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Everything posted by johnny

  1. She's probably a bitch. But judging by her leaked pics which showed she's a freak I think a lot of men would put up with it for a while.
  2. I was reading stuff about X-Men and numerous times came across people who didnt find her attractive anymore because she "white-washed" herself and in the process messed up her face. Idk dude, I cant explain how some people on the internet think.
  3. Do I really care about any plastic surgery? No, I’m not a fucking internet weirdo who becomes unattracted to a person because of a nose job. I don’t know what she’s had done to her but it really doesn’t matter because she’s still hot at 37
  4. You want to have the highest box office out of everybody in the group. So if you pick oceans 8 6 times it’ll multiply its box office by 6.
  5. Well if he’s innocent then there’s nothing to worry about!
  6. If players would be willing to bunt during the shift it would stop teams from doing it for the most part. But no, half of baseball can’t bunt. The A’s have 15 fucking stolen bases this year.
  7. Enzo and Cass had such a good gimmick to get the crowd hot. They’re the perfect tag team where they don’t really need to win titles or have great storylines all the time to stay relevant. And what does WWE do? Give them barely any time together on the main roster and break them up. Smfh
  8. She probably also calls the police when homeless people ask for change
  9. The problem is a lot of these people want to die on the hill that Luke isnt true to his character or bring up other random Shit as to why they dislike the film. I can totally get why people didn’t like Leia using the force or the whole casino bit but most of their arguments sound like Star Wars fans who are just upset Rian Johnson did different things than what they would have wanted.
  10. A bunch of people from the KKK (Knights of Kathleen Kennedy) up in here!!!!!!!!
  11. If you talk to people who don’t spend hours on the internet every day, you’ll find a lot of people that like the prequels. So of course they’ll like an actual good movie like TLJ
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