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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Am I the only person that enjoyed Jean Claude Van Johnson? It's was dumb, but it's a fun stupid way.
  2. There are also people out there with a lot of hair. That is, enough hair that over the head headphones are uncomfortable after long periods of time. My wife or anyone else with a fro would probably appreciate a headset like this.
  3. Ha! https://www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/gynvnw/brie-larson-was-told-to-smile-so-she-put-smiles-onto-marvel-dudes
  4. You aren't denied the ability to create threads, so by all means, start one. I just haven't the faintest ideas what that story has to do with Kavanaugh.
  5. One big thing is that I wish Netflix could get the rights to the series and continue it since Nickelodeon doesn't seem to want to. I know Korra's sorry continued in comic form, so there's more story to tell. Even then, the universe, itself, is a fantastic place to tell stories. I'm completely invested in the Avatar universe. I'm in for this adaptation only because the original creators are on board as show runners.
  6. Good thing this guy isn't in charge of shaping the lives of children or anything like that.
  7. This is exactly what has stopped me from buying additional Switches. I guess it's time to change that.
  8. Cool, so you can use those gold coins you get for buying games to pay for your subscription. I think I buy enough games digitally to make that $20 a year free for me.
  9. It's not even about faking it. It's the number. Like, if the letter were signed by five women, sure. Ten women, whatever. Twenty women, yeah why not. 65 women? That's large enough to be seen as an obvious exaggeration. It's like that kid in high school that swore he had like thirty girlfriends in twenty different states.
  10. 65 non-family members who knew me at 16 and are willing to vouch for my character? Yeah, that's not happening. That's such a weirdly large number.
  11. I'm 35 and went to a school with thousands of students. I couldn't come close to naming 65 women I went to HS with. I can't imagine it would be any easier at 50.
  12. It will be fun to watch the change in gears. After these numbers came out, many on the right were pinning this on the Puerto Rican government which, in all fairness, didn't exactly make things better. Now they have to turn around and stop blaming local politicians and then move on to none of those deaths being real at all.
  13. I paid $5 to save a copy of my pokemon in that stupid Pokemon Bank, so yeah, I'll drop $20 just for cloud saves.
  14. The one thing I like about all this is that without a single ounce of shame, this went from "totally fake" to "this person is a traitor and a coward".
  15. Do you want something that's purely about the gameplay or more of a narrative experience? Gameplay-wise, there are great games like Celeste. From the narrative side of things, you have stuff like Oxenfree or Night in the Woods.
  16. Hell, he could have said "I have, but at the time I didn't realize their firm was representing the president". There are like a million ways to answer that question. Simply refusing to is like the worse way possible.
  17. He very easily could have said that to his knowledge, he hadn't. He's under oath, so he wouldn't be lying if he was not aware that someone he had spoken to worked at that firm. Nobody would have held that against him. His caginess here is the issue.
  18. It's going to be some not household name on Pence's staff. Then Trump and Fox will laugh about how "senior" was fake news and everyone on the right will summarily dismiss everything else as a result.
  19. This is a 35 minute presentation. Online launches this month. 35 minutes for a Direct is a long time, so I have to imagine they'll use some of that time to go over their Online service.
  20. There's a difference between Trump goes away and the deep state stole the presidency from Trump's grasp. That would be a story no news agency could ignore. Trump loves to be in front of the camera, so he'd be on every station talking about how horribly unjust it all is. Unless he's going to jail, the GOP can never allow him to be in that position and there's just about no chance he'd ever go to jail. The best they could hope for, as far as removing him from office while saving face, is to just convince him to not run for a second term.
  21. People are terrified of his base turning against them. That base won't ever vote Democrat, but it could certainly lead to a new Tea Party-like wave driving out many of those currently in office.
  22. No problems here. Didn't he come out like a month ago saying he'd love to play the part? He's a fan and shouldn't have much trouble looking the part with the right makeup. Sure, he's young, but it's not like he needs to look sixty years older or anything. He's also a good actor and can pull off the charisma he needs just fine. I wouldn't hold any acting you get out of any of the DC movies against the actors themselves. Those movies are train wrecks. No actor was going to save any of them.
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