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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Mine now says July-September. Having clearer time window than "after 2nd quarter 2022" is alot more comforting. I can plan my saving and spending around it now and I'm excited to own a piece of cool tech. The 512gig is no slouch on the pocket book that's for sure $649.99....
  2. Of course I KNOW THAT. The comparisons were only in grinding to acquire better and better equipment {CARS} or having the fastest cars from the start. I was only pointing out that I actually prefer earning them as you play through and win races. My ONLY Grip with FH5. @Biggie mentioned those that complain GT7 is grindy... I agree with him that this should be welcomed in a racing I feel anyways. I'm a DAY ONE Forza player, I love Forza motorsport and am looking forward to 8! Being though my favorite racing games are the realistic type, I've put hundreds and hundreds of hours in Dirt, Dirt 2.0, {The RALLY GAMES} & Forza 1-7 the Sim Rally games. I've not like The "OTHER" Dirt games, and Dirt5 was no different. At least it was free on Game pass day one! I play MOST racers on PC using my Logitech g920 Racing wheel setup. Looks like Forza in coming this year, can't wait.
  3. Assassins Creed: Valhalla PS5 standard edition is 19.99 on Amazon Physical Copy. I never played it, though I have never really gotten into any Assassins Creed game. Iii see Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate PS4 gets a free upgrade to PS5 version! So I have Astro's Playroom, Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate, and Final Fantasy 7 without spending a dime. I guess it's time to unbox this thing...lol Question: External storage drives on PS5. If I understand this right, my PS4 games can be downloaded to an external ssd and be played right? Any "PS5 game or Upgrade" though must be installed on the one of the internal M.2's? 1 internal being a future upgrade obviously? Any recommended External fast SSD drives? My inability to even for a moment being satisfied with a new expensive toy {PS5} Glaringly shows when I'm looking for advise on External SSD drives from you guys all the while Surfing the Web for deals on an Internal M.2 1 or 2TB M.2 SSD drive all before I have even taken the damned PS5 console out of the damned box. Let alone turned the damned thing on or installed a F$CK&^G GAME! Ludicrous behavior and I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT! OH hey: Anyone recommend a Micro SD card for the Steam Deck.....lol
  4. I kind a didn't like that your given some of the best cars in the entire Forza Horizon 5 game right at the start. I prefer to earn them, upgrade get better and better cars as I go. Only grip I have on FH5. Gran Turismo 7 sounds great to me. The online all the time thing is pretty standard these days, Yea the game is down if I lose connection for 30 hours like mentioned above, but if that happens I have bigger problems than not being able to play a game....lol If I lose connection for even a few seconds this whole house freaks out so that's not going to be an issue I assure you!
  5. I'm a much more casual player and never rush through any game ever. In games like R&C when they say in reviews 10 hours, it's most always double that for me. I like to search everywhere and kill everything, I could care less how fast a game can be beat. Even games like Little Nightmares 1 & 2 take me much longer to play through than most "NORMAL" gamers.
  6. R&C is a guilty pleasure of mine and being such a showcase game as in Graphics I need this game on my LGC1 83" to hopefully show my wife the difference in consoles PS4 vs. PS5....lol She just rolls her eyes when I say look at how fantastic this looks. I've been on her good side ever since I bought her the Galaxy Tab S7 plus 256 gig 10.5" Tablet! She was playing all her games on her Note 8 phone, she is over the moon in love with it. That small gesture cleared the way for my Tech endeavors for some time...lol Most intense game she plays is Farmville and Candy Crush like games. I did get her to play Animal Crossing on the Switch for about 3 months then it was back to matching three's. I have tried for 25 years to make a gamer out of her at some point I should see the writing on the wall . . .
