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Everything posted by HardAct

  1. Right now I'm still trucking through Borderlands 3 on Steam {Managed an impressive 3 1/2 hours tonight} before I tackle Elden Ring ON XSX and the 7 games I bought for the PS5 to get me started. "LOL.....Get Me STARTED" That's easily enough gaming for this entire year, oh and II have Xeno Blade Chronicles 3 switch pre-ordered that should be a 80+ hour game too....
  2. Totally agree, I love retro gaming and older games but I don't want to be stuck there, games today are amazing! For the amount of just fantastic AAA titles on the 360 though is why I picked it. I know I had the most fun gaming on that console during that stretch.
  3. last night very late I launched Ratchet & Clank: A rift Apart for the first time on my 83" Lgc1 and I was blown away, truly a visual masterpiece. I'll admit I didn't play it though, just wanted to see how it looked......
  4. I just saw a different way to check and it says Q3 July-September so yea 3 months probably I'm really starting to think Microsoft could make a successful handheld with Game pass as the main selling point. Could just be amazing anyway as I'm sure they won't do it. One can wish though. I hope there will be an amazing way to put Game pass on The steam deck without installing windows, maybe there is now already, but I hope so. I know there is a way through a version of installing MS Edge and streaming the games. I have not tried any of these features in anyway. Just talking out loud really!
  5. could you keep me in the loop when you get you email plz, I'd appreciate it as I'm after you for sure and I used an email that I don't check alot so I'm afraid i'll miss it. Just a thouugh, hope yours is sooner than later!
  6. I have a feeling that my 512 pre-order is still about 2 months or further and I thought I was on this fairly quickly, apparently not.....lol I'm "AFTER" 2nd quarter 2022 and that is frustrating but it is what it is. It's not like I don't have anything else to do or play! Really trying to not buy games that will better be purchased for this machine in particular that say the switch. I really need to practice some patience here, this handheld seems pretty awesome so far though and like most, I have a monster steam library to start playing. Glad you are all enjoying your time with machines, peace fellow gamers...
  7. Ok I have my PS5 I'm ready for my Email from Valve to purchase my Steamdeck now....lol After reading about the house rules I might check this out in the near future. I'm really not very good at these though and it frustrating. Not the games fault in any way though so "Just get good" does apply here
  8. Having my Ps5 now just about 2 weeks I bought a good bunch to get started along with & a Samsung 980 pro 2Tb w/heatsink 2nd Hard drive upgrade. Switch: 1. Pre-ordered Xenoblade chronicles 3 Xbox Series X 1.Elden Ring 2.Battlefield 2042 Ps5 1. Returnal 2. Ratchet & Clank: Rift apart 3.Demon Souls 4.Spiderman: MM 5. Dying Light 2 6.Deathloop 7.Gran Turismo 7 The PS5 games were all bought from eBay all new but saved a lot. The most expensive was GT7 at 45 bucks, the rest were cheaper but not by much averaging 40-44 all were brand new sealed copies though This should get me started. Still haven't paid full price for a PS5 game and I won't this year. At least that is what II told myself when I finally tracked one down!
  9. These drives are so very expensive but it does make sense now why the consoles only have 1Tb storage space. Keeping these at 499.99 is crucial. I'm very disappointed by the amount of space the PS5 has when you first hook it up. I didn't realize the PS5 only has a 825GB, Having just the 730Gb {give or take, maybe 750Gb?} available was a bit of a shock really. Aren't they advertising both consoles as having 1Tb internal drives? Then again a 2Tb upgrade for the PS5 ranging between $240 - $300 compared to the XSX 2Tb Proprietary Drives cost 399.99!! I guess the PS5 is faster? Tough to add 400 to a 500 console even if I have the money, it just feels wrong! Thoughts? I decided to grab a 1Tb XSX SSD 219.99 and the 2tb Samsung 980 pro w/heatsink for PS5 at 289.99. that's $130 dollar difference thus making the PS5 seem much more palatable to say the least right?
