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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Still extremely impressed by how well edited and thrilling the final act is.
  2. Timmy Kinner wanted revenge for being kicked out of an Idaho apartment complex, police say. So Kinner attacked a 3-year-old's birthday party at the complex, which houses refugees, and stabbed nine people, including six children, Boise Police Chief William Bones said Sunday. Kinner has been charged with nine counts of aggravated battery and six counts of injury to a child, Bones said.
  3. So how are you this holiday?
  4. Yup, but even more so, it gives them a cop-out. For example, when asked why Collins voted for Gorsuch, she said that she didn't think he'd overturn Roe v Wade.
  5. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/06/29/crash-bandicoot-n-sane-trilogy-gets-new-level-hdr-faster-loading/ It's been up for a couple days. I may reinstall Crash to try out the level (and since I'm rusty, die way too much). Very cool to see them create a new level, perhaps the first of many?
  6. Another positive of the board coming back.
  7. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-autos/gm-warns-u-s-import-tariffs-could-lead-to-smaller-company-idUSKBN1JP2PZ
  8. Assault Android Cactus actually looks fun.
  9. Her observation is stupid in another way besides forgetting that Admiral Ackbar looks like a fish. Princess Leia, in her white dress and buns, didn't look like some rebel leader. Yoda didn't look like a great Jedi warrior. In fact, Empire made it a point that size and looks don't matter. How are these people Star Wars fans?
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/puerto-rico-pushes-for-statehood-calling-it-a-civil-rights-issue/ar-AAzg5Tx?ocid=st
  11. Mostly local ones, though KB Toys and Party City are opening pop-up shops this holiday season, with KB saying they'll keep the ones that do the best business.
  12. Not to mention SCOTUS and the courts in general have implications in all these issues.
  13. If I read correctly, today's the last day Toys R Us is open.
  14. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/06/26/destiny-2-free-weekend-starts-june-29/
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