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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Wonderful output, especially the first half of the year. Heck, I think the reason the first half of this year seemed underappreciated is because it followed up 2017 since there's been quite a bit of quality so far (and much I still have to get to from 2018, nevermind 2017 ) .
  2. Here's a Metacritic list of the highest rated games of 2018. Here's a look at some well-known and lesser-known editors' picks on Metacritic as well.
  3. Yeah, he requested a ban on himself at Reset for some reason. Dude, just return here, GEE ZUZ.
  4. The Pacific has been crawling with activity, but the Atlantic? Not so much. Waters have been cooler than average, and Caribbean wind shear has been high. A weak El Nino seems likelier, which means more active in the Pacific and less active in the Atlantic. I always tell people that it's great to be excited by it, but to always remember Hurricane Andrew, the first hurricane which formed in August in a below-active season that hit Florida as a Cat 5. So it's always don't not pay attention, but it's better for the psyche if you're not getting one storm after another as we did last year.
  5. This is something I've heard from many progressive activists, but it's nice to put it in perspective. It's part of the reason more Republicans are more openly against all immigration (which many of us suspected a good chunk of them were, hiding behind "illegal" immigration as a cover). We had a couple regulars here who were anti-immigration in general years ago.
  6. I thought this was posted already, but I searched for hemp, Mitch, McConnell, Senate, and found nothing. Huh.
  7. Yeah? I didn't feel like using the other shift key at the time.
  8. Did we remove the animated thing on the Playstation one?
  9. Curious if we need to contact anybody else. @Bloodporne @maddux4163 Did you guys manage to make the move? Anyone else missing?
  10. Time to do a podcast in-depth on God of fucking War so it can just be me talking while you guys listen for an hour and go mmmhmmm, yes, interesting, ah.
  11. Woman climbed the Statue of Liberty in protest of Trump's policies and ICE.
  12. Oh shit, it's working again. Huh, thanks whoever did that.
  13. i have to use the left one to use capital letters. if i hold shift and press j like right now, it opens up a console window to the right. if i press control and m, it opens up my profile on the top of google chrome if i press shift and j in notepad, it'll be the equivalent of pressing enter dunno what's going on
  14. Hillary was not attracting the Bernie demographic when she won those states in the primary; Obama was.
  15. I remember the same arguments in 2008 (Hillary has a better chance of winning PA and OH since she won in the primary). That said, I think Duckworth doesn't want to upset the party apparatus. Wisconsin, for example, has a long progressive history despite electing conservatives as well (just recently, Tammy Baldwin is no conservative, and Russ Feingold was fantastic). Minnesota, though not the same easy Democratic victory from the 80s (it very nearly went to Trump and was a swing state both times Bush won), also has a progressive history. Populism can work very well there, as seen by Trump.
  16. Playstation and Retro are easiest on my eyes, definitely. I love the look of the PS one and is the one I use.
  17. This is the best thing I've seen in ages.
  18. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/u-k-government-vows-end-abhorrent-practice-gay-conversion-therapy-n888646
  19. I have never dealt with this, but on the surface, this seems like one of the best endings if she can recognize you all. It sounds like she'll actually have some kind of quality of life.
  20. If you do anything, the expectation shouldn't be death threats. We can't continue to tell people to suck it up and just brush off bad people.
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