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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/mb4gyb/photos-wildfires-in-sweden-in-the-arctic-circle-seen-from-satellites-in-space UK's turned brown in the past two months:
  2. That's pretty obvious satire. The crime is that conservatives are constantly unfunny. =\
  3. I'm pretty close, then. Nice. And yeah, I haven't seen whatever episode that is for, like, a decade, so it's probably butchered.
  4. OH SHIT I finally got to the updog line which I always knew was from this series! What season is (and I might be getting the summary slightly/majorly wrong) the episode when Michael says a gay joke but doesn't know if someone's gay, and then some other guy says well don't tell the joke to him, and Michael says something like, "Would you want someone to not tell you a joke as if you were a gay?" I know I saw a scene like that eons ago.
  5. That's actually kind of sad to me, lol. I mean, I'm glad it's really good for more seasons, but I'm used to many of my favorite series starting to get good in Season 2, not peaking there. I shall let y'all know when I get there. The internet recently lost his iPod to Pam and then got a Kelly nameplate, lolol. That's true. Everybody in the world and even zygotes have seen the series; I'm the last one to go. =\
  6. I wish more libraries had a coffee shop like Barnes and Noble. Some do, but leasing out some space to a private coffee shop would be really cool. I love reading at Starbucks anyway; put one (or any coffee shop, including mom and pop) at a library and I'm there.
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/24/ivanka-trump-is-shutting-down-her-fashion-brand-wsj-reports.html
  8. I am so late to this series. As shown by the title, The Fire is my favorite episode so far (I'm on around episode 6 or 7 in Season 2). I'm sure my favorite will change, but that episode worked on so many levels, and bringing back the, "I don't wanna be a something guy," joke at the end was a lovely callback.
  9. I brought that up to my friends with whom I was eating. I have a friend who works in a hospital and has told me some of the stuff he's seen, and I'm thinking, "You know, it made me uneasy just watching this one guy have a seizure. PRAISE THE LAWD there are people who can get used to this."
  10. Cool, let's all just kill ourselves now since you guys have every worst-case scenario mapped out until the heat death of the universe.
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