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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Bob Dylan sells entire song catalog to Universal Media Group WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The catalog runs from Dylan's 1962 "Blowin' in the Wind" to "Murder Most Foul," released earlier this year, the music company said Monday.
  2. Sun Sentinel Investigation: Gov. Ron DeSantis ‘Ordered Public Health Officials Not To Discuss The COVID-19 Virus With The Public’ MIAMI.CBSLOCAL.COM In the midst of this pandemic, a SunSentinel investigation found that Gov. Ron DeSantis and his administration had been misleading the public about the crisis from the beginning. Here's the main article: Secrecy and spin: How Florida’s governor misled the public on the COVID-19 pandemic WWW.SUN-SENTINEL.COM The DeSantis administration tried to control public information on the coronavirus pandemic by sidelining Florida health experts, spreading misinformation, withholding data, and casting doubt on the risks, a Sun Sentinel investigation has found.
  3. All my life, I knew Giuliani to look like this, with fewer or more wrinkles depending on the year: But he really blew up in his old age, hasn't he?
  4. Are they missing a ton of people? Because this is a weird follow-up to a stellar national championship season last year. Coach O has been doing splendid overall, so this year seems out of character.
  5. Win this and Gators go to the SEC Championship. And it'll feel better than 2015/2016 when we defaulted to it somehow. Mullen has made the team so much more fun to watch.
  6. Partly agree. A lot of people attacking Dem leadership - rightly for plenty of things - don't remember what their all knowing strategies were just a few months ago.
  7. This should have been made a high priority prior to the election, not after.
  8. House to take historic vote on federally decriminalizing marijuana - ABC News ABCNEWS.GO.COM The MORE Act would mandate a reassessment of prior marijuana convictions and invest in social services for people caught up in the war on drugs. My favorite part of the article: LOL
  9. Curb has great moments, but I agree with the criticism that it's basically a George Costanza show without the ensemble to balance it. That conversation Larry and Jason have about where to do the meeting, though... so fucking good.
  10. At a certain point there's not much of a distinction between a show made in the 90s and a current show that is set in the 90s. If you watch an old show or watch a show set in an old time, you're going to instinctively understand that technology will be different.
  11. It's also funnier because it's left to the imagination. At one point Frasier goes to meet who you think is Maris, and then you think you see her but it's actually the cleaning lady behind her. Doesn't work with an actor playing her.
  12. Doesn't matter that it's white (do you not know any actual black people? Many dig that show), and I prefer shows with audiences. There's no sitcom with a live audience that feels old because it's like that. If anything, because it's a stage, you're more likely to get stronger actors like Caroll O'Connor and Jason Alexander who feed off the audience. This argument needs to be laid to rest. NYC was expensive then. That's not age; you just have to accept that the show isn't filled with nuclear physicists. If you want the jokes to not "age," then do a period piece like That 70s Show. I understood Goodfellas despite the fact that there's a payphone in it and when he stood her up at a date, Pesci never texted him.
  13. I look forward to it. I'm on 3-2 and was kicking ass until I chased a lizard off a cliff.
  14. The episode where the AC is broken so they all are having weird daydreams is so good. Though I still don't understand the ending when Jimmy is looking at that globe with presumably the whole station in there.
  15. My man. Frasier stands the test of time as well. NBC must have been masturbating furiously to having both Seinfeld and Frasier air on their network. I used to love Married with Children and thought it was the best show ever because everyone cheered when a character entered the room, so that MUST mean those characters are the best. But the few episodes I've seen since seemed not that great? Maybe I'm catching all the bad episodes, or maybe it's another in a long line of things I watched back in the day that I didn't realize wasn't that great. I enjoyed some Office episodes but I still don't get why it's as popular as it is. Not really bothered by it, but it wasn't that funny, and then it got REALLY not funny when Michael left.
  16. Nah, it doesn't fall into the, "Obvious moral, strings play, crowd goes aww and then applauds," trap. HI is okay. "The Look" is the highlight for me.
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