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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/gaming/713840/Ori-the-Will-of-the-Wisps-How-Moon-Studios-aims-to-perfect-the-Metroidvania-genre
  2. I didn't even think RDR was the best open-world game last gen, and I put Halo 3 over Bioshock last gen. Open-world isn't really a genre. You can be an open-world FPS, an open-world survival horror, an open-world puzzle game, an open-world action game, an open-world RPG, open-world adventure, etc. etc. Open-world seems to be the natural progression of being able to create a living, breathing world. I don't put too many games last gen above things like God of War, Bloodborne, or Horizon, I don't put many linear action-adventure games above UC4 or Lost Legacy, or many arcadey games above Resogun, I don't think there was a stealth game I played that felt as good as MGSV, or an open-world RPG as ambitious with the quality of side quests that Witcher 3 had, and I haven't even touched Switch's games yet, which would add some really wonderful looking stuff to the mix. The Last of Us really is one of the best, but it also came eight years after last gen started. It's part of why it'll be harder for me to properly gauge this gen until it's actually over and I've also gotten my Dreams, my Spider-Man, my Ghost of Tsushima, my Death Stranding, my Last of Us Part II, my RDR2, my RE2 Remake, my Cyberpunk, etc..
  3. It's funny; I loved that intro for every PS1 game: It sounded majestic, like you were getting into a whole world of wonder and it got me psyched. No need anymore with suspend/resume. It's so much more convenient now to just jump into a game or whatever app I'm using, even if that means I'm not getting that awesome startup screen that I remember so positively.
  4. I have soft spots for even OK games I played back in those days, so that sounds about right.
  5. It may end up being the PS4. I've spent more time on it than so many consoles I've owned, I easily own more on it than any prior console, and many of the games have felt far more evolved than previous generations (as things should). Many of the problems with some games last gen, like a brown drabby look or first party games with unstable frame rates, have been improved tremendously, and SharePlay and just sharing in general have been some of my favorite new features of the generation with the latter being something I wanted from a console last gen. Halo 3's Forge mode was an exciting start, but just being able to push a button and upload the last X minutes of my game has been phenomenal. PS2 was my favorite for a while, Genesis growing up in my single digit years, 360 blew me away initially with its Blades UI and online, but PS4 is going to be up there when all is said and done. I guess it's a matter of seeing how the next couple years go and putting everything in perspective later.
  6. You know, there's really no reason to share that many tweets from him. Share the ones that seem important; America doesn't actually read his Twitter account regularly.
  7. The data on the site was corrupted, and the backups were corrupted. It was the shittiest of shit shows, but the user list/post count/reputation remained. It's pretty much going as it did prior to the crash, though, and it might be for the best that everyone's post history vanished.
  8. It's easy to say you're going to support him when you're not yet unemployed. Trump, even if the economy craters in 2019/2020, will still have majority Republican support. McCain had majority Republican support in 2008, easily. Bush was still supported by the majority of Republicans despite 30% overall approval ratings. The key is: will enough stay home, will enough be peeled away, or will enough people who didn't vote last time/don't normally vote show up next time? That's how Dems swept 2008: huge enthusiasm, peeling off just enough Republicans, and getting people to the polls who normally don't show up to get almost 70 million votes. Nobody can know the answer what his support will look like; it should be easy for him to maintain 90% support after inheriting a good economy and then pretending it was all him. People who are lifelong Republicans in hugely Republican areas continuing to support the Republican president is about the least surprising thing I've heard.
  9. Yeah, I thought I was done with the game and then I got into another little sandbox area/world. I'm like, "Nah, the gameplay loop isn't THAT interesting." It was an improvement over the first, but it was too long to finish, pretty much.
  10. With you on the streaming. Watching it here looked way better than the stream, which looked a bit muddier.
  11. Hahaha, I was watching that thinking, "Yup, this part's gonna be difficult for him." Or as your friend would say, "fucking lol" Still, you put the best equipment on you, so you prepared accordingly. To echo what @Chris- said, you dying to Mergo multiple times was amazing to me since I have never died to her in, like, 4 to 5 playthroughs. And Amygdala I don't find as hard but I find fun. Yet there are a point where One Reborn would murder me, whereas you beat it immediately. And plus, you accidentally figured stuff out that I NEVER KNEW. Please let me know when you're gonna tackle the Chalice Dungeons. There are some terrific bosses, particularly in the harder dungeons, and they're a ball co-op.
  12. You're both fine in your own way.
  13. What a spectacle of a game. The cinematic shots during gameplay really shine in this. It reminds me a bit of Shadow of the Colossus which would use a low angle shot that put Wander and Agro on the left third or right third of the screen; it made simple traversal feel far grander.
  14. I guess next time someone posts the 2016 county map, I'll just ask them why they're showing me the counties that will be most affected by Trump's tariffs.
  15. Van Nuys Airport is impressive: a record set just last year is shattered by around 20 degrees.
  16. Welcome! It's been one of my most used consoles ever. Enjoy!
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