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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I don't like doing it, myself, but this is pretty much a result of this same behavior coming from interviewing companies. I don't know how many times I've gone in for first, second, or even third time interviews and then complete radio silence. After a while I'll just assume I didn't get the job. That happens to you enough, it's bound to start going the other way. If enough time goes by, I'll just write the company off as someone I don't ever want to work. So here's my shocked face. I'm shocked that something that companies that have made this kind of professionalism a norm are now dealing with the repercussions.
  2. It might be. Here's a link to the sorry that should be accessible everywhere: https://www.theroot.com/racial-profiling-at-its-finest-white-man-uses-suv-to-1827057448
  3. We need an official white people being afraid of minorities thread. Then we'd also have a place to dump the story of a guy that was trying to protect a gated community from a black woman that lived in it. https://www.11alive.com/mobile/article/news/local/racial-profiling-at-its-finest-black-doctor-says-man-used-suv-to-keep-her-out-of-her-community/85-566091272
  4. Microsoft and Nintendo have no desire to let Sony's unwillingness to open up cross play go forgotten.
  5. I was just talking about this story. There is no way the CEO of a company as large as Intel resigns as a result of a consensual relationship that ended years ago. Not after he got to stay on board after it came out that he "coincidentally" sold tens of millions of dollars worth of shares just prior to Meltdown and Spectre hitting the public.
  6. That's the way to do it. Force the one being bullied to eat at the guidance counselor's office every day to avoid the bullies. Not, you know, force the bullies to eat apart from the rest of the friends. Nothing like taking a child that is being harassed and further ostracizing them. Success indeed.
  7. Where am I supposed to get my icon? This is a disaster. Also, I just realized I don't have a backup copy of it on any of my computers.
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