  7. How so? I've seen nothing but positive reviews from GT7?
  8. Pretty much the 2 games I most want for my newest toy!! I'm hearing R&C is pretty short though right? I'm trying to limit my spending on games so much so that I haven't even removed the console from the box yet. First time in history II bought a console and was not up ALL NIGHT playing around. I did though take the controller out, charged it and am trying it out on PC. Borderlands 3 which I got on Steam for $11 bucks the other day! The controller is very smooth and has a bit of heft now that I like. I still preferer the Xbox's controller especially for FPS but I really like the new look and feel of the Duel Sense. The subtle lighting is pretty cool, over all an improvement and fits now in my hands {BIGGER} better. Borderlands isn't pushing the features the DS controller has but it's a start . . .
  9. The Series X was in stock at Best Buy today, not sure how many but I'm friends with one of the Home Theater sales people and they gave me the heads up, I already had one though. Seems there becoming more accessible at least.
  10. Thanks man, appreciated! Really surprised at how BIG the damned box was standing at the checkout! It's the Disc version and way heavier than expected too. Crazy.
  11. My List so far that hangs right next to my controller rack in the game room for the PS5 1.Demon Soul {a must own, loved the first on PS3} 2.Ratchet & Clank: ARA 3.FF7: Remake upgrade {FREE?} 4.Reternal 5.Gran Turismo 7 6.Deathloop 7.Resident Evil 2 & 7 upgrades {FREE?} 8.Ghosts of Tsushima Upgrade $19.99-29.99? {I was 1/2 way through this title and really enjoying it when I just stopped, stupid.} 9.Spidreman: MM {haven't played either of the them} I WILL NOT!! PAY more than $30 for any of these that should be easy enough . . Oh and I need Black plates and a second controller, but finding out my 1TB 970evo M.2 SSD is not supported hurt. I'll be waiting for these 4th gen SSD to drop to about 200 for a 2Tb, that could be awhile!
  12. Yea I know, it's laughable trust me but I need to try! All this and I have that Steam Deck 512gig Pre-Order $649.99 looming too! At least with that I can play the games I have already, that's how I justify it anyway. Let's see how long before I cave and buy a PS5 game at retail @59.99/69.99 any guesses...lol
  13. It's the PS+ version of FF7: Remake and I only played 45 minutes of it. Hope there's an upgrade if not I'll think about what to do from here. I have it at home now, geeezee the stares you get standing at the checkout with a ps5 lol. There not in stock the clerk had to answer at least 3 times, and I had to answer that I got it online. Sucks, wish all that wanted one could get one. I really need to slow my buying because I have so many games now unplayed that I payed good money for, not counting cheap steam summer/winter sale titles either. Full priced then neglected it's a problem. I really started to notice how bad I was when Halo Infinite came out. I COULD NOT WAIT to play that game. It was free {well GP:Ultimate sub} I downloaded it in the early morning hours and played it for 30 minutes and stopped! WTF? It's not like before the fire where I was collecting many games in there cases. I went from that to collecting digital copies...lol it's unhealthy. I think it somehow makes me fell batter after losing so much of my hobby in THAT DAMNED FIRE! I know I'm doing the "Small Novel" again but I'm trying to get back into playing the games I do have and enjoying them then moving on, anyone else suffer from this illness? I've seen Dying Light 2 on sale already but that's not exclusive.
  14. Pretty excited I must say. I got lucky it seems when I stumbled upon that Best Buy ad, and having just shy of $300 in Reward Zone Certificates was the icing on the cake. Just around $215 +or- out the door. Not even sure what if any game to get first. I'm not going to pay 60 bucks for any PS5 games this year is my promise to myself. I have Final Fantasy 7 remake on PS4 Pro and I'm pretty sure It gets a free upgrade to PS5? I might just pay for the Ghosts of Tsushima upgrade as I never finished it. Going to grab black plates though!