  10. The LGC1 83" loves both these consoles, wow just WOW! The plan was to hook the PS5 and XSX up just for like a preview period to adjust settings etc and then move them to the game room's LGCX 65" as their permanent home, thus so far an epic fail as they look so fantastic out there I'm thinking new consoles for the game room would be AWESOME!. Ridiculous I know I hate how my head works. New consoles wouldn't go over well with the Wife either, and it's not like I have thousands to just spend on consoles right now, or that I could find them easily either. These Oleds really live up to their Hype. Purdy eye candy! The LGC1 though has the 7.2.4 Dolby Atmos / DTS HD sound system backing it all up too so it's really pretty fantastic. This is the first time I don't find myself looking to the future and how great they can get, I feel we are there and then some. Of course the next consoles down the line will be 8k / 4k 60htz minimum and that's insane to think, but really I have never ever wanted a 8k TV, don't care in the least. Other than having the option to maybe play any game in 4k / 120 easily {A REALLY big jump really} it's now all really fine details and smaller enhancements that can make our overall experiences that much more impactful. I feel we ARE THERE meaning how you I could've ever ever hoped for or dreamed / imagined and it's awesome! As an MUCH OLDER gamer what a ride these past 35 years have been. I can still remember unwrapping our Atari 2600 and being over the moon excited. Or as a long time PC gamer, thinking back to my days with an APPLE 2e in my garage to play with {a Loaner from my step dad's work} and going to the local PC store and choosing a game off the shelf like CHOP LIFTER and LODE RUNNER. Way before I ever heard of a mouse, staring at that green flickering 13" monitor in in the late 70's. As an 8year then, It's crazy to think young kids out there will have the XSX and / or PS5 as THEIR FIRST CONSOLES!! How do you imagine / or dream of anything starting from these consoles?!! What a crazy thought and my rant is now over, feel free to criticize and Diss my walk down memory lane, the road getting us to this point has been really fun to be apart of. Yea there will be better, faster, etc but these consoles and PC GPU's are just CRAZY bad ass...... Oh yea and........ VRR is awesome Bring on my 4080Ti no matter when I get there to put that inevitable cherry on top it all . . . lol
  11. This is laughable but after anxiously awaiting Halo Infinite like many, getting an XSX over a year AFTER! release and a PS5 just recently {Not that that matters...lol} I finally download the game and then for what ever reason I stop playing before I ever get to the open world part. Over and over and ove...... Anyway, as to "what am I playing this week" It's now Halo Infinite on XSX, Bayonetta 2 on Switch, and Returnal on PS5 all three are really good games I just hope I don't get distracted and like I ALWAYS do and can stay focused on these three games for the time being...
  12. Took a chance and bought Xenoblade Chronicles 3 pre-ordered from BestBuy for switch. really hoping for a stable framerate and they fix the blurry backgrounds, etc. I may be asking to much but It's done. I hope the story can live up to XC2 ED, and this is a long wonderful ride, we shall see. I am staying away from spoilers, etc as much I can. I hope this is a homerun!
  13. This looks pretty damn good. Not like I don't own 1000 games right now yet to be started but I have to say I just might buy this and forget about it like I usually do Nevermind, reviews are terrible on steam, I guess even controls are broken. Kinda glad I was looking to buy it~
  14. I really wish I was better at these type games, but I just don't have the dexterity needed I'm afraid. Even Dead Cells which I really like is to hard for me. I'm trying to get better at Hades too but it just seems a bit to hard to enjoy. I see the appeal and the lure of the challenge but I'll have to pass on theses unless there dirt cheap before I buy them. Looks fantastic though....
  15. got this Yesturday, excited to finally see what the Spiderman games are all about. I only own MM though......
  16. I ended up going with the Samsung 980 Pro w/Heatsink installed. it was 289.99 @Best buy so I'll be getting a 15 dollar reward certificate at least! I threw up a little bit in my mouth when I hit purchase, but that happens all the time!
  17. Waffling on this ADATA 2Tb 239.99 or this Samsung 980 Pro 279.99 40 dollars difference isn't bad at all but it doesn't come with a Heatsink either, THOUGHTS? The Samsung seems rock solid from reviews all over the web especially for the PS5 but man I didn't want to spend this much, or even buy a expansion M.2 this early either. I have Deathloop. Dying Light 2, Spiderman: MM, Returnal, FFVII, "NEW" Oddworld, Rocket League, Ghosts of Tsushima and that's it installed.
