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Everything posted by johnny

  1. I don’t remember what it was called but it was red and black and it was by far my favorite theme
  2. It’s wades bat signal. All you have to do is post it and he’ll be along shortly.
  3. I’d probably have a bad attitude too if I looked like that and then got dumped by Carmella
  4. They should reboot it as if this last season never happened and Roseanne has been dead for years
  5. 60k is such a low number. Send them to the gulag for not getting a better bribe.
  6. I have no idea who we’re talking about
  7. 12 is fine but neither that or 13 are anywhere near as good as 11.
  8. Maybe the fact that TFA was a historic event and the first Star Wars movie in a long time after an acquisition to take control away from Lucas who created three shit movies. Maybe that’s why they would expect a decrease with TLJ. I’m not sure why anybody would expect an increase.
  9. Why would they move on from the guy who made over a billion dollars and had a movie that was reviewed excellently because of some nerds with a grudge
  10. If you PM me your first and last name and email you can get your first month for free apparently
  11. IMAX is the selling point for this imo. I’m not interested, but others might be.
  12. I watched like 30 minutes but was tired so I turned it off. Wasn’t sure if I should come back to it.
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