  15. Do have a non LE system in very good shape your willing to sell? I know you collect them and that's asking a lot but I've really been wanting to get a "In GREAT CONDITION" used 3DSxL for my youngest Daughter and a copy of Animal crossing. She like me lost all her shit in that damned Camp Fire and hasn't been able to afford buying a used one but she loved AC so much. I've been also looking into getting here a used or new OG switch and a copy OG the game on that. So just poking around and asking, no offence intended. I understand all about collecting. I had a very impressive collection of most every console made in that last 30+ years. Many unopened. Examples. Atari 2600 unopened, Sega Dreamcast unopened, and a perfect condition Jaguar system, Sega Genesis,,, 3D0, Intellivision, Commodore 64 {lol} and of course every console in the last 20 years too. Went from that to owning just a xbox 1x, ps4 pro, Xbox series x, switch, PS Vita, 3DSxL and that's it! Ouch, yes that really did hurt for a long time. Oh and a PS5 to be picked up at Best Buy tomorrow Would love to surprise her with either a Switch or 3DSxL. I'll keep looking around obviously a used switch is very east to come by. Hey!!! Maybe I upgrade my OG switch and give her mine, those new Oleds are nice.......
  16. While searching for my first two games to buy for my ps5 I'm picking up Tomorrow I randomly bought This War of Mine: complete edition on the switch. I jumped into Elden Ring last night for the first time and quit after 45 minutes, I need to relax more in these types of games man!! lol
  17. OG D2 is by far my most played game ever and It's not close. I love Blizzard. I bought D2:R but haven't fired it up yet. I have it on PC just have to relive this game on Keyboard & Mouse. It'll be some time before I play it though. VERY EXCITED for Diablo 4!! The Rogue class looks really fun. I hope it plays like 3's Reaper of Souls. Playing in High torment is my favorite. I have never been into Hearth Stone or Overwatch but I'm glad to hear they are coming out with new stuff pretty soon!
  18. Last few months I have been purchasing 3ds games to replace the ones lost in the Camp Fire. I'm not going to be able to get them all but the important ones will be mine. Physical was how I mostly bought games up until the fire so needless to say I lost my complete collection of games and movies for the most part. I'm all digit now though. I don't even own a Cartridge game for my Vita, and only have 2 for Switch and 1 for 3DSxL SUCKS! Anyway here's the 3Ds games I have now and for the most part this is all I will be rebuying. Just a handful of games for the 3Ds I would like to have but can't justify rebuying them, it is what it is now. I gone from about 35 Physical games to just the 18 digital but it's a great little console and glad it was in the truck when the fire happened along with my Switch! 1. Mario Cart 7 2. Metroid SR 3. Luigi's Mansion DM & 3 4. Mario Odyssey 5. Mario 3D land 6. Mario Golf WT 7. Pilot Wings 8. Dr. Mario MC 9. Zelda Ocarina of Time 10.Bye Bye Box Boy 11. Donkey Kong Country returns 12. Resident Evil revelations 13. Zelda Link Between Worlds 14. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 15. Super Street Fighter 4 16. Outrun 17. Super Punch-out 18. Excite bike 15. Crimson Shroud 16. New Super Mario Bros 2 17. Steam World Dig 2 18. Kirby TD Metroid and Zelda Ocarina of Time have been getting most my playtime. I kinda wish the Switch had a 3d feature, it's pretty great in some titles.
  19. Yea well It is what it is. I can't hide from my ways. Way too late for that. This board/forum is where I vent and I ramble like no other. Like I said above, I'm not a social person online, all platforms out there weren't made for the likes of ME! I do enjoy coming in here. My "Small Novels" way of doing things is deeply imbedded. My mom Has a Degree in English something and we were encouraged to write. Easy enough to just skip through my Posts and or replies. I have actually thought of putting time stamps in like You Tube. That way you can just skip to the point somewhere near the bottom of anything I have Respond to or posted. Last 500-700 words should get you there. I couldn't change If I wanted to.
  20. Kinda feel bad because I made no effort to get one. It was just dumb ass luck that the poped up on the site. R&C is probably the game I want to play the most. That and Demon Souls. I'm just gonna take it slow. Excited to give my wife a chance to play that Astro's playroom. I'm sure she wont like it but I do try and find games that she can play that are different that just match 3 gem and farmville 2 games. We tried It takes two and it was way to hard for her. She is without doubt not a gamer. She did play Animal Cossing on Switch for about a month.
