOKING
  17. ooops my bad, I do not know what i am doing damn it!
  18. After progressing through the game your given the opportunity to completely completely or partially respec your characture!! Its a nice option. You cant rechoose your disciplines but you can take out as many lvl points you want. It costs money but money is never a problem at least to me. I have 1 characture now that's lvl 72. You can even take iut the tree points. It's kinda a big deal and let's you try out many combinations and I appreciate it. I'm a little taken aback by how much I like it. I just bought Diablo 2: remaster PC and Elden Ring series x too! It's really good and I'm getting ready to start extreme difficulty! Very much recommend the 2 DLC packs for like 14 bucks. I may be wrong on price. Theres a ton of shit to do in all in just one play through of normal (also recommend normal veteran to start, much better drops than just normal. You get very very few purple legendary drops as it is, this will up your chances if even just a little bit!) You can easily drop over 120+ hours in just one playthrough on a new characture in N/Veteran difficulty. If you have it on Steam we could do some multi player some time? Bounce tips by each other. Also with the Forgotten Gods Dlc you get the Crucible. It's super handy to run a new characture through it for a few levels to boost your characture with some quick deviation points and some quick levels points. It's worth the gear you get trust me! You get some sweet starting gear to start with making normal veteran much easier in the beginning. I have a great link to how to use crucible on a new starting characture if you want.
  19. Not impressed by how Doom 2016 controls, god I love those games, Eternal is just a near masterpiece In my opinion. The switch doesn't have the fluid feel that these game demand. I wont be buying Eternal on switch. I want these games on the Steam Deck so bad though. These 2 games (most recient, I love doom 3, and doom 64 but not buying them again). Fingers crossed as there just amazing at 120htz, I know the SD cant do it, but I'll be following them closely. I own doom 2016 on xbox series x and steam and switch. Only own eternal on series x.
  20. This looks pretty interesting to me damn it. I can wait for reviews but my game buying has really ramped up. I've been buying quite a few switch and 3ds games, along with many Steam games and 2 day one series x games. This after really keeping my wallet closed for the most part, especially the end of 2021 and early 2022. I guess you could say I've completely fallen off the wagon hard! Sucks really. I have a 649.99 preorder on a Steam Deck and would buy a ps5 first chance I get! Luckily though I dont even really try to find a ps5 even though I want one. I'm good on consoles, I fall asleep every night telling myself that...lol
  21. Well if the SD 2 is more than 649.99 I'm not interested. Don't know when I'm getting mine but I know I'm not opening it right away, yea right what the hell was I thinking. This Whole Steam Deck thing has had a welcome side effect. I mean the waiting in line for one obviously....lol I have really been playing alot of Switch and 3ds, and even some PS Vita. I love gaming gadgetry
  22. Amazon $50.00 Nintendo eShop card for $44.99 Bought 2 50 Dollar eShop Nintendo card last night. They were 44.99 on Amazon, and seeing how the best games rarely go on sale I felt like I was getting a good deal this way.
  23. STEAM DECK 2 Wasn't expecting this already although maybe I should've! Apparently the top tier model of the {OG 649.99} Steam Deck 1 is the most popular according to preorders. Looks like I may be further back in line than I though. Might be getting mine right as Pre-orders for the SD2 go up
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