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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. It is fucking crazy out there. All the shit we gave gone through in the last 4 years, The fire, loss of community, our Son passing, loss of our 26+ year home, loss of both our Jobs of over 20 years GONE! Poof, Covid, etc, etc we were so very blessed to jump on our new home when we did! This was 2019 right before Covid and the pandemic. It will settle down again, I hope, it almost has to but having a 24 year old daughter with a 2yr old renting in Paradise still where the fire was, with no inventory at all for people that need to stay around the area {Paradise & Magalia lost 14k homes in the 2018 camp fire}, renters are having to pay what ever is asked right now or someone else will. I hope to get her out here in Oregon someday but with the housing market the way it is now, I don't see them buying anytime soon and times a ticking! We pay 1089.00 a month for our 1830sq ft home and they rent a 900 sq ft apt for 990.00 a month, and that's cheap around there. STUPID! I really feel for those out there struggling to meet just their housing demands, I hope this gets better. None of this stopped my buying of games though....lol
  2. Completely forgot about this game...lol for just a second {when it said June 2nd} I thought it was DIV but that's aways away and I'm kinda glad for it. There some of my favorite games ever! I have so much to get through right now. Immortal looks fun,,, might have to install it on my wifes Galaxy tab 7+
  3. Played my first 3 hours late into the night and I got too say this is a pretty great game. So "New" feeling! I thought my PS5 controller was broken seriously when the left trigger mid pull stop activated...lol It sounds like the controller is broken if you just pull it past the stop. That's all I can think of to call it, very unexpected. There's a few minutes between where the controller action is activated and you find the rifle and the game then tells you about the mid pull action. I was worried, but I went back to the PS5 home screen and it's gone, back in game and it's back so I figured it out I'm just about to be buried in the first wave of PS5 games I bought off eBay today and Tomorrow, this is going to be fun!
  4. GT2 was mind blowing. I put an disturbing amount of hours into the game. The relays were so amazing to watch and to this day ever turning me into the gamer I am today...
  5. I've owned this for awhile now {steam}, yea it's crazy fun. I have only 80 minutes played on steam and it will tax your machine if you run 4k / 60 with everything maxed. First impressions you wouldn't think it's demanding but it's a cool unique game and I'll get into it again in the near future...
  6. Excited to play this game. I bought a unopened copy off eBay for 24.99 arrives Saturday! having some free DLC to add to it is a welcome addition.
  7. Well now we will all understand how my addiction works...... Finally gets PS5 {but never really ever looked for one other than searching PS5 on Best Buy or Amazon couple times a week} Makes a deal with "Himself ", I will not pay full price for a PSN PS5 game this year!! Meaning 69.99+. Sees a free game give away from the in D1P forum, ENTERS. Gets another fellow D1P'ers sub thus upping his chances. Knows sooner or later He'll have to face the demon and unbox the console he's had well over a week now already, carefully placed just out of sight but NOT HIDDEN. Constant reassuring himself it's for the best. Hell he really should be getting a chip, 12 day CHIP he thinks while sipping his coffee. I can do this, this is nothing! Still that pull, that burning, that NEED grows ever more strong. Logs and enters his favorite website and FUCKING WINS the DAMNED game of course!!" FU%K ME! The damage has now been done, 70 dollars just sitting in my PSN wallet. Just sitting there, yelling at him! No....no....n this is a good thing, a fine thing. A very appreciated gesture not meant to burden, not meant to HURT, but to Heal. A kind gesture meaning we're in this together... The good times and the bad. What's one game going to hurt, one game is really all I need, hell...all anyone really "needs" at a time. Just have a little patients, a little self control. It's just one game, one "FREE GAME". This is ok, this will be fine. I'll look back at this moment and laugh... Well I F&C%ED up! Of course I did . . . I used the 70 bucks and bought and downloaded Gran Turismo 7, so....what's so bad about that you may ask! Well I also bought: 1. 20 dollar Final Fantasy 7 remake upgrade 2. 25 dollar {I think} to bring my Ghosts of Tashima ps4 to Deluxe edition PS5 edition 3. Gran Turismo 7: Free with D1P game giveaway win THANK YOU AGAIN! 4. Downloaded the new Odd World though it was free! 5. Returnal 34.99 NEW Disc / ebay 6. Demon Souls Remake 39.88 New Disc / ebay 7. Spiderman: MM 29.95 New Disc / ebay 8. Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart 40.00 New Disc / ebay This is meant to be funny though all true and "YES" I really do have a problem when it comes to buying games.. We are ok, not maxing CC or anything, but I do realize it's a bit much and wish I could just enjoy what I have more already. I do think a lot of it stems from losing so much of our lives together {The wife and kids } in Paradise from that damned fire! WE have been together now for over 28 years, married now 26! I am blessed and toughly enjoy these message forums. We also were forced to relocate, new jobs, new state, totally new life really. losing the home and our town / community is tough and during all that we had a few family losses too. You guys know! These boards are where I vent, I'm not a online social guy, but here I do like. Most all my friends are now hundreds of miles away, friends of well over 25 years, we all lost so much in 2018. Thanks for the platform and the ability to type as many characters as I wish, as many times as I wish! It's all therapeutic to me, as is gaming. We as a family are so very much closer even though we're mostly separated my miles. Hope this made someone smile and or maybe even laugh. I know I did while typing it. Half the problem is the "Knowing you Have a PROBLEM" isn't it THERE: Another book by: HardAct
  8. OK OK bash the old timer, come on get it all out, maybe add a "Kick Me" sign on my back? Maybe next time.... At least I LERN'T SUNTH'N PS: It was "stupid simple"
