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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Thank you for that clarification. I was about to kick your ass.
  2. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-07-04-four-years-after-it-was-announced-crackdown-3-is-in-a-tough-spot
  3. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/north-fulton-county/two-officers-accused-of-using-mobile-app-to-decide-whether-woman-goes-to-jail/789370419 Okay, so I think A was Atlanta and R was Roswell, not Arrest/Release, based on what the officer said, "Atlanta or Roswell?" I saw that because the video shows arrest/release, but I don't think the letters meant that. Unless I'm just missing something? The whole use of an app is so freaking stupid.
  4. New York pizza is excellent. I'm always amazed at how extra small business has their own way of making pizza, and they're all so freaking good.
  5. A few of you saw it, but in case you missed it: In Sacha Baron Cohen's provocative new comedy show, U.S. lawmakers were pranked into backing a fictitious program to teach kindergartners how to use guns to defend themselves in school shootings.
  6. Did everyone hear the news that Hulk Hogan has been reinstated into the HoF?
  7. You already hooked me up with a SNES Mini, so I'm good. w00t!
  8. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/07/09/mlb-the-show-18-new-rewards-events-for-all-star-week-start-today/
  9. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-07-12-we-just-created-the-game-that-we-wanted-to-play-as-japanese-developers And on development of future games:
  10. I know; you've used the old meme before and we told you it made no sense. That's why I enjoyed bringing up the other pics.
  11. Hey Wade, I know Crash doesn't belong, but why didn't you steal this one from the same thread?
  12. Interesting polling about support for NATO: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/is-trump-fueling-republicans-concerns-about-nato-or-echoing-them/
  13. Hey, speaking of the upper midwest, does anyone remember when McCain ran in 08, he had that big gaffe where Rep Murtha (D-PA) blurted out that there are a lot of racists in western Pennsylvania, and McCain tried to pounce on that and said, "Some of Senator Obama's supporters have said some pretty nasty things about western Pennsylvania lately, and you know, I couldn't agree with them more." Then he started fumbling to correct himself. Man, that was one of my favorite gaffes of all time.
  14. You're kicking ass anyway. I have not opened a new card in a long time, and now that you say that, I do remember being advised not to open too many since that'll affect my credit score through credit utilization IIRC. I think I actually trimmed down on my cards this decade, come to think of it, so that must have helped! I don't get how people function with bad credit. I'm not even judging; it's more that, one of my co-workers pays the same amount monthly as I do, but his car is a used old car. I'm like, "wtf, how are you not paying significantly less than I am?" and he said, "My credit sucks." If the best I could do was an old car paying the same as I am now, I'd freak out. O_O_O_O_O_O
  15. Gotcha. I know age of credit matters, and mine is a little over 12 years now, so 850 is possible and fortunately my reality. I don't think much changed between now and six years ago, so the 730ish I was at may have been my max in 2012.
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