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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. The metrics of if someone accepts that racist Democrats switched parties/vouched for Republicans, and the fact that the KKK was/is conservative, are the metrics I use to determine if that person is worth listening to.
  2. counterfeit monopoly money
  3. The Food and Drug Administration approved the first generic version of EpiPen on Thursday, a move that will bring new competition for the lifesaving allergy injection that helped spark public furor over high drug prices.
  4. Yes, I finished it. Based off of his BOTW video that told us nothing interesting about the game, I'm going to assume anything he ever wrote is plagiarized.
  5. The guy is accusing FILIP of copying this video: when he made this one: Pretty damn similar intro. I'm seriously amazed at what people have been finding.
  6. YES BUT I CARED ABOUT HIM AND WAS NOT AT PEACE The wedding ring eventually tipped me off and then I found peace, not just with the movie, but with myself, something to live for, someone to strive to be
  7. Better not show Trump the tapes of him calling Hillary a wonderful woman and someone he has a lot of respect for.
  8. Where am I gonna fit God of War? I have two other games in just the next couple of weeks. For Hellblade, my friend's been pestering me about it for the better part of a year, so it's time I get into it.
  9. Probably not for a while. I'm probably getting Hellblade next week on sale and then Spidey when it comes out the beginning of next month. In between, I won't be starting a game the size of AC. It'll still be there waiting for me down the line.
  10. But his videos contain NO INTERESTING INFORMATION! Seriously, watch that Breath of the Wild video. You'd think someone who's hired as a NINTENDO EDITOR would know just a LITTLE about one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. The best case scenario is he was flirting with her and wanted to ask an obvious question so he could compliment her answer or something. Otherwise, I have no idea what's going on.
  11. Curious if this will be the case as there was that, er, "story" about God of War's pre-orders being weak and it's the fastest-selling PS exclusive of all time and will likely be in the Top 10 this year in sales. Could get cannibalized by RDR2 and COD but I guess we'll see.
  13. It's still a lot of damn collectibles, but I DO agree that at least you get rewarded with something outside of a trophy! City probably had my favorite ending to the Riddler quest. And just hearing Riddler's desperation for I believe any of the games the closer and closer you get to collecting everything.
  14. Putting aside my opinion that NSMBU is really, really good... Are we really saying that Mario Teaches Typing would be a better port? REEAAALLLYYY?
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