  9. NOPE! in my gameroom on PC Got embarrassed and deleted my try damnit!
  10. That figures thanks now I can thank people proper, appreciated much! Thank you @Commissar SFLUFAN & @Zaku3
  11. good call, yea my Zotec 2080ti has really been a great card and I have no problem waiting however long it takes to own a 4080. That's just the card I'll be building around and this pc has a lot of mileage to go. Only real grip comes down to that damn fire again. I had so many PC parts from GPU's to CPU's, ram, fans, cables, etc { 20+ years of PC building, and 35+ console gaming and collecting all lost! } to troubleshoot any PC issue that comes my way. Right now I have Nothing but this PC and a Laptop. Though this PC is all highend components shit happens and sucks I don't even own another stick of ram to test with. Anyway, this PC a gr8 one and it's fine, we can all bounce back from shit, I'm just saying.....
  12. PS5s future: 1. Returnal 2.GT7 3.Ratchet & Clank 4.Deathloop 5.Demon Souls {Owned} 6.Spiderman: MM {Only game sup 70 bucks digitally in PSN store!}
  13. So.... Thanks so much for the kick in the butt to get my ps5 up and running. I had been afraid of my spending habits of late and thus managed to prolong the enviable unboxing of my NEW CONSOLE. Of course this could make me throw all that out the window, GOD I HOPE NOT!! Crazy how none of the 6 games I have been watching have gone down in price at all digitally on PSN! I now own Demon Souls though and my console has the option to either be mounted behind my Livingroom home theater TV or in the gameroom. The damned console is so large that I couldn't put in in my entertainment center and it's open air with no doors but it would hinder cooling badly. so I have 2 mounts installed. Behind the LgC1 or on the side of my entertainment center in the gameroom below the LGCX. Thanks guys. Me making a promise to not buy full priced games is really gonna hurt as all games I want are still 69.99 digitally!! Damn it! Thanks again, a new gaming PC holiday 2023 is my next "Gaming upgrade" and that can easily leak into 2024 if the 30 series is any indication on how the Nvidia 40series stock will be! THANK YOU ALL but especially Sflufan sir! Stupid question: How do I add the forums folks in a post the right way with their names linked in the blue? I'm sure it's stupid easy but I have to ask...
  14. Perfect game to play on Steam Deck when I get one I'll get this too. "AFTER" 2nd quarter 2022 seems like a very long time right now!
  15. Got it, love you guys if you know me at all you know thsts true too! My wall mount comes tomarrow for the ps5. Itll be mounted behind the lgc1 83" in the livingroom. Excited!
  16. Gezzzzz man to kind. I excuse myself from all remaining acts of kindness for the remainder of the year and would like to hold one of these myself in the coming months. Super appreciated, awesome! THANKS Zaku3 sir!!
  17. So much so I paralyzed to even fire it up. This weekend it shall be done! Meaning started of course...lol
  18. Would love a Ps5 game...lol I still don't own one other than ps4 upgrades. Would love Reternal or Ratchet & Clank or Demon Souls......Love these boards! I've only been using the Ps5 controller to play Borderlands3 on PC
  19. same! I have never heard of these people, but I have heard of Giant Bomb. Never knowing what it is or anything else about it.....
  20. Shame, Really was an amazing console. I doubt there's much room for another handheld out there now with the Monster that is the switch and the Steam Deck taking up the high-end side. I'd buy a Vita 2 day one, or any handheld brought out by Microsoft too. Really have been playing my switch much more recently since I got the Online Booster what ever it's called. Some real JEMS in there Nes, Snes, and N64 titles
  21. I would love good boxing game. Lately I have been playing Super Punch Out on the Switch and enjoying that. I never beat it back in the day and I'm struggling with some of the late game fights but its nostalgia big time. Also have it on the 3DSxL
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