  21. I wouldn't either for a PS5. NO WAY! The Total Tech is a huge money saver for me though as it covers everything I buy from them, especially my TV's LGC1 & LGCX. I was going to buy a 5 yr warranty for the LGCX and it alone was the cost of 3 years of Total tech. Now for the 200 a year, my 83" LGC1, 65" LGCx, Xbox Series X, Denon x6700H Receiver, PS5, etc are all covered for that same 200 a year. The 5 year warranty for the 83" LGC1 war 699.99. Their warranty covers Burn in too, and they even cover the Geek Squad diagnosis on any equipment I bring in that wasn't bought there like my Laptops, Wife's Tablet, etc. It's a fantastic Deal for someone who like me. Rebuilding from the Camp fire, we have spent ALOTI made a promise I'd never pay scalpers prices or retailers like Walmart that add in controller and remotes, and games, and 200 extra just for a chance to buy one. It's such a scummy practice for a retail store like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Gamestop, Newegg, etc. My plan is to keep it for 5 years at least @200 a Yr as almost all our expensive shit like the Home Theater build, and the TV's, etc have been bough all in the last 2 years. So 1000 bucks is a steal for coverage on all this new electronic crap we have been replacing lately. Just the Denon Receiver and LGC1 83" were $8500. a warrenty on just those two items for 5 years would be over $1200. I know many don't buy Warranties, but because of the nature of Oled Tech I felt it was justified. Having it all covered under the same $200/Yr was awesome. I use my 65" LGCX as a PC monitor too and that was worrisome to me. I got my Series X the same way but had the Total tech membership already. Good luck on finding the console your looking for man!
  22. I think I need to just say no. I'm an adult and we can "AFFORD" it, but will I use it is the question that I seem to not ask myself enough. I do NOT play my PS4 much at all if at all. Really all I do is look once or twice a month at the "FREE" games offered {LOL} add them if they look good, tell myself I'll get to those for sure soon and shut it off again. It's just not smart. I bought the Added Nintendo thing on top of the 20 for online and I don't play anything online. Stupid right? I justified it for the Mario Kart 8 tracks, then rethought the purchase because you don't own the tracks if you drop the sub next year so I then paid for the Tracks myself and that was dumb too. It's the most played game by far when the kids are here but WTF MAN! 20 a month isn't anything but added to 12 subscriptions it can be. At least I dropped SHUTTER streaming service being the huge Thriller / Horror fans that we are, because it's stupid on top of the content we already have, makes me sick with myself really. I'm going to let my Sony PS+ sub run out, and try very very hard to justify why before I pick it up again. Good thing is, Sony is making this easy for me/ some of us right?
