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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I'm game. This looks like it could be a lot of fun.
  2. You should tell that to Romney. It would have saved everyone a lot of time.
  3. You mean how do Republicans KEEP getting elected governor. Local politics in Massachusetts don't exactly align with federal politics. A Republican Baker is an incredibly moderate, never-Trump while Democrats in the state range from mildly moderate to wildly, far left. My problem with him is that he's still a Republican and while he he does come out against Trump with quite some regularity, he still backs members of the House and Senate that are very firmly in Trump's camp.
  4. Well, I voted. I think that's the first straight Democrat ballot I've ever submitted. I usually wind up mixing it up a bit at the local level, but not really this year. Even mild support for Trump is kind of crazy to me. Hearing Charlie Baker talk about Trump being disappointing doesn't really do much for me, even if he very likely he wins reelection.
  5. So everyone really is dead and Kirby is the only survivor. Yeah, I could buy that.
  6. That was fun...for a Red Sox fan...or anyone that hates the Dodgers. Great show for the whole team.
  7. So I guess we're getting the super sports equinox... https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-dodgers-are-one-win-away-from-triggering-the-super-sports-equinox-in-la/
  8. I spent all night cleaning. This game is going to survive me. I don't think I can go any longer.
  9. I had been meaning to pick up The Gardens Between, so this pushed me over the edge. I should also get around to picking up and playing Florence. It looks like a good short round of fun.
  10. I'm really starting to believe a foreign government duped Bloomberg. For what reasons, I don't know, but it would be the only explanation that would make any sense here.
  11. I couldn't be happier for a lot of them. I'm trying not to be biased, but I can't imagine how anyone couldn't like these guys.
  12. So how long until "well, he was actually a Democrat"?
  13. 1, he's pushing 70. 2, I'm totally OK with that. The Bruce in Batman Beyond should be old, but still look like he can throw a punch. He shouldn't look like he can barely stand for more than a few minutes.
  14. Big Bird is the most ridiculous Muppet to control. I find it crazy he was even able to keep doing it into his 80s.
  15. As I said in the other thread, the only correct option for old Bruce is Michael Keaton.
  16. And she's out... She also defended her tweet on the way out the door, so there's that as well. I like the line about her experience since it includes her time spent covering for Nassar.
  17. Why would it? They have several lawsuits going on at the same time. He gets to suck around for a while longer
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