  18. I see that this is old and you have probably bought the 2ds a Loooooong time ago but I can not recommend the Nintendo 3ds Xl enough. It's a fantastic little gaming handheld and I had only ever played the older types as they were for my kids, but when the XL came out I finally bought one for myself! As a bigger hand guy it's just a must have if you love gaming on the go but need compact too. I do not like the little "NUB" or the hard to reach Zr/Zl buttons but the games I play never use them. I lost My original N3dsXL in the Camp fire and it was one of the very first things I replaced too. Especially because we were living in motels for 18 months, yea there was that too....Lost my entire 3Ds library too as I was a huge opponent for physical games in cases as I loved to collect. That all changed after the fire and I have been rebuilding from the ground up slowly. I own 26 digital games now but they are the best of the best so I must be happy with what I have. I'll never never never ever ever have back the collections of consoles and games that I once had, unless I win the lottery and buy a collection that's intact from another collection. Makes no sense to start now what took me over 30 years to accumulate. 3DSXL is well worth it, even if you never use the 3d!
  19. Of course it's 5htz. The main living room TV our LGC1 83" is just 10 feet from the modem too. So it baffles me mostly. All consoles download rather quickly and it's always the ps4, and ps5 that's lagging behind. I'm not judging between the two, I like them both. Hate downloading large file and or games from the PSN if it can't even take advantage quite frankly of great Wi Fi very fast speeds! All my Steam Games and anything downloaded from Game pass PC is snappy and very quick, so is Nintendo switch, downloads new purchases very quickly. I'm just asking if someone knows as to why, settings wrong? Don't think so but! I'm glad to try, hell anything really to fix this it so painful watching just a little 25gig install. 25 minutes to download, oh and then 30 for the install itself, so frustrating to me.....
  20. Well seems the 970 evo + reviews I linked to on Amazon are all over the place dang it.
  21. Oh ok, yea Series X if you can just get the one thing any day! SSD prices should continue to fall anyway, I would hope so anyways!
  22. SX? I do enjoy having many games at my finger tips. The thought of having to install, move, reinstall, patch, update, tc doesn't sound fun. The install for Returnal was like watching paint dry. I even had the disc version! For whatever reason it seems like at least 2x as long to install, update, anything vs. Series X. Was the same with X1X vs. Ps4Pro. I do have a pretty good fast wifi. Steam games and updates are so much faster and I do not know why. I average 350-400 Mbps too! HERE is a wifi test I just did of 9ping 420+ Mbps. Anyone know if it's just how it is on PS consoles or maybe I have to change something in settings?
  23. Just saw this on Amazon Samsung 980 pro 1tb 139.99 that seems pretty good? and the same drive but in 2Tb On Amazon for 269.99? probably just about best you can do and I have good experience with most everything Samsung, so there's that . . .
  24. This is old news to you lucky PS5 owners that have been enjoying your console for over 16 MONTHS NOW! now {CRAZY It took me that long to get one!} What m.2 ssd if any did you upgrade with? Prices have come down a bit but 2Tb drives just seem like a bit much to add too $500 price tag. Not that that has EVER stopped me but after installing FF7 ps5 upgrade, Ghosts of Tsushima, Odd World and Returnal I have just about 300 gig left. I don't see the value at all now in the Digital version, well other than $100 bucks can be a lot for some. A upgrade ssd you guys recommend? Probably a 1Tb, I bought the 1Tb Series X SSD and that was $219. I was really disappointed that my 970 Evo M.2 wasn't compatible dang it. I've seen some 2Tb drives for around $299, I don't want to cheap out though if there's a real quality over price point I'll error on the more expensive name brand like Samsung or maybe Western digital, Crucial etc. What's in your console guys? Oh and Heatsinks, on or off? Does the metal plate cover act as a heatsink on PS5? I know there is YouTube but I prefer these boards!
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