  23. Yea WANTING but really honestly I have not looked at all. I mean if I was on Amazon I'd type in PS5 but that's about the extent of it. I was in BEST BUY 2 weeks ago and even my contact there said they haven't seen stock, there bought way before they ever get to the store. Kinda crazy, I though I might even wait long enough to get a PS5 Pro or a newer version that's how hard I had looked. The wife is going to be thrilled...lol NOT! I still have a SteamDeck on preorder @649.99. I have really been rethinking that purchase a lot lately. Helps that it's a waiting game! That looks like earliest is late April but I'm thinking "AFTER" 2nd Q2022 could mean anything really, late November?, or later even. It's really something I do not need at all, but I love tech so much and losing all the shit I had collected for over 30 years in gaming including 1000's of games and consoles in the camp fire I tend to want it all back and that's impossible or ridiculous and Stupid Expensive of course. I'll Enjoy it, it'll be hooked up to the 83" LGC1 and my 7.2.4 Dolby Atmos home Theater I've been setting up and a HUGE Bucket List ITEM off my life journey...lol For the first few months to glorify it the thing, then I'll down grade it to the Gameroom and just a meager 65" LGCX
  24. Stunning turn of events, I'll be a PS5 disc version owner on April 7th!! I had literally just accepted the fact that a PS5 wasn't in my very near future as I don't use any social media sites {except this one and sometime IGN & Reddit Home Theater forums}, and really only brows Best Buy or Amazon a few times a Month at best when looking for stuff. I wasn't the type to allow alerts on my phone, or search instock sites, I'm a relatively private person, exact opposite of my wife and her Facebook obsessions {To be polite she really has gotten better} so....anyway, an Hour ago I was browsing new HBO Max series and up popped an AD for PS5 in stock Now for Best Buy total tech members. I swear to god, I laughed out loud as I walked to my computer, logged into best buy searched PS5 and there it was, 499 disc version with no Upsale! Well Total Tech is I guess but I use it for warranties on my 83" LGC1 and 65" LGCX, along with my Denon x6700H receiver and Xbox Series X so it's a much cheaper option that buying warranties for them all.. I still thought no way was it going to be this easy, WELL FU%K I added to cart, It said I was inline for awhile with a spinning Buffering like thing spinning and then bamm! There it was! I pick it up April 7th, disc version. It cost me 4.99 as I had almost $300 {$280} in Reward certificates I had to spend by may anyways! This is really going to hurt the wallet a bit, the wife was saying last weekend that she was surprised I didn't try harder to find a PS5, and I told her I would wait till I could just Walk in and buy one in Best Buy or find it one Amazon or BB online. I had plenty of games and have really just in the last few years realized the just how impossible my backlog of games had gotten, especially on Steam and I do own a Xbox Series X! So, looks like that backlog is going to be dumped on some more in the coming months. I have been really kind of proud that I had been playing my Older Steam games and even my Switch, 3DSxL, and Vita lately! Even have Elden Ring installed and haven't touched it yet! So I'm looking for deal on a 2Tb 4th gen M.2 ssd, I bought a 1TB Series X SSD that was pretty expensive, and looks like the 1TB 980 Evo M.2 I have been holding onto wont work damnit! Games: Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo 7, Eternal, Demon Souls & Deathloop all are in my near future!!!!! Just found out that Ghost of Tsushima is upgrade free and that sucks! I never finished it and that it shameful really as I was loving it. I do this a lot. I doubt it, but I have been holding of on playing FF7 remake too because I was hoping for a free upgrade if/when I did eventually score a PS5. Fingers crossed, Looking that up now.....YES IT DOES! No way in hell I'll ever play all these games, I have a serious problem.
  25. This topic really got us thinking here at the home. We have way to many streaming subs and it's just not funny at all. These prices seemed just ridiculous when compared to Game Pass. Not a MS fanboy but the highest tier GP Ultimate is 14.99 a month with deals found easily to save on that price too. Then I looked and my sub to PS+ ends in April. So having Disney+ / Hulu no ads, Apple+, Prime, HBO Max and Netflix's highest tier, Nintendo+ Expansion and Gamepass {Ultimate is paid through 2024} I said fine, No PS, that's easy. I'll look into it when ever I find a easy PS5 down the road. All this and a Reservation for a top Tier Steam Deck @649.99!! LOL ............. Well that was Yesterday, lol. I was browsing new HBO Max series and up popped an AD for PS5 in stock Now for Best Buy total tech members. I swear to god, I laughed out loud as I clicked the ad, logged into best buy searched PS5 and there it was, 499 disc version with no Upsale! Well Total Tech is I guess but I use it for warranties on my 83" LGC1 and 65" LGCX, along with my Denon x6700H receiver and Xbox Series X so it's a much cheaper option that buying warranties for them all.. I still thought no way was it going to be this easy, WELL FU%K I added to cart, It said I was inline for awhile with a spinning Buffering like thing spinning and then bamm! There it was! I pick it up April 7th, disc version. It cost me 214.99 as I had almost $300 {$280} in Reward certificates I had to spend by may anyways! So.... How much was the PS+ again?
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