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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. I just beat the main story of God of War again and have more side things to do, but the replay solidified how excellent a game this is. It has so much going right and adds so much in comparison to the previous games. 1) Exploration - The original God of War games had secrets to uncover, but God of War PS4 is more "wide-linear," where it's not completely open-world, but it does allow exploration, back-tracking, and the like. Interestingly enough, it utilizes everything to the max. Even in my first playthrough, by the end of the game I still stumbled upon places I missed. And while they're not marked on the map (which is great and I'd like to see more games do that), you can look at the map and go, "Hey, there's an area that looks like it can be entered," and go there, and yup, it's an unmarked area. And then there's the density of the areas. Look up and you'll potentially see items you can shoot down, and they're items you'll use. Find side paths to explore, and you'll find treasures (not to mention the treasure maps that you need to use environmental clues to find). And the treasures are usually new moves, enhancements or some legitimately decent armor. I was changing my Runic attacks throughout the game because I'd explore, I'd find a new, say, light axe attack, I'd notice I like the increase damage or increased stun characteristics, and I'd swap it out. You can just be rowing around the lake and find items in the lake, or permanent stat upgrades around the lake, and they make it very easy to get the items (Atreus mainly takes care of it). You can enter another area and find a mini-puzzle to solve that opens up to a new path. There are just a plethora of goodies you can stumble across, optional enemy encounters, useful items, puzzles, you name it. 2) Combat - I wondered if a story-focused God of War would make concessions in the gameplay department, but the gameplay is aces. It's far more deliberate in this game, I feel. There's more strategy involved, partly due to the new camera angle; you have to be alert to enemy placement, which is why spamming is far less useful to anyone who remembers the tried-and-true [] [] /\ combo. That combo is still useful, but I'm not winning battles spamming it. I also like the use of throwing the axe because you can recall it to help knock away other enemies. You toss it at an enemy (and might be able to pin them to the wall), other enemies are swarming you, and you can line them up and knock them off-balance by recalling the axe. It ended up being a really cool weapon despite not being the iconic blades, and even after expanding my arsenal, I still used the axe. Then you also have Atreus, whose combat ranges from stunning and incapacitating enemies, to being commanded by you with a simple [ ] button. He can open up secrets, detonate explosives, and stun/electrocute enemies. Rarely do you have to save him from something; he can take care of himself. 3) Story and Dialogue - The game easily has the best dialogue in the series. Compare 3 to this game, and it's night and day. The characters all have distinct personalities, and I remember all of them and can describe them pretty easily. The humor... I didn't even expect there to be that much humor in the game, but there are a lot of funny parts, both in the main story and in normal conversation while traveling. The dwarves who sell you things, for example, make fun of the fact that they're everywhere; the game has a lot of fun with it. Many other games have utilized character dialogue while traveling to add to the story, add to the characters and make the walk more enjoyable since you're not engaged in combat. God of War I think pushes it to another level. This is a much more fully-realized Kratos. He's not one-note. He grows. He lack of a sense of humor is his humor. His son grows. The secondary/side characters grow. All in all, I hope God of War PS5 takes it to another level. They have all the groundwork they need.
  2. I wanted to use a new name because we had a clean slate. The last two names I had were actually changed by Wade. :P
  3. The next recession is likely to happen within the next two or three years. Many of you have already pointed it out.
  4. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/roseanne-spinoff-connors-premier-fall-abc/story?id=56075443
  5. Every second Star Wars movie made less than the previous one. And each initial Star Wars movie was an event unlike its sequels (Star Wars was the first period, Phantom Menace was the first new Star Wars movie in a decade and a half, Force Awakens was the first new one in 10 years and the first to feature the initial main cast since 1983). Look at Batman 1989: that was an event movie. Batman Returns made more in its opening weekend but ultimately less in the long-run. Avengers 1 made more than the second because the first was an event and the first time we saw all the heroes together. The second was just a sequel and not Infinity War levels of a sequel (and also coming off event movie Black Panther who was featured in the movie). Black Panther is going to outgross Infinity War in North America. Are you going to tell me Black Panther is more popular than the Black Panther hero and everyone else? Of course not: Black Panther was an event film domestically.
  6. I remember a couple times that we had a few trolls years ago, but I don't think it was overwhelming, and for the past year I didn't think we attracted enough activity to be a board. Totally love chatting wrestling with y'all, but I think it should be a thread. I'm 100% for less is more this time around.
  7. Jason really does have a bad, unoriginal name.
  8. That made me less suspicious of her for some reason, like her brother looked too "squeaky clean" and was intentionally setting the heroes up. But being her instead of him wasn't a huge shocker considering where the suspicions looked to point. It's actually kind of weird that it ended up being a plot twist since the suspicions weren't subtle. Incredibles 1's villain, if you didn't catch the voice during that one Syndrome scene, was a pretty cool reveal. I didn't really buy the "make everyone super" motive too much since it didn't really seem that bad to me and not as important as "giant robot is kicking ass in the city," but the motivation to turn evil and go after supers in general was pretty well-realized.
  9. I thought it was the guy, tbh (revenge for not saving his dad or something like that, and he'd know exactly where Elasticgirl is), but I was in the ballpark.
  10. It was more of a crowd-pleaser than the first and a lot of fun, but it's not on the level of the first. Still, if you're not super tight on money, I'd recommend watching it in theaters; just know that there's not really the same kind of subtext that the first one had. However, that short before the movie was FUCKING FANTASTIC. It's one of my favorite Pixar shorts.
  11. https://www.actionnewsjax.com/news/local/report-woman-shoots-husband-in-testicles-after-he-tries-to-take-her-air-conditioner/770435073
  12. In the Ace Attorney series, this remains up there with one of my favorite of all time. A certain plot twist-filled case can have a good ending or a bad ending. If you present bad evidence, everything goes wrong. Emotional music hits. A build-up to your failures plays in front of you. And then...
  13. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/21/622144455/white-civil-rights-rally-approved-for-d-c-in-august?
  14. @TheLeon bringing up his classic avatar.
  15. We had a thread like this which followed similarly to the "Rate the last movie you watched" thread. Bringing it back, yo. I'm currently playing God of War a second time, this time on Give Me A Challenge. Excellent game overall.
  16. I had to do a double-take looking at the post counts.
  17. The most tragic thing: wtf at my gf no longer exists.
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