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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Nah, because then you just have the governors sign laws within their states if a poor president such as Trump is in office.
  2. http://www.news-journalonline.com/news/20180722/gov-rick-scott-profits-from-hep-c-drug-tied-to-state-prisons-opioid-crisis
  3. If she can crack it and hold onto it in 2020, that would work well as a Democratic governor will have a say on the census.
  4. https://www.sonicstadium.org/2018/07/sonic-mania-cheat-codes-discovered/ To enable the codes, you need to do the following. Enter Mania Mode and go to ‘No Save’. You now need to enter the code for the level select. PS4: Hold Square, Select No save. Xbox: Hold X, Select No save. Switch: Hold Y, Select No save. You will now be at the level select. Go to sound test and play the following sounds to enable the desired code. 3 3 3 1 9 7 9 0 8 1 1 – Changes all animals into Squirrels. 4 1 2 6 – All Emeralds 1 9 9 2 1 1 2 4 – Infinite Continues 2 0 1 8 0 6 2 3 – Force Encore Mode 1 9 8 9 0 5 0 1 – Unknown 2 0 1 7 0 8 1 5 – Super Sonic Flight in normal levels (Don’t need to be Super to trigger it). 9 0 0 1 – Max Control For Sonic (Dropdash, Super Peel Out, Insta-Shield) 0 0 0 0 6 2 1 4 – Disable Super Music
  5. I don't think there are enough progressives in that district to get whatever your ideal candidate is over the finish line.
  6. I know it's obvious a sequel was happening, but If you want to break into the industry, apply in the link. @DuesEXgame This sounds like a job for you!
  7. This Ex-CIA Democrat Is Running as the Tough Guy Against Rep. Brat (guy who beat Eric Cantor in a primary)
  8. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2018/07/23/astro-bot-rescue-mission-deploys-to-playstation-vr-october-2/ https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2018/07/23/action-packed-ps-vr-exclusive-platformer-astro-bot-rescue-mission-launches-3rd-october/ This kind of reminds me of some of Sony's quirky PS1 platformers. I hear the Robot Rescue in Playroom VR was pretty cool, but I've yet to buy myself one.
  9. I've talked with some of the moderate/Blue Dogs. They feel that the platform being influenced by Sanders helped lose votes in 2016. They really underestimate how many people stayed home who were progressives, considering the vast majority of Republicans voted for Trump.
  10. https://amp.theguardian.com/games/2018/jul/18/bethesda-games-interview-todd-howard-pete-hines-elder-scrolls-starfield
  11. Ebert's review was a delight to read, and his words ring true to this day. Wish he were still around. He surely did in the sequel.
  12. Wish I would have caught this the day of, but better four days late than never. https://www.scmp.com/culture/film-tv/article/2156156/dark-knight-how-most-critics-got-it-wrong-10-years-ago-about-film https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2018/07/18/the-dark-knight-changed-how-we-see-comic-book-movies-but-10-years-ago-some-critics-couldnt-see-its-greatness/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.3769858aa794 https://www.slashfilm.com/the-dark-knight-themes/ And it still has one of the best trailers I've ever seen. "Goes to change pants" was a common response:
  13. I don't know the person, but I've never seen this in public. I was eating with some friends and we noticed a guy sweating at a table. He was with his friends or family/relatives... dunno which, but it doesn't matter. It wasn't just that he was looking hot, but he was clearly unwell in a bigger way. They put cool towels on him, he was saying he needed to go someplace cooler, and one of the servers called 911. He wasn't saying much as his friend surrounded him. I saw lights flash and the responders arrived. As they were outside, I saw him take a few breaths, and I started worrying that he was suffering a heart attack. As the men came inside, his eyes spun to the top of his head, and one of the paramedics took him under the arms and set him down on the ground. While they were getting him ready to transfer him to the ambulance, we saw the man breathing. Then we saw him communicate with the paramedics on scene, and he started taking things out of his pockets (maybe he was giving them to his friends, but I don't know). I'm pretty sure I heard one of the paramedics that he had a seizure. I don't know much about how it's brought on and the symptoms prior to one, but in my limited knowledge, I was relieved it was a seizure and not a heart attack or something like that. It looks like it only lasted around a minute, which apparently is typical. Anyone ever see something like this happen while you were out? This is a first for me, though I've heard of people who suffer from it, or some instances where a person with a brain tumor will suffer at least a seizure a day.
  14. I feel his endorsements are copy/pasted because I'm positive he's said this verbatim.
  15. Red state Democrats are really good at building their own brand. How some of them survive really impresses me. But this also means I expect a vote in the negative for SCOTUS (just like last time).
  16. I'm pretty impressed so far with journalists have handled this. All networks have talked about this being controlled by the Trump administration as a likely distraction and have kept their focus on the failed summit and implications as to what Russia has on him. I was driving around a lot today, and the stories have been about Russia, the summit, and our intelligence agencies. Three different rape accusations. But I think people give Trump too much credit. Bill Clinton was accused of rape in his second term. He actually had a 60% approval rating during good economic times (though wages were still stagnant) while Trump has 41%. That's why when people say, "Nothing matters," and borrow that tired SNL line, they don't get that it is hurting, and his party actually have lost seats in deep red country, something that didn't happen under Bill (his party gained seats in a midterm despite Monica Lewinsky).
  17. These are the kinds I bought. They don't fall off easily and they actually look nice on the controller. I've had them for around three years now and don't regret the purchase. I can confirm the new Gold PS4 controller I bought, like, last year or the year prior has worked fantastically. It was definitely fixed for me.
  18. Chris Cuomo actually said that yesterday. Spent a bit of time talking about how this was a Trump team distraction and then talked about Russia and the summit. Many in the news are actually saying that.
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