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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Stuff went viral back then; it just had to do so via message boards and e-mail and chat rooms (chain mail was more frequently used to spread fake news instead of FB/Twitter memes now).
  2. I have not! I've been curious for user impressions here since it's a departure from Life Is Strange in most ways I've seen.
  3. https://www.mcvuk.com/business/june-charts-fifa-18-at-no-1-footballs-coming-home FIFA 18 God of War Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Detroit: Become Human Far Cry 5 Fallout 4 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Mario Tennis Aces Vampyr Grand Theft Auto V
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2018/jul/06/us-china-trade-war-34bn-tariffs-non-farm-business-live https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/06/china-implements-new-tariffs-on-us-products-state-media-says.html https://www.apnews.com/12f171215572427a9a3350b2c4e57c28/The-Latest:-China-says-tariff-hikes-on-US-goods-took-effect
  5. It's honestly one of the best of the generation for me, but I agree with going in not expecting that. It expands its combat gradually throughout the game, its little perks in exploration and density become more and more apparent as you play, its dialogue starts off great but really doesn't smack you with how great it is until after a while when you compare it to many other games and realize it's on a higher tier, etc. etc. This game's greatness snuck up on me gradually. I played through it twice without NG+ existing yet and am two trophies away from a plat. I'll probably try to get a plat on a NG+.
  6. I don't remember a lot of Titan Souls hype, but it was essentially a 2D attempt at Shadow of the Colossus, done a bit differently since some bosses could be killed in one hit if you found the weak point. I liked the idea a lot, tbh, but I wasn't enamored with it. Still, it makes it easy on you if you lose, so it wasn't too bad dying to some of the bosses.
  7. I always do! Like that one time you asked me what I thought of Spider-Man, and I said it looked really fucking great.
  8. https://money.cnn.com/2018/07/05/media/ed-schultz-death/index.html
  9. I think this is a great counterpoint and still important in the long run (loving the "sinner" and not the sin, letting people live their own life). I still think it's a huge step for a Christian to ask for forgiveness like this, and if I were to ask them those questions and they'd still want to overturn gay marriage legalization or forbid adoption, I'd likely politely tell them why it's important to love them by allowing them to be. I figure if they're taking the step to ask for forgiveness, which honestly doesn't happen enough and is why I'm thrilled to see this, then extending an olive branch and starting a dialogue with people potentially receptive to it is a good next step.
  10. That's pretty good! Ebrietas is one many consider extremely difficult, but there are bosses here that are considering hard that some find a piece of cake. Blood-Starved Beast is one most have trouble with, yet my friend beat him on his first try. One Reborn isn't a popular boss, and he's pretty easy with electric attacks. Celestial Emissary is fun but he's not terribly difficult. I can't wait until you get to the DLC bosses. I may install Bloodborne to co-op with you, tbqh. Or the Chalice Dungeons, SHIT, some of the bosses are fun.
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/02/health/christians-apologize-at-pride-parade-trnd/index.html?ofs=fbia
  12. While I'm happy he's part of the d1p crew, he needs to post here too or else I'll have a sad. Hope Maddux is just not on Steam right now. Guy bought me Persona 5, which is one of my favorite gifts.
  13. Arizona Democratic Senate candidate won't vote for Chuck Schumer. Her background: And challenges in Arizona:
  14. Black women saved us in Alabama. In fact, from what I've seen, they've shown up in large numbers in just about all the big Dem wins in the past year.
  15. Even last year's first half actually produced well-received Japanese games (Gravity Rush 2, Resident Evil 7, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nier: Automata). Perhaps there were more western games that caught your eye, though. It's actually pretty impressive that Japanese games are more of a force after the rocky HD transition. Sony has an ongoing project with Chinese developers, and I wonder if they'll be able to make a name for themselves worldwide since not too many AA/AAA games come from there. Can't say I disagree with you about this fall. It's one of the most exciting ones for me that I can remember!
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/03/africa/dead-south-african-woman-found-alive/index.html
  17. I was wondering the same as I thought the Y axis on top was for the Republican candidate since that's where the words were, but I guess the - behind Republican means look for the negative numbers on the bottom (so higher is Dem, lower is Rep).
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